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36 minutes ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

Everton met the premier league? The hearing is with an independent body. 
It’s began in secret? The dates have been public knowledge for ages. 

This man is an absolute disgrace to journalism and has been dining out on Evertonians for way too long. Absolute clickbait merchant abusing fans with article after article of made up shit because he knows we’ll all read it. Massive cunt!

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8 hours ago, StevO said:

Everton met the premier league? The hearing is with an independent body. 
It’s began in secret? The dates have been public knowledge for ages. 

This man is an absolute disgrace to journalism and has been dining out on Evertonians for way too long. Absolute clickbait merchant abusing fans with article after article of made up shit because he knows we’ll all read it. Massive cunt!

I just saw Daily Mail and instantly knew to avoid it. 

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2 hours ago, RuffRob said:

Talk in the press today is that the Premier League will be looking for a 12 point deduction if we are found guilty of breaches of FFP.  I would guess that would make it very very difficult for a club in our position to avoid relegation. Bit worrying. 


I'd still bet on us staying up even if that was the case. 

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5 hours ago, RuffRob said:

Talk in the press today is that the Premier League will be looking for a 12 point deduction if we are found guilty of breaches of FFP.  I would guess that would make it very very difficult for a club in our position to avoid relegation. Bit worrying. 


It’s not up to the premier league. They are the ones who have instructed us on transfers. If we are found guilty… then so are they.

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1 hour ago, Shukes said:

It’s not up to the premier league. They are the ones who have instructed us on transfers. If we are found guilty… then so are 


I would have thought that should be the situation. As long as we didn't hide or miss represent anything to them about our finances during discussions with them. 


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2 hours ago, Shukes said:

It’s not up to the premier league. They are the ones who have instructed us on transfers. If we are found guilty… then so are they.

Logically speaking, yes. Realistically speaking, not a chance. Even if they were found guilty, so what? A small fine vs whilst they bring in billions. They have very little to lose either way, we potentially risk losing our league status. 

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12 points is the maximum, and now it’s being pushed as a recommendation? Nothing but click bait. 

Why would the Premier League refer us to an independent investigation, to then go and recommend the punishment to be handed out be the maximum allowed. That’s hardly independent if they are advising them what to do. 

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3 hours ago, Shukes said:

It’s not up to the premier league. They are the ones who have instructed us on transfers. If we are found guilty… then so are they.

That was a statement that was made by the club that we were following guidelines given to us by the PL, and we were in constant communication with them on what we were doing, that statement was never confirmed by the PL. It would be very strange for the PL to have us investigated FFP rules if they were constantly monitoring what we were doing under their close scrutiny, unless of course other clubs made formal complaints about our finances and the PL had no option other than to have us investigated to appease those who had lodged a complaint. Or that we hadn’t been forthright and upfront with the information we had been giving to the PL about our financial situation and they found out. 
Of course it’s only speculation and it shouldn’t hopefully belong before we get the definitive answer to what we have been found guilty of if anything. 

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1 hour ago, StevO said:

12 points is the maximum, and now it’s being pushed as a recommendation? Nothing but click bait. 

Why would the Premier League refer us to an independent investigation, to then go and recommend the punishment to be handed out be the maximum allowed. That’s hardly independent if they are advising them what to do. 

Especially when you consider you only get 9 points for going into administration. Which is a much bigger fuck up.

If we’re even found guilty I think it’ll be a fine, of which some will be suspended. 

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3 hours ago, Palfy said:

That was a statement that was made by the club that we were following guidelines given to us by the PL, and we were in constant communication with them on what we were doing, that statement was never confirmed by the PL. It would be very strange for the PL to have us investigated FFP rules if they were constantly monitoring what we were doing under their close scrutiny, unless of course other clubs made formal complaints about our finances and the PL had no option other than to have us investigated to appease those who had lodged a complaint. Or that we hadn’t been forthright and upfront with the information we had been giving to the PL about our financial situation and they found out. 
Of course it’s only speculation and it shouldn’t hopefully belong before we get the definitive answer to what we have been found guilty of if anything. 

Wasn’t just our statement mate, it was reported 12 months before in the media.

I agree it would be very strange. That’s why I’m pretty sure it is just click bait and not true. But I could be wrong… time will reveal all 🙂

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The original story eminates from the Telegraph newspaper - so I give it more kudos than general click bait. I would guess that somebody from the PL has leak it to the journalists who wrote the artical. Everywhere else is simply recycling this article. 

After years of grumplings and nothing happening, are we going to be the team finally made an example of with FFP? Possibly - it would just be our luck.

The timing of it with us at the beginning of financing a new stadium project and team in a poor condition is at the worst time possible. 

Yes, there has been some bad decisions at the club, but financially we have be clobbered and batter by massive variable that the club could no way have forseen - a global pandemic, a war in Ukraine that  by law has resulted in our main sponser (an maybe long term owner) having to almost overnight pull away from the club, which is immediately followed by a cost of living crisis (where cost of building materials has sky rocketed just as we build a stadium).

A 12 point deduction (which would most likley see us relegated) would simply be like somebody putting an almighty boot in to this club, and exactely at a point in time when it can least afford it. Another massive financial kicking to add to those listed above. 

Has the club really been that 'naughty' that it deserves this additional kicking that could actually send Everton in to administation? We had two or three seasons where we attempted to better ourselves to be more competative - then the world went to shit on us.

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5 minutes ago, Goodison Glory said:

12 points seems very harsh. But it does point to some sort of points deduction.

is there an appeals process, which means we drag it out beyond this year??

What it points to is that the PL is trying to show they have teeth by making this recommendation, but we still won't face any points deduction if we're found guilty. I'd bet a lot of money on that.

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