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Predict our result: 2015/16 season

Cornish Steve

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There's end-of-season drama here, even if not on the pitch! Congratulations to Wall Writer and mogsy, both of whom scored 5 points for this game. They are tied for the lead in the month of May (with two games remaining). For the season and points per prediction, we have a new leader: mogsy - last seen training two vicious canines how to disarm any man on the moors with a pointy stick. But there's just one point in it. And it's still possible for MikeO, Blue250, or Deacs to steal the winner's crown.


Hey Steve, how come I didn't get a 'mention'? 1 point is a mega result for me! :D

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After such a disgraceful team performance, it almost doesn't seem right awarding points. Nonetheless, I wouldn't want to take anything away from JohnH's first 8-pointer: the only one of us to predict a 3-0 drubbing. This means that JohnH has rocketed to the front of the monthly leader board. For the season, the battle royale continues with mogsy just one point ahead of MikeO - with one game left to play.

Note: If Wall Writer had joined earlier in the season, he/she would be topping the Per Prediction table with room to spare - but that didn't happen, so mogsy stays on top.


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After such a disgraceful team performance, it almost doesn't seem right awarding points. Nonetheless, I wouldn't want to take anything away from JohnH's first 8-pointer: the only one of us to predict a 3-0 drubbing. This means that JohnH has rocketed to the front of the monthly leader board. For the season, the battle royale continues with mogsy just one point ahead of MikeO - with one game left to play.


Note: If Wall Writer had joined earlier in the season, he/she would be topping the Per Prediction table with room to spare - but that didn't happen, so mogsy stays on top.


Only if he'd had some decent predictions earlier season surely :huh:.


No guarantee he would have, he might have gone for half a dozen zero pointers and been mid table material.

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I should just duplicate your predictions for the rest of the season Mogsy so you can't pass me :P.


But I won't, and there's always the risk that someone might come from behind with a couple of ten pointers and take both of us out!

I wonder what to do for the last prediction? Hmmmmmmm!

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Incidentally, I'm going to ask one of my sons, over the summer, to implement the points system we've been using at a website. That way, predictions can indeed be kept secret and revealed only at the start of every game. There are other benefits too: tables can be viewed at any time and will be more clear; the rules will be more visible; etc. I don't want to change this from a simple fun game into something too formal, but automating the process would save me a lot of time, since it takes a while each week to generate an updated table - and my travel and work schedules sometimes cause delays.


The only issue is that, for everyone here, it's so much easier just to post predictions to the forums instead of having to access a different site - although I'm thinking of ways around that. What are your thoughts on this?

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That sounds like an excellent idea!


MikeO and mogsy: I shall ignore any predictions you post here: Can you please PM me instead? At kickoff, I shall post here on your behalf.


Fair enough; but I don't think there'd be any "unfair play" from Mogsy same as I didn't when I was ahead :major overreaction alert: .


He normally predicts quite early and I go once I see the team anyway.


If he didn't post his 'til late I'd screw him by posting at 2:59:59 on Sunday anyway, so he'd have no chance of duplicating in time :P.


Also, doing it by PM means we might end up with the same prediction which is exactly what I need to avoid.....can I PM a first and second choice Steve, second to be used if the first is identical to the Welsh dude? Is that fair?

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