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What Grinds Your Gears...


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Towncar service was late picking me up for the airport, and I missed my 6:20 AM flight -- Next available flight is at 10:45... PM.


That is seriously annoying! You're not going to be at the airport the whole wait surely?


I was mildly pissed off my flight took off fifteen minutes late yesterday, I take it back.

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I hope for your sake the baby doesn't cry the whole way or everyone on that flight will hate you!

We're very lucky, she hardly ever cries. She'll fuss a lot though, just have to let her wander the aisle to practice her walking.


Got the flights to Orlando in November, 2 flights totaling 12 hours. Going to be fun!

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That is seriously annoying! You're not going to be at the airport the whole wait surely?


I was mildly pissed off my flight took off fifteen minutes late yesterday, I take it back.

No, luckily I was able to find someone to pick me up! I wasn't about to stay there all day (and night).


I won't be getting to my final destination until 9:45 the next morning unfortunately.

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Sorry, slightly off topic but reading about all these flight delays reminded me. Back in the 1970's I was in Geneva on business. On returning, I got to the airport in Geneva a bit early and had a couple of hours wait for my flight. I decided to shop around and see if I could get a transfer to an earlier flight. I found that there was an Air Iran flight leaving in 30 minutes and managed to get a transfer.

We took off and it was an extremely smooth flight but after 15 minutes the seat belt lights were still on. There was a American guy sat in front of me and he called the stewardess (who was wearing a burka without the face covering and looked about 15 years of age).

He said 'Hey, missy, why do we have to keep the seat belts on?' In heavily accented English she said 'eets in case ze plane crashes'.

The American guy went very quiet.

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We're very lucky, she hardly ever cries. She'll fuss a lot though, just have to let her wander the aisle to practice her walking.


Got the flights to Orlando in November, 2 flights totaling 12 hours. Going to be fun!


Since we have six children and, when they were younger, flew across the Atlantic most years, I have a lot of sympathy for parents whose children cry. Indeed, I try to help them as much as I can without interfering - praising them in particular for all they do to try to calm their children.


My wife used to give them a dose of something, I forget what it was but will find out, to make them drowsy on the flight (no, it wasn't whiskey!). I think it was an infant dose of one of the allergy medicines. Of course, such a thing is criticized by some, but we did it none the less - just for those rare long flights.

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Did everyone get their flights safely to their destinations on time?ish?

Slight extra delay as someone managed to check in, but not get on the flight?? And we had to wait for their bag to be removed from the storage. The flight ran out of hot breakfasts as well...

Got to Hk for five and made it to the firework display so all is good, thanks ?

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Since we have six children and, when they were younger, flew across the Atlantic most years, I have a lot of sympathy for parents whose children cry. Indeed, I try to help them as much as I can without interfering - praising them in particular for all they do to try to calm their children.


My wife used to give them a dose of something, I forget what it was but will find out, to make them drowsy on the flight (no, it wasn't whiskey!). I think it was an infant dose of one of the allergy medicines. Of course, such a thing is criticized by some, but we did it none the less - just for those rare long flights.


our pediatrician who is very natural living and doesn't love to dole out the medicine has suggested this. children's or infant benedryl. knocks them out 2 hours, worked with my 1.5 year old son this last holiday, i am very thankful.


no judgement steve, seems to not be as bad as you may think if doc's are saying it's ok :)

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our pediatrician who is very natural living and doesn't love to dole out the medicine has suggested this. children's or infant benedryl. knocks them out 2 hours, worked with my 1.5 year old son this last holiday, i am very thankful.


no judgement steve, seems to not be as bad as you may think if doc's are saying it's ok :)


Yup. Benedryl is what it was.

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The passengers who really get to me on flights, especially long-haul flights, are drunks. On a flight from London to Mumbai, the guy sitting next to me drank far too much. I quietly went to see the flight attendants about it, and they refused to serve him any more. Then he started to get belligerent with me. Then he started to get too friendly, all the while with a breath that stank. When the flight is full, there's just no escape from it.

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The passengers who really get to me on flights, especially long-haul flights, are drunks. On a flight from London to Mumbai, the guy sitting next to me drank far too much. I quietly went to see the flight attendants about it, and they refused to serve him any more. Then he started to get belligerent with me. Then he started to get too friendly, all the while with a breath that stank. When the flight is full, there's just no escape from it.


I think that was me :unsure:.

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I have to tell you my best travel story then (I've flown over 6 million miles, so I have a few of them!)


I was flying from Tel Aviv to New York on a Friday. Of course, for Israelis, that a weekend day, so lots of families were flying on this full 747. I had a bunch of work to get done (taking an MBA degree at the time) but had a problem.


1) The lady is front of me was nursing a newborn, so she had her seat fully reclined.

2) If I tried to recline my seat, the elderly man behind me kept punching it until I put it back up.

3) This older man kept a hooked walking stick wedged over my armrest. When he got up to use to bathroom, my arm would get caught as he tried to pull his stick out.

4) On my right, children were running up and down the corridor yelling and screaming.

5) To my left were two children who kept going to and fro the corridor by climbing over me or under my legs.


I asked the flight attendant for a different seat. She basically chided me for taking a weekend flight. "What do you expect? Anyway, the flight is full."


So, I took my laptop and my books, occupied one of the bathrooms at the back of the plane, and worked in there for nearly ten hours. Occasionally someone would knock on the door, but I'd just ignore them. When the coast was clear, I'd sometimes open the door, grab a cup of water, and go back in.


What amazed me is that no one wondered where I might be, but that was fine with me. :)

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