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Posts posted by Formby

  1. 17 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

    2) England began with arrogance, assuming that their Bazball tactic would win the day. Robinson, in particular, was obnoxious - and they lost those games. The moment England adopted a more flexible strategy, they did better. They won the third test and should have won the fourth.

    Arrogance suggests they had no respect for their opponents. I don't believe that to be the case. I think they were instilled with self-belief, which all winning teams have (and Australia in abundance). If they made a mistake declaring on that first day, I think it was because they thought they could get some wickets that evening.

    Continually going hard at Australia has paid real dividends, and without the rain, the series would be level. The loss of Lyon and the addition of Wood has been pivotal, too. Wood has been brilliant. Ponting compared him to prime Mitchell Johnson at OT, which is high praise indeed. Australia have not looked comfortable at all out there and I believe that is because England have kept up the intensity, the BazBall, if you like. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, Palfy said:

    This is a Lampard signing if it happens and he doesn’t strike me as a Dyche type of player, so I’m guessing owner and remaining directors presiding over this signing. Either way he’ll get a last minute offer from a team in the CL and will do another u-turn. 

    Which may be a blessing - not struck on him at all. 

  3. 27 minutes ago, Bailey said:

    I don't really get the hype about Ali to be honest. Some of the talk about him from the commentators makes him sound like he is an England great but I agree that he is just completely unreliable with the bat. No 3 shouldnt have an average of 30, which is even more shocking (both bat and ball) against the Aussies.

    I guess the hope his, he comes out smashes a quick 50 to put the Aussies on the back foot.

    It's been largely downhill since that fantastic series he had against SA in 2017. He has lovely batting technique and was a decent enough spinner but, as you've both said, just throws away his wicket. Having him at 3 is too much of a gamble to me but we'll see. In sha Allah, he proves me wrong.   

  4. 20 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

    England really should win this. If they don’t, they have only themselves to blame. Two days remain, so there’s plenty of time. If only they can resist the temptation to be aggressive. Do they have the discipline to be patient?

    I think they won it the right way. Being positive, showing guts and determination and spirit. Delighted for Wood and Woakes. For all the flaws in the lineup, they are going toe-to-toe with the best test team in the world and giving them plenty to think about. Very proud of them.

    On to Manchester. It will be another great atmosphere.    

  5. 18 hours ago, Bailey said:

    Today's announcement is a joke.

    I hope people can see that Mohsiri is the biggest issue here. Kenwright is clearly a problem, but the biggest issue lays with the owner. It is beyond belief that he has now placed himself on the board.

    It's weird that a successful businessman like Moshiri should be so indecisive on this. He has obviously been given the Grima Wormtongue treatment by Kenwright and is fearful of operating the club without him.

    Kenwright is clearly not acting in the best interests of the club, and hasn't for some time. Repeated failure should mean the sack.

    The fact that he hasn't been is solely Moshiri's doing.

    An utter mess from top to bottom.   

  6. 14 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

    The British weather always adds another dimension to cricket (with some of the summer months also being among the wettest). Just watch England be about to win by 850 runs only for rain to end play before the final Australian wicket falls. :)

    In those circumstances, it wouldn't be a dimension I care for! 

  7. 1 hour ago, MikeO said:

    For me there's no real comparison between England cricket (or England anything come to that) and Everton.

    Everton is a near sixty year passion which I'm emotionally (and financially) invested in on a daily basis; if we win 1-0 playing negatively I'm happy and if we lose 5-4 in an attacking thriller I'm miserable.

    Was a good cricket match today and I wish we'd won but I'll not be losing sleep over it.

    That's what a healthy reaction to sport should look like. Most of us have a very unhealthy relationship with Everton!

    I was slightly irked at losing to Australia - always has the feeling of a derby - but very well played to them. Hopefully, we smash them at Lord's! 🙂

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