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  1. Funny
    Formby got a reaction from Palfy in Predict our results: 2023-2024 season   
    You keep out of this, Palfy!  Steve's doing a grand job.
  2. Upvote
    Formby reacted to Zoo 2.0 in Vs Manchester United 26th November   
    First game I've looked forward to in ages, really got this feeling we're going to fucking murder them. They're absolutely shite away from home and have a squad with paper thin mentalities, if Goodison is a bear pit it'll be another 4-0 job.
    Mad how this points deduction has brought everyone together, it'll feel like the relegation games with Lampard but without the relegation bit, or Lampard.
  3. Upvote
    Formby got a reaction from MikeO in Predict our results: 2023-2024 season   
    Disappointing to see I'm still below average in every category  - a point my good wife makes clear to me - so I shall go with:
    Everton 3-1 Manchester United
    and hope for a, er, good performance. 
  4. Funny
    Formby got a reaction from Matt in Predict our results: 2023-2024 season   
    Disappointing to see I'm still below average in every category  - a point my good wife makes clear to me - so I shall go with:
    Everton 3-1 Manchester United
    and hope for a, er, good performance. 
  5. Like
    Formby reacted to Cornish Steve in Longest Thread! for Everton Discussion   
  6. Funny
    Formby reacted to Matt in Longest Thread! for Everton Discussion   
    Can't really blame them for that. Just hoping there's "offensive" banners and flags everywhere. Would love the ground staff to change the pitch pattern, have an FU in 1 half, PL in the other. 
  7. Funny
    Formby reacted to MikeO in Cricket Thread   
    Head out with two still needed off seven overs...pressure really on now!
  8. Upvote
    Formby got a reaction from Romey 1878 in Cricket Thread   
    Fantastic display from the Aussie bowlers. India all out 240.
    It's now on Bumrah and Shami to produce something magical for the hosts.
  9. Upvote
    Formby got a reaction from StevO in Longest Thread! for Everton Discussion   
    Thought these were interesting. 
    'For example, a deliberate cynical breach of the PSR to achieve a sporting advantage might increase culpability beyond that already arrived at by the extent of the breach. We do not think that this is such a case. Everton may have taken unwise risks, but it did so in the mistaken belief that it would achieve PSR compliance: it is not a case of a deliberate breach.'
    'The Commission is satisfied that Everton’s PSR calculation in relation to 33 stadium interest was less than frank. The Premier League has made it clear that it makes no allegation of dishonesty. We consider, therefore, that Everton did not consciously intend to circumvent the Rules but there is no doubt that it failed to discharge the duty of utmost good faith imposed by B15. This is an aggravating factor that increases Everton’s culpability.'
    The ten point deduction is for being badly run. I think that will be reduced on appeal.
    The PLC may well be out to get us, and prove they have balls, but it once again shows how poorly we have been run since Moshiri took over.
    Colin Chong looks like a rabbit in headlines.
    I am hoping the club's lawyers won't be. 
  10. Upvote
    Formby got a reaction from Matt in Longest Thread! for Everton Discussion   
    Thought these were interesting. 
    'For example, a deliberate cynical breach of the PSR to achieve a sporting advantage might increase culpability beyond that already arrived at by the extent of the breach. We do not think that this is such a case. Everton may have taken unwise risks, but it did so in the mistaken belief that it would achieve PSR compliance: it is not a case of a deliberate breach.'
    'The Commission is satisfied that Everton’s PSR calculation in relation to 33 stadium interest was less than frank. The Premier League has made it clear that it makes no allegation of dishonesty. We consider, therefore, that Everton did not consciously intend to circumvent the Rules but there is no doubt that it failed to discharge the duty of utmost good faith imposed by B15. This is an aggravating factor that increases Everton’s culpability.'
    The ten point deduction is for being badly run. I think that will be reduced on appeal.
    The PLC may well be out to get us, and prove they have balls, but it once again shows how poorly we have been run since Moshiri took over.
    Colin Chong looks like a rabbit in headlines.
    I am hoping the club's lawyers won't be. 
  11. Upvote
    Formby got a reaction from Romey 1878 in Longest Thread! for Everton Discussion   
    Thought these were interesting. 
    'For example, a deliberate cynical breach of the PSR to achieve a sporting advantage might increase culpability beyond that already arrived at by the extent of the breach. We do not think that this is such a case. Everton may have taken unwise risks, but it did so in the mistaken belief that it would achieve PSR compliance: it is not a case of a deliberate breach.'
    'The Commission is satisfied that Everton’s PSR calculation in relation to 33 stadium interest was less than frank. The Premier League has made it clear that it makes no allegation of dishonesty. We consider, therefore, that Everton did not consciously intend to circumvent the Rules but there is no doubt that it failed to discharge the duty of utmost good faith imposed by B15. This is an aggravating factor that increases Everton’s culpability.'
    The ten point deduction is for being badly run. I think that will be reduced on appeal.
    The PLC may well be out to get us, and prove they have balls, but it once again shows how poorly we have been run since Moshiri took over.
    Colin Chong looks like a rabbit in headlines.
    I am hoping the club's lawyers won't be. 
  12. Upvote
    Formby reacted to Newty82 in Longest Thread! for Everton Discussion   
    Fuckin diabolical. Absolutely farce.
    How can they turn this round so quickly yet City, Chelsea and the rest crack on?!
    Anybody with just a smidge of footy knowledge will look at this and know its absolute bullshit.
    On the playing side. Fuck all yo worry about. These players have shown more character and togetherness than we've seen for years. This'll just light that fire even more.
