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US Politics/Biden Presidency (Trump-free zone)


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Guest TallPaul1878
5 minutes ago, markjazzbassist said:

your first point i half agree with, the "me first" politicians i would agree with your point.  but the voters that care about those issues (myself, friends, people on here) i know care passionately about equality and don't see those groups simply as an advantageous voting bonus.  that's why i'm trying to vote in people that care for those things, so they can help make the change to correct the system.  the second point on populism i don't disagree with at all. i would argue that true left isn't globalist, it's socialist which by its very nature is focusing on state production instead of foreign.  Bernie Sanders is actually against globalism and China and stands with conservatives on that issue.  the labour/democrat left i would agree is pro globalism.  i don't see them as true lefties though, more center left or neo-liberals.  i am what i would consider a socialist or true lefty.  i'd like to see way more state involvement in the US.

Watching US politics from afar I can see that there is definitely a power struggle within the Democratic Party. It seems that, apart from a few Never Trumpers, the Republicans are pretty much all in alignment with Trump and so the party is settled.

Democrats have a few different factions at play vying for their place. I was disappointed with all of their nominees. Out of all of them I liked Pete Buttigieg and Tulsi Gabbard but they never got much of a look in with Gabbard being shot to pieces by Clinton's mob. In the end they had flip flop Warren who nobody likes, Bernie Sanders who could never win and went with "You ain't black" Biden who is as creepy as Trump and as prone to gaffes as the Duke of Edinburgh.

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7 hours ago, TallPaul1878 said:

Watching US politics from afar I can see that there is definitely a power struggle within the Democratic Party. It seems that, apart from a few Never Trumpers, the Republicans are pretty much all in alignment with Trump and so the party is settled.

Democrats have a few different factions at play vying for their place. I was disappointed with all of their nominees. Out of all of them I liked Pete Buttigieg and Tulsi Gabbard but they never got much of a look in with Gabbard being shot to pieces by Clinton's mob. In the end they had flip flop Warren who nobody likes, Bernie Sanders who could never win and went with "You ain't black" Biden who is as creepy as Trump and as prone to gaffes as the Duke of Edinburgh.

Biden is becoming more of a caricature every day.  The guy is gonna put himself out of the job before the debates even begin.  The Democratic Party is a joke, that’s the best they could do?  

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Guest TallPaul1878
4 hours ago, markjazzbassist said:

Biden is becoming more of a caricature every day.  The guy is gonna put himself out of the job before the debates even begin.  The Democratic Party is a joke, that’s the best they could do?  

As a side point, what is the Democrats position on China? Honestly I can only see war coming with China now. After their breaking the Hong Kong 50 year transitional treaty early and their recent remarks about using military force on Taiwan should it seek independence.

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2 hours ago, TallPaul1878 said:

As a side point, what is the Democrats position on China? Honestly I can only see war coming with China now. After their breaking the Hong Kong 50 year transitional treaty early and their recent remarks about using military force on Taiwan should it seek independence.

Then we’d be going into WW3 and it’ll all become irrelevant anyway.

China is too big to attack. Won’t happen. 

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Guest TallPaul1878
2 hours ago, Matt said:

Then we’d be going into WW3 and it’ll all become irrelevant anyway.

China is too big to attack. Won’t happen. 

You don't fight them in conventional ways any more. I don't think China will stop with Hong Kong and Taiwan, what happens if they start threatening Japan and try to seize some of Japan's coastal territories?

China has also pushed troops across the Indian border leading to tense stand offs. It went after Vietnam in 79, would it dare try again?

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1 hour ago, TallPaul1878 said:

You don't fight them in conventional ways any more. I don't think China will stop with Hong Kong and Taiwan, what happens if they start threatening Japan and try to seize some of Japan's coastal territories?

China has also pushed troops across the Indian border leading to tense stand offs. It went after Vietnam in 79, would it dare try again?

Trade wars don’t seem to have had much impact, what else is there? Cyber attacks?  

We’ve seen Russia invading Ukraine and nothing happened, there’s no difference between that and China annexing what they think is theirs. 

I completely get and agree with your concerns, I just don’t see anyone taking them on. 

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Guest TallPaul1878
7 minutes ago, Matt said:

Trade wars don’t seem to have had much impact, what else is there? Cyber attacks?  

We’ve seen Russia invading Ukraine and nothing happened, there’s no difference between that and China annexing what they think is theirs. 

