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Predict our result: 2015/16 season

Cornish Steve

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Thanks Steve for doing this!!


And thanks to all those who participated: Frankly, that's what makes these things fun.


This was a very very close result. If mogy had chosen McCarthy as the first goalscorer, he would have won. If he had chosen either Baines or Mirallas as the first goalscorer, it would have been a tie. As it was, he chose someone else and lost by a single point.

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Brilliantly done all through the season Steve. Diolch yn fawr


BTW Efallai fy mod yn byw yng Nghymru, fodd bynnag, yr wyf yn Sais (gyda rhai rhannau pwysig Gwyddelig hefyd)


Yr wyf o Cernyw, ond yr wyf yn byw yng Cymru. Mae fy gwraig a ddysgwyd ychydig o Cymraeg pan fyddwn yn byw yno. Ei bod yn deall mwy nag yr oeddwn yn ei wneud.


Forgive the poor grammar and spelling - and I completely forget the mutations. It's been a while since I lived there. I'm using part memory and part translation online.

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Yr wyf o Cernyw, ond yr wyf yn byw yng Cymru. Mae fy gwraig a ddysgwyd ychydig o Cymraeg pan fyddwn yn byw yno. Ei bod yn deall mwy nag yr oeddwn yn ei wneud.


Forgive the poor grammar and spelling - and I completely forget the mutations. It's been a while since I lived there. I'm using part memory and part translation online.

Yr wyf yn Scouse ond cymerodd gwaith fi i Ynys Môn yn y Gymraeg Cymru And I use Google Translate mostly.

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How come nobody has congratulated me yet? Wasn't the object to get exactly 59 points for the season? It was difficult work - trust me.


You scored the same as three other people and were right in the middle of the pack. Congratulations for being average, unremarkable, ordinary, humdrum, champion of the mediocre, ... :)


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Es i Gymru i astudio cerddoriaeth. Ond roedd fy graddau mewn ffiseg.


Steve, from the Telegraph today. Television advert to be aired next week is the first to be spoken in the Cornish language. It's an advert for Kelly's of Cornwall, ice cream maker. The guy on the advert says 'Yma res nowydh kavakow a Kelly's Cornish ice cream hag yw as tasty as'.




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Steve, from the Telegraph today. Television advert to be aired next week is the first to be spoken in the Cornish language. It's an advert for Kelly's of Cornwall, ice cream maker. The guy on the advert says 'Yma res nowydh kavakow a Kelly's Cornish ice cream hag yw as tasty as'.





That's fantastic. Yes, Kelly's have been around for decades. I almost got a summer job with them during my undergraduate years.



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  • 3 months later...

Save the link :)


But that would just mean I could look at it :(.


In all seriousness I think we need a "virtual" trophy like we used to have for the Anusol (which I posted before)...




Anyone adept at knocking up something appropriate? Let your creativity flow!

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