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What Grinds Your Gears...


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when you're about to have your tea then you think "oh i'll check toffeetalk first."



multiple new topics later!!


you interesting bastards!! :shaking fist:


Nobody accuses me of being interesting and gets away with it...... (pssst how much are you paying for the privilege?) ;)

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House of Fun has now lifted it's ban on new members so you are now able to register and get involved (or just observe and say nothing, as many do) But you have to be a registered member to see the pages, can't just look in from outside like this one, as well as many others. Seriously, sign up and have a look through - there's nothing to lose. (before they change it back again)


Point being - If it's new and 'interesting' threads people may want to see and frequent activity, you could do worse than have a look through. I don't believe there's such a thing as 'interesting' on these pages. There's a whole magnitude of individuals available with different characteristics, some not always appreciated, but could never use the interesting tag. Bit of a mixed bag all said, but that's what makes these forum things work some will say.

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In all seriousness, I was reading some printouts of these pages earlier tonight, and it got too dark to read. Guess I got a little upset about it, albeit for a short time. Needless to say was out in an area with insufficient light, and once the sun went down, couldn't see a goddamn word. But realized I should be pleased it's actually dark earlier than weeks before, so it wasn't such a bad thing and the irritation was short lived.

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In all seriousness, I was reading some printouts of these pages earlier tonight, and it got too dark to read. Guess I got a little upset about it, albeit for a short time. Needless to say was out in an area with insufficient light, and once the sun went down, couldn't see a goddamn word. But realized I should be pleased it's actually dark earlier than weeks before, so it wasn't such a bad thing and the irritation was short lived.



You print pages from TT?

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I'll have to start my own one of these for irritating moments and individuals. Too bad we don't have him to add to this existing thread in a sense. Just a blog I came across on the web the other day and a relief that there's others who get almost as fucked off and irritated as I often do. Worth a read if you have the time.







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I'll have to start my own one of these for irritating moments and individuals. Too bad we don't have him to add to this existing thread in a sense. Just a blog I came across on the web the other day and a relief that there's others who get almost as fucked off and irritated as I often do. Worth a read if you have the time.







I'm curious to know what you were searching for to find Bristol Dave

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In all honesty I don't know son.


Guess I was looking for things that made people upset or irritated and stumbled across that. There won't be a duplicate page of 'Southampton Dalziel' and his rants and things that irritate, but it's something I saw recently and decided on a mention.


Furthermore, we don't really need one as we already have a piece that caters fot it - such as this very thread.


I applaud Bristol David for having his own blog for it however, but he could do with a bigger audience. Some things are too much to bear in silence and I appreciate those who step up and let out some frustrations. It can't be disputed.

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The annoying cunts from Homes Under The Hammer. My girlfriend loves watching it to see the houses but I can't tolerate the two in-breds presenting the show. Today, the usual bollocks included;


The male host saying that 'A car-park is always good as it's a perfect place to park your car'.

The male host saying (when told that the women who bought the house was part of a tribute act) 'Wow, so does that mean you try to sound like singers?'


and the blonde woman being a general tosser as usual.

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.....people saying "back to back" when they mean "consecutive." Even the BBC do that now ffs....we are not fucking Americans!



I've just spontaneously combusted....


"He also worked with Roman Polanski on such films as Repulsion and Cul-de-Sac, for which he received back-to-back Bafta nominations in consecutive years." :major overreaction alert:



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Rugby League challenge cup final being on when my only way of following the Everton match (refuse to listen to commercial radio) was to listen for score updates/reports on 5live. So I had to listen to the numpty commentators wittering on about the "cherry and whites" and trying to talk up a game that even I could tell was an abortion ("despite the mistakes this has been a superb game!" No it fucking wasn't....it was piss-poor and you know it)! Didn't seem to me like the Hull players had ever actually met each other before and that nobody had ever told them you couldn't knock the ball forward.


I've always hated the game but it went down in my estimation today, which I didn't think was possible.


A parochial insignificance that has no place on a national BBC station.

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"News" papers and other miserable media outlets that keep printing the same boring nauseating shit, week in week out. Wish I could get hold of some individuals sometimes - and fuck any consequences.


May as well add to this, snide little retail stores that charge around £ 5 - 00 for a selection bag of potato chips - and "buy one get one free"


Magnanimous nasty shits.

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I had a dream about Samantha Fox earlier this morning, and it was developing quite nicely and all of a sudden, was woken up by something.


Maybe I wasn't angry so to speak. But was disappointed for sure, as it was a quite enthralling dream and then, you just get taken away from it all. Guess I was a little upset. Maybe hope to experience something similar sometime soon and no disruptions this time.

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I had a dream about Samantha Fox earlier this morning, and it was developing quite nicely and all of a sudden, was woken up by something.


Maybe I wasn't angry so to speak. But was disappointed for sure, as it was a quite enthralling dream and then, you just get taken away from it all. Guess I was a little upset. Maybe hope to experience something similar sometime soon and no disruptions this time.


seriously...write a book

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