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I have a feeling that if he hasnt signed in the next couple of weeks he will be gone in Jan.

i doubt it. For the money we will get for selling him compared to having a class player for the rest of the season, the choice is clear. He signs or he leaves in June for free, thats it.

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same thing with gravesen wasn't it..class player til the end of the season or take a small fee and we took the fee and that worked out well enough

if the rumours were right and Spurs offered 2m before the window closed, i dont see us selling in Jan. Besides, DM wont let him go for less than 10m (or at least, thats what he will say!). Hopefully its all irrelevant and he will sign a new deal soon!

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If he doesn't sign we'll have him til the end of the season. I'm concerned about how we go about replacing him without getting a penny for him.

personally im hoping that the board cave and pay him what he wants. well, if im hoping anything i suppose i should be hoping he signs the one given him. We arent going to sign anyone so give him a 5 year contract and be done with it.

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"There were a lot of rumours about yourself being linked to other clubs. How did this effect you?

At some stages I just stopped reading the newspapers or giving interviews about that. It all started before the World Cup and everybody was asking me are you gonna transfer or sign a new contract with Everton. I always made my point clear and all contract talks are up to my management and the club. I am an Everton player and we are at the beginning of a great season with a lot to achieve for this club. Like I said earlier in an interview, I want to end up in the european places next June with Everton."


So what's he saying you reckon? That we finish in European spots he'll re-sign? Or, that he just wants that and he's off anyway..

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for those who are lucky enough to frequent the games at Goodison, can you guys make a banner or something to persuade either the board or the man himself to sign the damn contract?! If he is asking for parity with Arteta, give it him, he has earned (close to) it. Dunc, youre spot on mate.

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Bill Shankley, when he was asked about Alan Ball replied .... "he's only 8 stone soaking wet and 6 stone of that must be his heart".

You could say the same about Pienaar, MOTM for me yesterday, he never stops running and covers every blade of grass on the field (both ends). He also has a fair measure of skill so i'm with the two previous posters, STOP FANNYING ABOUT and give him the money, he earns it. :angry:

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Not exactly sure how much we are offering pienaar but we should in this case give him parity with arteta .He imo is class on the ball so confident running at people little tricks that way more often then not come off and he is a fine balance of what a player should be hard working and confident on the ball without him we would not be the same team .I know he was languishing in the bundesliga when we signed him and we gave him a chance to ressurect his career and for that he should be willing to take what we offer but i fear the agent has brainwashed him into holding out for more.As said already it will cost to much to replace him so give him the extra wedge and lets keep one of our best players.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ive no doubt that pienaars going but it should have been done in the summer...moyes is a bit late wheeling and dealing.his value has plummited.

hes not going anywhere in the winter. he is worth more to us for the 2nd half of the season compared to what we will get in money.

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Especially if our other creative midfielder continues to fanny about the pitch!

we have another one? oh yeah! ive heard this rumour! our stand in captain and highest paid player who is currently incapable of completing any pass (which is never forward), takes deadballs he shouldnt and generally is crap at the mo, right?

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