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What Grinds Your Gears...


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Those pair of 118 cunts on ITV. I'd like to do things to those two individuals that aren't printable on these pages. It's bad enough there's goddamn commercials on every four or five minutes that spoils everything, but this just rubs salt in the wounds.


I'm no fan of BBC television, but at least you can watch something without constant fucking interruptions. I don't want to see commercials, I'm not going to buy any of your damn products, and I don't need them in my face every freaking five minutes. I wish I could get hold of some people sometimes and any certain murder charge may even be worth it.


Kids standing around again today in retail stores doing nothing. Too many retail stores, too many retail parks, too many parking lots, I don't know where it will end. As soon as there's a spare spot of land to build on, up come more fucking stores. More damn shopping and traffic chaos and more kids standing around doing nothing. I'll just keep away from these areas, I really have no alternative.


Back to the movie and I'm done for this night

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Hearing some kid fraternizing with someone he knows in some undisclosed retail store earlier today and stating 'I'm working here now'


There's no such thing as fucking 'working' in the store in question. I can't abide people who just stand around all day in jobs or sit around doing nothing.


Denaro per niente..


I'd rather put in a days work and earn a damn salary. Can't tolerate people like that.


How do you earn a salary!

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I don't think I could get through the days if I didn't have something to complain about, then I'd be complaining that there was nothing to get upset about. Even if it is doing my health no favors in the long run but it's almost impossible not to lose control over something each waking day. There's some real criminal intentions in the mind often enough.


Kids standing around again today up to not much, but I just didn't even look at them and left the premises as soon as able

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I don't think I could get through the days if I didn't have something to complain about, then I'd be complaining that there was nothing to get upset about. Even if it is doing my health no favors in the long run but it's almost impossible not to lose control over something each waking day. There's some real criminal intentions in the mind often enough.


Kids standing around again today up to not much, but I just didn't even look at them and left the premises as soon as able


Dalziel!.......Don't buy a gun.

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The shit they play on Radio One. The presenters are bad enough and how I feel about them isn't even printable, and while no fan of todays music, it is just a load of unmitigated awful fucking shit. They had Timberlake in the studio today and if I'd have been there it would have been absolute carnage. I didn't have any damn chloice in listening, it was on in some miserable piece of shit premises and I couldn't get out soon enough. No sense in making a scene.

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I hate radio DJ's but I've actually found that Radio One isn't that bad compared to some of the annoying cunts out there. I'll usually flick between Radio One and XFM if I'm listening to the radio but thats not very often. The most I'll listen to the radio is when I'm listening to old tapes of the times when Ricky Gervais hosted XFM with Steve Merchant and Karl Pilkington back the early 00's.

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We live in a detached residence but there's other families in the vicinity and our closest ones are moving out so that means new neighbors and I'm a little skeptical about who will be next. These present ones have been good enough despite some fat woman having sporadic arguments with her partner and in the end, moved out taking her cats with her, and it was much better after that, but fuck knows what will happen now. You never know what will be coming next and I can't help but feel apprehensive and irritated, but maybe they'll be decent people. Single owners would be appreciated once again. But not happy about this

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They're collectively known as wankers but yeah, they're all singers/entertainers. The music channel was on the TV and those three came on one after another, I can't stand either of them. Pitbull acts like some sort of 'Brazilian super-stud' in each of his videos whilst at the same time dancing as if he's having a cardiac arrest whilst Nicki Minaj is just a plain tool, Google her, you'll soon see why.





The Lazy Song - Bruno Mars.

Edited by Zoo
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I couldn't find anything else to respond to in the miscellaneous index but Mars or any other awful shit would not get a listening. Todays music for the most part is simple fucking garbage, I hope a goddamn atomic bomb drops on the Radio One studio and their unprintable presenters and music choices.


It's just as well there's channels and stations that cater for 1960s sounds or close decades as I couldn't listen to anything other. Todays 'music' can go fuck itself.


Inefficient dentists, degenerates, gambling, rundown neighborhoods, and ITV can also be added here, but I did have a look around an art gallery today and there were some interesting exhibits

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Any fucking commercials is bad enough, it doesn't matter what the content is. It's impossible to watch anything these days or even radio stations now and I wish I could get hold of some people and cause a serious incident, I wouldn't hold back.


Add to this - the Oldham fan site. Registered but you can't get involved in any discussions. Says you don't have permission to view much at all, except your own username on line and who else is present. Logged in but can't do anything or get involved damn it. Stupid site !


Can't be bothered getting in touch with Administrators and by the time anything gets done (Mirallas has scored) it will all be a little too late, and I just haven't the patience for it. Back to the game...

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