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4 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

Well, that was a harrowing experience. Thankfully I'm OK, but, thinking back, it was actually quite shocking - maybe because I wasn't expecting it. Few things unnerve me, but being robbed at a Shell station just down the road from us, in broad daylight, did it. Embarrassing, I know, but I was shaking for quite a while. Other drivers who saw what happened, probably not wanting to get involved, just drove off - although some walked over and did their best to calm me down. Honestly, I didn't even think to call the police at the time - what's the point? - but one of the others thought to do so. Funnily enough, the officer lives in our neighborhood (a couple of them do, actually), and he was very patient with me. (Not the way I expected to get to know a neighbor better, that's for sure!) The cashier at the counter inside brought me some coffee. I don't usually drink the stuff, but it actually calmed me down a bit. Connor (I now know the police officer neighbor's name) asked me if I knew who'd done it...














"Yep. It was pump number 3."

Brilliant, I was hook line and sinker fair play mate very funny 😂👍

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7 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

Well, that was a harrowing experience. Thankfully I'm OK, but, thinking back, it was actually quite shocking - maybe because I wasn't expecting it. Few things unnerve me, but being robbed at a Shell station just down the road from us, in broad daylight, did it. Embarrassing, I know, but I was shaking for quite a while. Other drivers who saw what happened, probably not wanting to get involved, just drove off - although some walked over and did their best to calm me down. Honestly, I didn't even think to call the police at the time - what's the point? - but one of the others thought to do so. Funnily enough, the officer lives in our neighborhood (a couple of them do, actually), and he was very patient with me. (Not the way I expected to get to know a neighbor better, that's for sure!) The cashier at the counter inside brought me some coffee. I don't usually drink the stuff, but it actually calmed me down a bit. Connor (I now know the police officer neighbor's name) asked me if I knew who'd done it...














"Yep. It was pump number 3."

Try popping over to the old country, according to Mr Google here a US gallon cost on average $4.64 on the 21st, while in the UK you'd have to pay $8.30! Eye watering, my TT is confined to the drive for the forseeable.

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Went for my endoscopy today.  Bad news I'm afraid, they found cancer. They have taken biopsies to see where its at but the Doc didn't sound too optimistic.  

Bad time with her indoors in the same boat and a house move imminent. Fortunate to have a fantastic family to look after us.  Just one example:  On Wednesday I have a CT scan at Heatherwood hospital in Ascot.  My son is driving down from Nottingham to take me.


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15 minutes ago, johnh said:

Went for my endoscopy today.  Bad news I'm afraid, they found cancer. They have taken biopsies to see where its at but the Doc didn't sound too optimistic.  

Bad time with her indoors in the same boat and a house move imminent. Fortunate to have a fantastic family to look after us.  Just one example:  On Wednesday I have a CT scan at Heatherwood hospital in Ascot.  My son is driving down from Nottingham to take me.

Very sorry to read this John, both of you getting it at the same time is incredibly tough.

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1 hour ago, johnh said:

Went for my endoscopy today.  Bad news I'm afraid, they found cancer. They have taken biopsies to see where its at but the Doc didn't sound too optimistic.  

Bad time with her indoors in the same boat and a house move imminent. Fortunate to have a fantastic family to look after us.  Just one example:  On Wednesday I have a CT scan at Heatherwood hospital in Ascot.  My son is driving down from Nottingham to take me.


So sorry and sad to read your post John,   your so fortunate to have a wonderful family in times of need. Wishing you and your family all the best mate. 

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1 hour ago, johnh said:

Went for my endoscopy today.  Bad news I'm afraid, they found cancer. They have taken biopsies to see where its at but the Doc didn't sound too optimistic.  

Bad time with her indoors in the same boat and a house move imminent. Fortunate to have a fantastic family to look after us.  Just one example:  On Wednesday I have a CT scan at Heatherwood hospital in Ascot.  My son is driving down from Nottingham to take me.


I don't really know what to say other than that I'm sorry about your news and that you definitely shouldn't give up hope, because doctors aren't always right with this sort of thing. So no matter the diagnosis keep on keeping on.

