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I noticed they have tied up any loose ends before the new series starts- everything is in place. The first couple of episodes this serires were spent tying up the previous series.


Brilliant episode (although the penultimate was better imo) can't wait for Cersi (sp) to get killed the fucking sly evil bitch. I hope she gets that baby cut out of her and force fed it as she's dying. Only thing that spoilt it slightly was the Night King riding the dragon like David Broom along the wall- it just looked cheap and a bit shit to me- it would have looked better with him standig by it's side and him pointing at the wall and standing back watching .

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I noticed they have tied up any loose ends before the new series starts- everything is in place. The first couple of episodes this serires were spent tying up the previous series.


Brilliant episode (although the penultimate was better imo) can't wait for Cersi (sp) to get killed the fucking sly evil bitch. I hope she gets that baby cut out of her and force fed it as she's dying. Only thing that spoilt it slightly was the Night King riding the dragon like David Broom along the wall- it just looked cheap and a bit shit to me- it would have looked better with him standig by it's side and him pointing at the wall and standing back watching .


All heart you Pad :lol:.

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I hope Jaime is the one to kill Cersei. Would mean he'd killed The Mad King and the The Mad Queen.


The show (and books) like parallels, so I could well see it happening.

That's what I hope too! Got to be either him or Tyrion.


Who is everyone's guess for killing the ice king? Jon Snow must be the fav but it seems too obvious so I reckon it might be a curve ball like Tyrion or Arya.

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I hope Jaime is the one to kill Cersei. Would mean he'd killed The Mad King and the The Mad Queen.


The show (and books) like parallels, so I could well see it happening.

So do I- but he loves her too much so I don't think it'll happen. My money is on Arya putting little fingers face on and going back to see her.

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I hope Jaime is the one to kill Cersei. Would mean he'd killed The Mad King and the The Mad Queen.


The show (and books) like parallels, so I could well see it happening.

if she stays pregnant, no chance Jamie will do it. I can see Arya finishing her off.


That said, I wouldn't be surprised if Cersei wins and murders everyone. This show isn't really know for its happy endings.

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I think Jon sits on the throne AND kills the Night King. GRRM would've killed him off, but the new writers are less likely to kill off favorite characters.


The thing is the ending will be pretty much the same in the books as it is on the tv series. Martin has told them how it all ends, it's just up to them how it gets there - so if Jon dies in the books, and therefore does not sit on the Iron Throne, it won't happen on the show.


So do I- but he loves her too much so I don't think it'll happen. My money is on Arya putting little fingers face on and going back to see her.


It's his love for her that will make him do it. To save her from herself.


if she stays pregnant, no chance Jamie will do it. I can see Arya finishing her off.


That said, I wouldn't be surprised if Cersei wins and murders everyone. This show isn't really know for its happy endings.


The prophesy that she was given as a child has come true so far, so no more children for her - meaning she either loses the baby, and is easier for Jaime to kill, or she dies while still carrying it.

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The prophesy that she was given as a child has come true so far, so no more children for her - meaning she either loses the baby, and is easier for Jaime to kill, or she dies while still carrying it.

Giving birth to a dwarf. How ironic would that be?

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