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Kopite Thread

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Said it before that the Anfield Job can be a poisoned chalice to some, Rogers could have stayed in South Wales and continued doing an outstanding job, but he has done himself no favors taking the vacancy. I don't think either, he will last until end of season, and they'll fire his ass and will turn to someone else to be 'club savior' or try to get them back to something of their previous stature. Still think Dalglish was harshly done this year. FA cup Final, League Cup winners, and they kick him out ?


There's gratitude for you. Rogers won't duplicate that in his first year or two or however long they'll give him.

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King Kenny was given the boot due to his league form and shocking transfer buys, and it was always going to be messy if you look at his status within the clubs history.

Im not convinced by Rodgers tbh, too much talk and not enough results....And dont get me started on the owners !!


'Don't get me started on the owners' !


Would these be the owners that took a massive risk, paid off your £200million debt, sacked the manager the fans didn't want....hired the manager they did want (king kenny)....gave him £100million to spend....Then they had the guts to sack a legend(in the eyes of the supporters).....they gave the new manager a half decent wedge to spend.....and will probably give him some more big $'s in January.........in the meantime they are bankrolling some pretty major wages.


Yeh!.......bunch of tossers aren't they!

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There truely is some world class plankton out in society, i just don't get this chanting/praising of disasters.


'The occasion was marred slightly after the final whistle when a couple of home supporters ran across from the main stand to the visiting contingent - held behind on police orders - and started making aeroplane signals in a clear reference to the Munich air disaster in 1958 when eight United players were among 21 people who lost their lives.

The provocation was met with chants of "Always the victims" and "Murderers" from the travelling fans in relation to the Hillsborough and Heysel stadium disasters that Liverpool were involved with in the 1980s.'

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Liverpool fans want respect but give none out themselves. Idiots.

Always remember the start of the derby (the one Gary Mc scored in the final minute with that dodgy free kick), during the minute silence for Hillsborough and Liverpool fans were making noise. An Everton fan shouted across for them to shut up, and then the media and kopites slated us for disturbing the minutes silence. Similar situation happened after there was chanting about Carsley's and Gerrards children.

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