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1 hour ago, johnh said:

Went for my endoscopy today.  Bad news I'm afraid, they found cancer. They have taken biopsies to see where its at but the Doc didn't sound too optimistic.  

Bad time with her indoors in the same boat and a house move imminent. Fortunate to have a fantastic family to look after us.  Just one example:  On Wednesday I have a CT scan at Heatherwood hospital in Ascot.  My son is driving down from Nottingham to take me.


Sorry to hear this John. I’m sure you and your wife who have shared so much together will again be a team and face this head on together. 

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3 hours ago, johnh said:

Went for my endoscopy today.  Bad news I'm afraid, they found cancer. They have taken biopsies to see where its at but the Doc didn't sound too optimistic.  

Bad time with her indoors in the same boat and a house move imminent. Fortunate to have a fantastic family to look after us.  Just one example:  On Wednesday I have a CT scan at Heatherwood hospital in Ascot.  My son is driving down from Nottingham to take me.


Best of luck, John. Medicine and science continue to advance at an incredible rate, and you'll get all the support you need including here if you need it. 

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9 hours ago, johnh said:

Went for my endoscopy today.  Bad news I'm afraid, they found cancer. They have taken biopsies to see where its at but the Doc didn't sound too optimistic.  

Bad time with her indoors in the same boat and a house move imminent. Fortunate to have a fantastic family to look after us.  Just one example:  On Wednesday I have a CT scan at Heatherwood hospital in Ascot.  My son is driving down from Nottingham to take me.


Very sorry to read this, John. Glad to hear that your family is so willing to help. Mind you, you've been setting the example as you help your wife, so I'm not surprised. Wishing you all the best with the upcoming scan - and also with the planned house move.

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Had my CT scan yesterday (no results yet) but I went to the new Heatherwood Hospital in Ascot which opened last week. The last CT scan I had was several years ago at Royal Berks in Reading. The unit was in the back of a lorry in the car park. Yesterday, when I walked into the room where the scanner was, it was like being on the Star Ship Enterprise in Star Trek. Fantastic facilities, great staff and I was called in on time and was out and done in 15 minutes.

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3 minutes ago, johnh said:

Had my CT scan yesterday (no results yet) but I went to the new Heatherwood Hospital in Ascot which opened last week. The last CT scan I had was several years ago at Royal Berks in Reading. The unit was in the back of a lorry in the car park. Yesterday, when I walked into the room where the scanner was, it was like being on the Star Ship Enterprise in Star Trek. Fantastic facilities, great staff and I was called in on time and was out and done in 15 minutes.

I had an MRI earlier this month in a new "Nightingale" hospital in Exeter....was very much a "back of a lorry" mobile unit, I have scan envy.

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2 minutes ago, johnh said:

Mike, is the MRI the claustrophobic one? Don't fancy that if it is.

It is, yes. On the one in the main hospital in Exeter it has a mirror fitted at 45° in the head assembly so in fact you are looking straight at the control room so no claustrophobia problem at all, no such luck in the Nightingale; and they take a lot longer than CTs, I was in it for about fifty minutes.

Worst one I had was a PET-CT in Plymouth which was "eye to thigh" to check for any cancer spread in 2013. Because my wedding ring won't come off I had to hold my left arm above my head for the duration, cramping was bloody agony!

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Current situation.  They won't consider chemo or operation as they class my heart as 'heart failure'.  They are starting on a 2+ months program of strengthening the heart muscles.  These have become weak due to Atrial Fibrilation for the past 15 years.  A specialist nurse is coming on a home visit tomorrow to start things off. Part of it is loads of changes to tablets. This is something I don't like as it's always accompanied by withdrawal type issues.

When son came down last week to take me to the hospital he must have picked up Covid from somewhere. When he got back to Nottingham and a few days later, he tested positive for Covid.  I took a test on Saturday and I was positive too. One plus is that I don't feel  any symptoms whatsoever.  Doesn't mean much as I feel awful all the time anyway!

