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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. I'm thinking if that's the norm and not a good run, then we are going to win the league next season with only 3-4 loses a long the way.Can't see it Newty so let's just call it a good run, and long may it continue.
  2. If the pitch is below ground level and floods we will have to call Paddock Haddock
  3. Gana's been a pedestrian in his last four starts, yet he will still start against Sunderland ahead of McCarthy or Barry, if there fit. You can almost guarantee that bar injuries Schneiderlin and Gana will start every game from now on even if they play shite, Koeman is going to favour his own signings over what he inherited.
  4. Cool as you like great finish, good on ya son.
  5. It's going to be like a four year episode of the apprentice, and Flynn was the first to be fired.
  6. Can't imagine many of the 14,300 being remain voters, if any at all. Quite sad really that some have used the Brexit win as a vehicle to try and legitimise their racist believes. Leave voters believe financially we would be better off trading with the rest of the world, rather than with in E.U, I wonder what these countries that we want trade deals with must be thinking if racism starts getting worse as predicted, and it's national's from their countries that are getting the abuse.
  7. Don't encourage her to post on here mate, cause we're all end up being called knobrots.
  8. To me he's more versatile than McCarthy and Gana, the latter hasn't shown much of anything in his last 4 starts, he did shine when we were playing badly, but since the team turned the corner he's looked very average, hopefully just a blip.If Besic can get over his injuries and force his way back into the first team, it would be like we just brought a 30M midfielder without having to spend the money.
  9. Yeah I'd go along with that, the future is looking very promising.
  10. Surely let him go on free even with a small incentive, then at least he's not clogging up our wage bill.
  11. The venom is unbelievable.There's nothing shy about Shy Talk. And Shy for got to mention Besic he was a another good signing by Martinez, just unfortunate he suffered a bad injury, but when he recovers hopefully he can prove himself and he is a Koeman type of player, fingers crossed for the lad. So calm down it wasn't all bad.
  12. Mo looks like a 14 year-old, yet on the pitch he's hard as fuck. I'd love him to make a full recovery and cement himself a place in the team. For me he could have Gana's place he seems to have gone from hero to zero in his last 4 outings.
  13. Moyes was very shrewd in the transfer market, bought cheaply and sold expensively, to achieve what he did for this club on nearly the smallest budget of any club in the league for nearby all is tenure is remarkable.Martinez did by a few decent players in McCarthy, Delli, Mori and Lukaku, maybe 1-2 aren't for Koeman but if they were all sold they would turn a massive profit to more than offset any losses elsewhere.
  14. This bright round object in the sky omitting warmth any ideas what it is.
  15. I'll take that as a compliment, was informed the other day by two posters that the Guardian was a respectable paper with honest journalists. Don't know what you've been reading a lot of or who your leave friends are, but even those who run the leave campaign have admitted that they lied about the money they were going to put into the NHS, and that that lie played a big part in the vote to leave.
  16. Your right we have looked a lot more solid with that formation, the defence looks a lot better and it suits Williams to have two youngsters either side of him to orchestrate, and we don't sit as deep in that formation.I think the only change I would make to your starting line-up is Lookman for Mirallas, more because I believe a big man and small man front two gives defenders more problems, and also Lukaku and Lookman could gel given a few games together, where as with Mirallas he not so much a team player.
  17. Leicester, Hull, Palace to go down with fat twat Sam at the bottom.
  18. Name them because I'm not aware of these papers who allow their reporters to print the truth and ask the questions that go against the political views of their owners, and could cost them money and political persuasion.Don't believe what you read in the papers they print what they want you to believe, because it suits the needs of the media moguls who own them, do you really believe that would let a reporter print a story that could arm them even if it is the truth, but I bet they would allow a lie to be printed if they felt they could gain from it in someway
  19. Why did you find it scary that you agreed more with Anne, she after all is a Tory and as a leave voter you towed the Tory line, so therefore you would have a lot in common.
  20. StevO it isn't just a difference of opinion on a subject it disintegrates into a personal slanging match and the subject becomes secondary, your right that banning isn't the way forward, they need to message each other arrange to meet in a car park and sort it out like men have for thousands of years.
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