I completely get and agree with your concerns, I just don’t see anyone taking them on. 

They will only get to push so far. Taiwan might be a tipping point. We could have 300,000 Hong Kongers claiming asylum in Britain soon thanks to the behaviour of China. 

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Guest TallPaul1878

I've had to have a good laugh at the expense of CNN. Standing in support of the now nationwide rioting that no longer has anything to do with the tragic death of a black man in police custody. They get their reporters arrested by cops and then get their Atlanta HQ burned down by "protestors".

Hopefully the National Guard gun them all down, nothing of value will be lost.

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Guest TallPaul1878

Tell me then, whilst you're down voting again. Why should we stick up for CNN?

Black Americans are coming out to say that they have done nothing but show the seeds of hatred in America.

CNNs director is effectively at war with Trump for no good reason other than he just doesn't like him. Their own reporters have been caught on secret cameras discussing how objective reporting has been cast aside and it is now wall to wall anti-Trump broadcasting.

Protestors are seen on camera smashing up CNN  daubing graffiti over their HQ and chanting "Fuck CNN".

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1 minute ago, TallPaul1878 said:

Tell me then, whilst you're down voting again. Why should we stick up for CNN?

Black Americans are coming out to say that they have done nothing but show the seeds of hatred in America.

CNNs director is effectively at war with Trump for no good reason other than he just doesn't like him. Their own reporters have been caught on secret cameras discussing how objective reporting has been cast aside and it is now wall to wall anti-Trump broadcasting.

Protestors are seen on camera smashing up CNN  daubing graffiti over their HQ and chanting "Fuck CNN".

I down-voted the idea of gunning people down, not sticking up for CNN.

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Guest TallPaul1878
1 hour ago, Matt said:

Same for me. It’s a disgraceful comment.  

America burns and you're gummed up over a comment. Tells me all I need to know.

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Guest TallPaul1878
2 hours ago, Matt said:

No. It’s a disgraceful comment and the situation is terrible. It’s not one or the other. 

The looters are scum, taking advantage of a tragedy to commit acts of wanton destruction and violence. I've no sympathy for them. Turns out some have already been shot dead by private business owners. I hope they aren't charged. I don't defend criminals

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1 hour ago, TallPaul1878 said:

The looters are scum, taking advantage of a tragedy to commit acts of wanton destruction and violence. I've no sympathy for them. Turns out some have already been shot dead by private business owners. I hope they aren't charged. I don't defend criminals

Yes, the looters are scum. Condoning murder / capital punishment is also scum. 

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Guest TallPaul1878
1 hour ago, Matt said:

Yes, the looters are scum. Condoning murder / capital punishment is also scum. 

And that's why criminals will always exploit that leniency. The punishment never fits the crime, it's always worth the risk. Liberals are just too soft.

A police officer has been shot dead and another critically injured in Oakland, nowhere near Minneapolis. This is nothing to do with protesting and everything to do with domestic terrorism.

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1 hour ago, TallPaul1878 said:

And that's why criminals will always exploit that leniency. The punishment never fits the crime, it's always worth the risk. Liberals are just too soft.

A police officer has been shot dead and another critically injured in Oakland, nowhere near Minneapolis. This is nothing to do with protesting and everything to do with domestic terrorism.

Ok Judge Dredd. 

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2 hours ago, TallPaul1878 said:

And that's why criminals will always exploit that leniency. The punishment never fits the crime, it's always worth the risk. Liberals are just too soft.

A police officer has been shot dead and another critically injured in Oakland, nowhere near Minneapolis. This is nothing to do with protesting and everything to do with domestic terrorism.

What are you on about? You obviously have no idea what's going on here against minorities. 

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7 hours ago, dunlopp9987 said:

Paul, this is disgusting. Do I loathe Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell and others? Of course I do. Do I wish someone would "gun them down"? Of course not. This sort of macho behavior is what permeates police forces across this country and contributes to, along with deep-seeded prejudices, the deaths of black and brown people. 

Also, please kindly shut the fuck up in regards to anything happening in Minneapolis. That's my hometown, where I grew up and lived for over 30 years of my life, and you have no concept of the racial injustices that have been happening there for decades. I will gladly go into it with you if you want via PM. 

Do I blame these people for rioting? Absolutely not. You know why? Because when we peacefully protest, that's a problem for you. Colin Kaepernick kneeling to protest injustice? The Right loses its ever-loving mind.