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On 31/03/2022 at 11:42, johnh said:

Had my CT scan yesterday (no results yet) but I went to the new Heatherwood Hospital in Ascot which opened last week. The last CT scan I had was several years ago at Royal Berks in Reading. The unit was in the back of a lorry in the car park. Yesterday, when I walked into the room where the scanner was, it was like being on the Star Ship Enterprise in Star Trek. Fantastic facilities, great staff and I was called in on time and was out and done in 15 minutes.

God bless the NHS. 

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2 hours ago, johnh said:

Current situation.  They won't consider chemo or operation as they class my heart as 'heart failure'.  They are starting on a 2+ months program of strengthening the heart muscles.  These have become weak due to Atrial Fibrilation for the past 15 years.  A specialist nurse is coming on a home visit tomorrow to start things off. Part of it is loads of changes to tablets. This is something I don't like as it's always accompanied by withdrawal type issues.

When son came down last week to take me to the hospital he must have picked up Covid from somewhere. When he got back to Nottingham and a few days later, he tested positive for Covid.  I took a test on Saturday and I was positive too. One plus is that I don't feel  any symptoms whatsoever.  Doesn't mean much as I feel awful all the time anyway!

Can say little more than good luck with everything John, hope some options open up for you.

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Had an appointment at Windsor Hospital today with the cancer consultant.  He has ruled out chemo and surgery, though radio therapy remains as an option.  He reckons I have got 2 years which takes me to 88.  Can't really complain about that - good run.  Just hope that Everton stay in the Premiership for the next couple of seasons.😄

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10 minutes ago, johnh said:

Had an appointment at Windsor Hospital today with the cancer consultant.  He has ruled out chemo and surgery, though radio therapy remains as an option.  He reckons I have got 2 years which takes me to 88.  Can't really complain about that - good run.  Just hope that Everton stay in the Premiership for the next couple of seasons.😄

I'm sorry to hear that, John.

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24 minutes ago, johnh said:

Had an appointment at Windsor Hospital today with the cancer consultant.  He has ruled out chemo and surgery, though radio therapy remains as an option.  He reckons I have got 2 years which takes me to 88.  Can't really complain about that - good run.  Just hope that Everton stay in the Premiership for the next couple of seasons.😄

Sorry to hear that John, it’s not nice to get a number given to you. The reality is none of us know when our time is up.  I’m sure you will live as you always have - to the full. Let’s hope that lot on the park give you something to cheer mate.

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1 hour ago, johnh said:

Had an appointment at Windsor Hospital today with the cancer consultant.  He has ruled out chemo and surgery, though radio therapy remains as an option.  He reckons I have got 2 years which takes me to 88.  Can't really complain about that - good run.  Just hope that Everton stay in the Premiership for the next couple of seasons.😄

A sad read John, but many defy the odds and live well beyond expecation. I was given a number, in 2020, that if I chose the palliative route (which I'm assuming any RT would be), I'd have six months; fortunately for me there was another option.

It's so difficult for people of your age, the treatments are so bloody brutal, and mine were tough enough at 53 and then 60. My mum refused any treatment when diagnosed, also in her eighties, so we as a family set about making the time she had left the best it could be. I'm sure your big family will do the same for you, enjoy yourself John (even if we go down).

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1 hour ago, johnh said:

Had an appointment at Windsor Hospital today with the cancer consultant.  He has ruled out chemo and surgery, though radio therapy remains as an option.  He reckons I have got 2 years which takes me to 88.  Can't really complain about that - good run.  Just hope that Everton stay in the Premiership for the next couple of seasons.😄

Not a nice thing to have to hear from you mate, but I feel from your post a sense of acceptance and positivity about your situation, which I find powerful John and hopefully that attitude will take you well into your nineties mate. I’d like to think I can say on behalf of everyone that we are all routing for you and wish you well for the future John. 

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1 hour ago, Hafnia said:

Sorry to hear that John, it’s not nice to get a number given to you. The reality is none of us know when our time is up.  I’m sure you will live as you always have - to the full. Let’s hope that lot on the park give you something to cheer mate.

Haf, my grandad knew the exact day and time he was going - the judge told him.

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