  13. Funny
    Formby reacted to badaids in Longest Thread! for Everton Discussion   
    What a disaster, this is really going to affect our ability to win the title this year.
  14. Upvote
    Formby reacted to Romey 1878 in Longest Thread! for Everton Discussion   
    Remember that time when the Snake 6 tried to destroy English football for their own gain and the media went to bat for them saying you can't punish the fans and then the PL basically did fuck all to punish them and handed them a tiny fine?
    Fuck the PL.
  15. Upvote
    Formby reacted to Matt in Longest Thread! for Everton Discussion   
    I'm not worried about the season, I think this'll fuel an already emotive fan base even further. Europe here we come. 
  16. Upvote
    Formby got a reaction from Shukes in Definition of the classes in society   
    Showing class is the main thing and you can do that from any background.
  17. Upvote
    Formby got a reaction from Shukes in Definition of the classes in society   
    Showing class is the main thing and you can do that from any background.
  18. Upvote
    Formby reacted to London Blue in General Election/UK Politics   
    Haff, firstly working time directives don't apply to the Police so that not the first shift I have done that went past 18 hours.
    No Haff it is not, as the Tweet correctly states, climbing on a war memorial is not illegal. 
    Dave Gilmores son was arrested charged and convicted for violent disorder. His actions are listed below from BBC news report of the court hearing:
    He was seen hanging from a Union flag on the Cenotaph and leaping on to the bonnet of a Jaguar - part of a royal convoy.
    Gilmour was previously found by a judge at Kingston-upon-Thames Crown Court to have thrown a rubbish bin at the vehicle.
     So not "Two Tier Policing" but the difference between someone breaking the law, (Gilmore), and someone being disrespectful which is not a criminal offence (protester).
    In this country we have enshrined in law the right to protest and freedom of expression, which is a very good thing in my opinion. People must be free to express themselves and protest as long as it does not break the law.
    The Law is not decided by the Police, it is decided by parliament who legislate and the courts who interpret the law and set legal precedents. When major protests take place we regularly have lawyers present to advise on if laws have been broken.
    With the Palestinian Peace protest last weekend,  there were over 300,000 people protesting, the vast, vast, majority peacefully. There were offences committed regarding antisemitism and hate crimes, and arrests were made. Where it was not practicable to arrest at the time. Trust me as someone who deals with large crowd dynamics one of the last things you want in a large crowd with children, and elderly people is panic. By charging in to make an arrest when you have an opportunity to gather evidence and affect an arrest later you achieve the same result, but it is more proportionate. Everything we do as Police Officers has to be  proportionate. 
    The counter protesters mainly made up of far right groups engaged in violence and disorder from the start and were arrested because of the threat and risk they caused. 
    This is a case of the Police acting upon the evidence presented to it and the legal powers available to it.
    We could not object to the Palestinian protest as it according to the law we have to have evidence of serious disorder.
    Sir Mark Rowley said earlier this week the legal threshold which would allow him to ask the Home Office for permission to ban the march had not been met. He also stressed there are no powers in UK law to ban a static demonstration. If we tried to ban the march we would have to go before a court to show the evidence to back this up, we did not have it so we could not ask the Home Secretary to ban it.
    Do we the Police make mistakes, yes we do as in the case of the Sarah Everard vigil, but they are honest mistakes, remember at the time we were under Covid restrictions which complicated things. Many aspects of policing demonstrations are balancing acts between peoples right to protest and peoples rights to go about their normal lives, through in Covid restrictions and it makes it much more complicated.
    I'll deal with the other half of Haffs wisdoms later 
  19. Upvote
    Formby reacted to MikeO in General Election/UK Politics   
    You need to get over the myth that immigrants, legal or otherwise, get provided with housing. It's not true.
    Only if/when someone gets an asylum request granted so they have refugee status can they can join social housing waiting lists, and then they're subject to the same qualification criteria as everybody else. Nobody is "put to the bottom" of the list to make way for anyone.
    And illegal immigrants don't get "handouts when they hit the shore" at all, they have zero entitlement to benefits...
    Illegal immigrants cannot claim benefits in the UK. A person is classed as an illegal immigrant when they do not have the right to remain in the country.
    The UK government, in response to a petition urging it to “Stop all benefits to illegal immigrants completely”, said in 2015: “Illegal immigrants and failed asylum seekers are not entitled to, and do not get, benefits from the UK’s welfare system”.
  20. Funny
    Formby reacted to London Blue in General Election/UK Politics   
    Haff, I've just finished a 19 hour shift you'll excuse me if I get some sleep before I respond to your latest diatribe. Given that you are the self appointed fountain of knowledge of all things, given the vast number of friends you appear to have in every walk of life, I am sure you can rest easy with your righteous pronouncements for a bit longer, until I can come back with some factual evidence.
  21. Upvote
    Formby reacted to MikeO in General Election/UK Politics   
    Just like everywhere in the country, that's not down to immigration, it's down to government failures.
  22. Upvote
    Formby reacted to Matt in General Election/UK Politics   
    Exactly this, and to deflect attention away from themselves, the Cuntservatives have pointed their grubby little fingers at the easy target whilst raking in the money and keeping it away from the areas that actually need it. You've got to be willfully ignorant to not see that. 
  23. Like
    Formby got a reaction from Palfy in Definition of the classes in society   
    Showing class is the main thing and you can do that from any background.
  24. Upvote
    Formby got a reaction from Matt in Definition of the classes in society   
    Showing class is the main thing and you can do that from any background.
  25. Upvote
    Formby got a reaction from MikeO in Definition of the classes in society   
    Showing class is the main thing and you can do that from any background.
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