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Browser is IE. Sky tells me I need to download Silverlight. When I download it, it tells me I already have the latest version. Tried uninstalling Silverlight but can't. Get the message 'no valid sequence could be found for the set of patches' .whatever that may mean.


I'd try it in another browser.


Personally, I recommend Google Chrome. I watch Netflix on that, it also uses Sliverlight and I don't have a problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some twat has just driven into the side of my car in Tescos car park. Totally his fault and I have witness details but really don't need the hassle. Still drivable fortunately :dry:.


Had to pay the excess on my policy to get the car fixed after this (£1165 damage but I only had to pay £100). The other bloke or his insurance company refused to accept responsibility so it went to a threat of litigation from my insurer's lawyers about three weeks back and finally today I got a cheque in the post for £120, including a few expenses plus court imposed interest. Five months it took, bloody ridiculous. And it made my insurance more expensive through no fault of my own because the case was still "undecided" when my renewal came up.

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Well, I didn't see that coming.

Her indoors has been complaining about a sore thumb for the last few days. It was so bad last night that she was awake most of the night with the pain. Took her to the local minor injuries clinic who said that she would have to go straight to A&E at the main hospital. Took her to the hospital with the paperwork they gave me, had a 3 hour wait in A&E. The consultant who examined her said she would have to be admitted immediately and they would operate under general anaesthetic tonight. Just got back and had to make my own tea! The only bonus was that they had trouble finding a bed and eventually she was allocated a single room.

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Well, I didn't see that coming.

Her indoors has been complaining about a sore thumb for the last few days. It was so bad last night that she was awake most of the night with the pain. Took her to the local minor injuries clinic who said that she would have to go straight to A&E at the main hospital. Took her to the hospital with the paperwork they gave me, had a 3 hour wait in A&E. The consultant who examined her said she would have to be admitted immediately and they would operate under general anaesthetic tonight. Just got back and had to make my own tea! The only bonus was that they had trouble finding a bed and eventually she was allocated a single room.


That doesn't sound much fun, fancy having to make your own tea :dry:.


But seriously, hope she's OK; do they know what it is? Single room is a result! I had one of them for a night, trouble was there was a security bloke on the other side because I kept trying to escape (long story. long time ago) :unsure:.

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Well, I didn't see that coming.

Her indoors has been complaining about a sore thumb for the last few days. It was so bad last night that she was awake most of the night with the pain. Took her to the local minor injuries clinic who said that she would have to go straight to A&E at the main hospital. Took her to the hospital with the paperwork they gave me, had a 3 hour wait in A&E. The consultant who examined her said she would have to be admitted immediately and they would operate under general anaesthetic tonight. Just got back and had to make my own tea! The only bonus was that they had trouble finding a bed and eventually she was allocated a single room.

Best of luck mate, hope your tea was ok.


(She who must be obeyed has my fondest thoughts)

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Thanks guys. Mike, no, they don't know what it Is yet but the consultant was asking when she had her last tetanus jab. She is on a anti-biotic drip. The infection is under the nail which they are going to remove. The thumb is a bright red colour except for the nail which is blue. There is a red rash from the thumb which goes half-way up her arm. The puzzle is, no cut, graze or scratch on the thumb and she hadn't knocked it. Just happened.

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Just had a phone call from her indoors. She had the op last night. The doc's have been to check this morning and are pleased with the results. They are checking again at lunch-time and if all is OK then I can collect her this afternoon. Must remember to ask the doc how long it will be before she can mow the lawn again! Thanks again guys'

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Thanks guys. Mike, no, they don't know what it Is yet but the consultant was asking when she had her last tetanus jab. She is on a anti-biotic drip. The infection is under the nail which they are going to remove. The thumb is a bright red colour except for the nail which is blue. There is a red rash from the thumb which goes half-way up her arm. The puzzle is, no cut, graze or scratch on the thumb and she hadn't knocked it. Just happened.


I had a similar thing as a kid, spot appeared on my index finger and I woke up one morning with a red line about half an inch wide from it all the way up to my shoulder. Went into casualty (as A&E was then called) and they cut it out after giving me a penicillin injection into the muscle at the top of my leg; I was six or seven at the time but still remember that injection as about the most pain I've ever felt in my life! Went home with my arm in a sling which I was very proud of :lol:.


Hope she's home soon, that grass needs a last cut before autumn sets in!

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Got notification that her indoors would be discharged at 3.00 pm. Got there at 3.00 and she was all dressed, packed and ready to go. Just waiting for my medication she said. It arrived at 5.30. Still, she's home now. Still don't know what caused it. Many thanks for all your good wishes.


Been there and got the T-shirt, glad she's home safe.

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Getting fucked off with wanna be political animals on Facebook who are posting shite about how allowing refugees in is insane blah blah blah.


I understand the concern around terrorism but please fuck off using fake pictures and a different excuse for your non acceptance of humanity.


No idea about Facebook but agree 100% with the sentiment.

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