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Posts posted by StevO

  1. The only way we would take this deal is if it had a minimal or no fee attached and City covered some of his wages. 
    They are stuck with an expensive problem with four years left on his contract. 
    They don’t need to bring money in to balance the books, they just want him out of there and in the shop window. 
    That’s our best bet of picking him up and comes with no risk. 

    If it’s full wages being paid and a £6m loan fee then it won’t happen anyway. 

    The Kalvin Phillips who played for Leeds is an upgrade on what we’ve had from Onana this season, getting the player here and to that level again is the difficult part. 

  2. We need minimal risk and some form of consistency around the squad. I have absolutely no issue with Young getting a one year deal. Players of his experience can be a massive influence on the dressing room too. While we have got another year of uncertainty ahead, I agree with Dyche on keeping him around. 

    I’ll also throw in; he’s doing a lot of media at the moment and is covering the euros. We need some positivity out there about the club. He just might help that. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Palfy said:

    when I was a kid my first football boots that had a logo were Umbro, I remember playing my first game in them for Walcott boys club I thought I was the dogs bollocks🙂

    I had a pair of Umbro Speciali when I was a teenager. Obviously grew out of them. When I was in my 20s I found a pair online in my size and bought them. They are still in the garage now, but the once lovely soft leather is now very dry. Can’t throw them away though, and I’ll never be able to wear them again. Guess I’m sentimental. 

  4. He’s little hassle, not a lot of money, and an experienced and well respected pro. 
    We are short on bodies in the squad, he covers four positions. 
    It’s a no brainier to give him another year, could possibly be on a lower wage. But it’s low risk, and we need as little risk as we can get right now. 

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