Remember a few weeks ago when white men and women showed up to LEGISLATIVE OFFICES in riot gear with rifles to protest being at home in a global pandemic? Can you even imagine what would happen if black protestors showed up with riot gear and rifles? They would be shot on sight. And you know what they're protesting?? THEIR PEOPLE ARE BEING MURDERERED BY POLICE. ALL THE TIME. White people show up dressed for war to protest because their favorite nail salons and movie theaters are closed. 

Check your privilege, Paul. It's painful to watch.

Very insightful post. The messages of loot and shoot and other threats of death to the rioters or blacks depending on your point of view, is said to be bolstering Trumps ratings in his quest for a 2nd term.

So for me this can only mean 1 or 2 things the USA is a predominately a racist country that wants a President who is a racist and thinks like them, or that what is happening now has stepped over the boundaries of racial protests, and is now turning into a lawless free for all to steal and destroy property under the guise of protest, and the majority of citizens are happy they have a President that is acting strong in dealing with it. 
So is your President and a majority of US citizens racists, or are the majority of US citizens pleased they have a president who is tough on crime. 
If it’s the first then rip your national anthem up because you are far from the home of the free. 
Or is that just to far a simplistic way of looking at it ?

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36 minutes ago, Matt said:

I’ve given him a time out after some reflection. 

I know now who it is, is this a personal reflection or a unanimous mod reflection, or am I not going to get an answer because freedom of speech is being slowly eroded even on TT. 
I understand his views are not those of the majority on here, but ask yourself this are his views the same as a majority of Americans, because since Trump indicated the same sort of views his ratings are going up. 

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1 hour ago, Palfy said:

I know now who it is, is this a personal reflection or a unanimous mod reflection, or am I not going to get an answer because freedom of speech is being slowly eroded even on TT. 
I understand his views are not those of the majority on here, but ask yourself this are his views the same as a majority of Americans, because since Trump indicated the same sort of views his ratings are going up. 

I made the decision. Condoning murder is simply unacceptable.

edit: if the general consensus is that I’m being too heavy handed, I’ll accept that and apologize 

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16 hours ago, Matt said:

Condoning murder / capital punishment is also scum. 

I realise this comment was probably directed at an individual. However, much of the Muslim world condones (and practises) capital punishment, so I'm not sure the word 'scum' is quite right, however much we vehemently disagree with the practice.

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Palfy to your question I’ve said many times on here the vast majority of Americans are dumb and racist.  Unlike your country where one city makes up the whole country voting wise, here the electoral college gives middle of nowhere states power.  These are inhabited by mostly white, mostly uneducated, mostly racist folks.  They wouldn’t say they are racist but trust me I grew up with these people and they avoid blacks, live in cities without blacks for a reason (white flight), and generally believe the media stereotypes of blacks since they have no experience with them since they don’t live or interact with them in life.  That’s the Midwest. The south is similar but there it’s more generational due to the history of slavery and the confederacy down there. The coasts are the same as the Midwest once you leave the cities, because it becomes suburban (read whites who fled the city once integrated schools began in the cities) or rural (there are very very few black farmers in this country).


secondly, the people starting the rioting are majority white.  They are anarchists and opportunists who see a way to make a riot or steal and loot for their own means.  There are also white agitators rioting to make the blacks look bad.  This isn’t an all black riot situation here.  Once the riot starts (which are taking place where peaceful protests have just finished BTW) it’s then guilt by association.  It’s terrible and shameful.

lastly, the way black people have been treated in this country has been and still is terrible.  I have a lot of black friends and musicians I play with and they have to go through shit (like being pulled over repeatedly by cops for “looking suspicious” aka just being black) all the time and it’s literally crazy.  

the system is stacked against them and I don’t blame them for being mad or angry.  They are still treated as second class citizens most places and that is not acceptable.  Frankly I hope these idiot politicians get their shit together and actually do something.  

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17 minutes ago, Formby said:

I realise this comment was probably directed at an individual. However, much of the Muslim world condones (and practises) capital punishment, so I'm not sure the word 'scum' is quite right, however much we vehemently disagree with the practice.

The act itself is still disgraceful. Laughing at buildings being attacked is obscene. Just because some practice is doesn’t make it right. I’m all for stricter punishment.

I’ll put the comments back and remove the ban, even though I think it’s fucking disgraceful  

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