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What Grinds Your Gears...


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Think I've mentioned that before in this thread; quite a recent thing but happens everywhere now. Little shits.

The little bastards last night had a bit of a shock. They did it crossing the road to go the shop I wasn't going to.


Got out the car "what are playing at?!" Stunned look by one... the other got brave and said "what we done wrong?". "Think you are being clever? You are being a dick head"


Repeated in the shop to the shop attendant... "there's two lads there who think it's a good idea to challenge cars to run them over"


If i knew where they lived in would gladly see their parents and say "it appears your son likes to play games with cars... don't be surprised if you get an unwanted knock at the door".


I'm trying to think if I did this when I was a kid. The worst I did was press the button on pedestrian crossing when I didn't need it.

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The bbc's need to end every stat post they make with 1 word.




1 - Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain has scored and assisted a goal in the same Champions League game for the first time. Busy.


Don't know why but it aggravates me

I think that's an opta stats thing. It is pretty irritating though.

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The bbc's need to end every stat post they make with 1 word.




1 - Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain has scored and assisted a goal in the same Champions League game for the first time. Busy.


Don't know why but it aggravates me


I'm with you on that one, here's a new one for the BBC


1 - The number of people that give a shit about their "stats".

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Think about the poor sod in the chair who is taking 45 minutes longer than he thought. :D


Ha! No she said she'd had emergencies all day, only two on duty instead of three so she'd been flat out and had no lunch so I couldn't be cross (plus she's gorgeous!). Wife waiting in the car was a little less understanding :rofl:.


I was in and out in five minutes when I eventually made it at around five to. Have to back next month for gum treatment/descale which I have to have my whole mouth numbed for (very sensitive teeth) so loads of needles but it has to be done; they're all likely to drop out over the next 10/15 years anyway so want to keep them as long as I can. Resting my head on her chest every 3/4 months is a small price to pay :D.


(Think I'm probably repeating myself here, but I'm allowed senior moments)

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  • 2 weeks later...

On my computer 'news feed', whatever is happening anywhere in the world, there is a view on it expressed by Gary Lineker? Today he is giving his views on the American election - why? He was a decent footballer and has made a good transition to presenting football but why would we be interested in his views on non-football issues?

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Orange / EE had my first mobile with them 31 years ago still with them and when you have a problem and need a little bit of flexibility to help you out they don't want to know so fuck em it doesn't pay to stay loyal to these companies you don't get any recognition for it really pisses me off wankers

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Orange / EE had my first mobile with them 31 years ago still with them and when you have a problem and need a little bit of flexibility to help you out they don't want to know so fuck em it doesn't pay to stay loyal to these companies you don't get any recognition for it really pisses me off wankers


They only launched in 1994 :huh:.

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