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What Grinds Your Gears...


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Being at work for 9 hours when it's going to be a cracking day -_-

I hear that, but at least im working from home today!


Also, how the hell have the go compare adverts lasted that long?! Ive never wanted anyone to suffer from laryngitis before, but those adverts.... ARGH!!!

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women again...especially when pissed...and tryin to talk about football...and then just resortin to shoutin cos they know they're idiots




Wife (not pissed but had a few) telling me 'n Josh all about football while watching MOTD.


She knows nothing but gets very excited and suddenly becomes an expert.....I'm immune to it but it pisses Josh off big timetongue.png .

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I'll be honest and say I genuinely cannot stand all this time changing shit, I mean it's supposed to be officially now 'British Summer Time', are these people fucking stupid? It's like 8.C outside and still in the month of March. 'British Summertime' dry.png


And they've brought it forward about two weeks earlier this year just to add insult to injury. It was only a few weeks ago it was getting dark at 5PM and now low and behold yesterday, 7PM, and today - another goddamn hour on top of that, it really does hack me off. Why can't they just leave the damn times alone, just keep away from them, I've already put my PC clock back to 4-00 now, I'm not being told when to do things and 'put clocks forward', go fuck yourselves, I'll do things in my own time, I won't let people dictate my life dry.png


I always get really hacked off at this time of year, born in December and I always like the winter, last thing I want right now is lighter evenings and all that it entails. There are so many negative elements for me during the summer. sad.png Going to be difficult as from today but we'll just get through again as with every year. I have no choice.


Furthermore, it won't be long now before it'll be October again and they'll be fucking around again with their damn time changes etc, gain an hour, lose an hour, The time will soon pass, I just have to be patient and get through it, as always. There's no sense in getting distraught about something we cannot change. It's out of my hands. sad.png

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I'll say it again, all this clock changing fucking shit, and how long before it's October again and they start messing around again with the damn clocks. Just leave the damn times alone.


angry.png Not really one for summer or light hours. sad.png


About 187 days.........



But, its 214 days til Sunday, 28 October 2012 when the clocks change again ;)

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went to see jack dee last night...and noticed summat that really annoys me


them people at films or gigs or whatever who whenever they laugh have to turn to their mate to see if they're laughin also...woman was doin it right in front of me and it was gettin on my tits!!


also...people who whistle...why the fuck do people whistle?

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This....the "world's largest scrum". A World Record.




Eight hundred kids have a hug and it's news? Get enough people together and what's the big deal?


Zero achievement.


I got a Guinness book of records for Christmas in about 1970 and it was full of people who actually did something (or ate a Triumph Spitfire).


Freddie Flintoff was jumping up and down celebrating the other day (sport relief) because he's drunk a cup of hot chocolate faster than anyone else and made the book. Nobody had actually ever tried before and I'm sure by now someone has beaten it (if anyone can be bothered).




I shall now make an attempt at the record for the fasted typing of the word "wibble" twenty-six times on a Friday in March.


Get Guinness on stand-by!

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I'm actually in the guinness book record , for use of profanities when the times were changed last Sunday.


It made Nil By Mouth look like Jackanory.


And while we're at it, retailers who charge £3-65 for a 12 pack of quavers 'buy one get one free'


First off £3-65 for 24 anyway is highway robbery, and nobody's going to just go in to their miserable stores, purchase one fucking bag and not bother about the other. If you only want the one, may as well have them both etc. dry.png

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