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Yakubu Appeal Is A Yes

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Everton got the vote they wanted without Manny and Yak being signed sealed and delivered.


Manny was meant to sign a week ago and still no news since then.


Yak fee was agreed 3 days agao and still no word from Everton.


Stand by what I said the other day on the stadium debate.


Just wait for the excusses to come out about why theses deals are not going to happen.


The FA won't allow us to complete the Manny signing cos of 3rd party invlovment and the Yak won't get a work permit.


Just watch this space

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Everton got the vote they wanted without Manny and Yak being signed sealed and delivered.


Manny was meant to sign a week ago and still no news since then.


Yak fee was agreed 3 days agao and still no word from Everton.


Stand by what I said the other day on the stadium debate.


Just wait for the excusses to come out about why theses deals are not going to happen.


The FA won't allow us to complete the Manny signing cos of 3rd party invlovment and the Yak won't get a work permit.


Just watch this space


Crikey, lets be a little more negative about the whole thing eh!? :D You can't apply for the permit, until you have permission to speak to a player, and as we didn't get permission until Wednesday, not that surprising that it is taking a little time.


The Manny thing is taking time, due to the 3rd party stuff, but as the deal is structured the same as Tevez, they can't really say no. It is taking time, but nowhere near as long as the Tevez thing. The FA just want to cover their backs.


Come on guys, we have signed 4 excellent players so far, 2 more will be in shortly and we have won 2 of 3 games so far. I know the stadium debate has got alot of people down, but lots of reasons to be positive, and with Tiny Tim heading back soon as well, we should be in excellent shape for this year.



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It's the 'Everton Way'

i agree that it's the 'everton way' but it's not good enough and moyes has to share some of the blame we are struggling to get a team together at the moment, most clubs take a few days to sign a player, everton seem to take weeks, i know everyone is a bit wound up this morning, but the club are really annoying me at the moment. they could'nt run a sex show in a brothel.

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The prinsoner more like the plonker mate we have got in players for all the positions we needed and are 2/3 days away from spending 20 million on two worldclass players and you are still harping on about it being cause of the stadium move. do you really think they would go as far as to apply for work permits on players if they didn't believe they were going to try and sign them. Stop spouting your crackpot conspiracy theroies and get behind the team.

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The prinsoner more like the plonker mate we have got in players for all the positions we needed and are 2/3 days away from spending 20 million on two worldclass players and you are still harping on about it being cause of the stadium move. do you really think they would go as far as to apply for work permits on players if they didn't believe they were going to try and sign them. Stop spouting your crackpot conspiracy theroies and get behind the team.

i am entitled to have my say mate, and these are just MY FEELINGS on things, and it's you thats the plonker, you can't even spell prisoner when it's there on the screen in front of you! maybe you should ask mummy and daddy for a speak and spell for christmas.


I just wish everything would hurry the fuck up so we can make our mark on the league, we have a really good chance this year to break the top 4 if we want.

Edited by The Prisoner
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Your right you are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to say your opinion is a load of tosh. So when we do sign Manny and Yak are you going to come on here and put a post that admits you got it wrong. I would understand if the board hadn't delivered on any of their promises but we have signed 30 mil worth of players this summer and another 15 mil the summer before. It's not like the board aren't backing the manager is it.


P.S thanks for the spelling lesson it's good to see you have mature attitude to debate

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Your right you are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to say your opinion is a load of tosh. So when we do sign Manny and Yak are you going to come on here and put a post that admits you got it wrong. I would understand if the board hadn't delivered on any of their promises but we have signed 30 mil worth of players this summer and another 15 mil the summer before. It's not like the board aren't backing the manager is it.


P.S thanks for the spelling lesson it's good to see you have mature attitude to debate


To be fair it was MY conspiracies about the players now not signging.


How have we signed 30m worth or players this summer??


to date only 3 players have signed that are new???? Jags, Pienear and Baines.


That outlay is around 10m.


The other 2 players have not signed yet and as we know until a player is signed sealed and delivered nothing is certain.


My point was that Manny was meant to be signed within a couple of days of DMs message last week. Since then NOTHING has been said about the signing. No up dates on what is going on.


Regarding Yak again my point was there was no news from the club (which has no changed)


IF Yak and Manny sign then yes I will come on here and say that my 'crackpot conspiracy theroies' were indead wrong.

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Your right you are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to say your opinion is a load of tosh. So when we do sign Manny and Yak are you going to come on here and put a post that admits you got it wrong. I would understand if the board hadn't delivered on any of their promises but we have signed 30 mil worth of players this summer and another 15 mil the summer before. It's not like the board aren't backing the manager is it.


P.S thanks for the spelling lesson it's good to see you have mature attitude to debate


Listen mate, i just wanted to know when the two players concerned are going to be able to play for the team, thats all. Ian Ross has just been on talksport saying that yakubu won't be in till the middle of next week, i noticed he avoided the subject of manny though, so 1 down 1 to go. :)


As for mature attitudes, you started off by calling me a plonker, thats hardly a mature attitude to debating now is it?

anyway, i have to go to work in a moment, and do not wish to get in an argument with you over something so stupid. yakubu's in next week so it's just manny now.

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Fair enough Plonker may have been a bad start to any debate. Anyway I am new to the site this summer and although the stadium dbate does not effect me I find it all leaves a bad taste in the mouth when if we get linked with someone half decent it has an alternative motive. I am a fan of the team not the business set up to take my money. If we spend 11 mil on a worldclass striker I am happy whetehr it's for reasons of football or reasons of business.

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sorry if thsi has been said before but it seems we wont lose him during the African Nations Cup....which is why we havent gotten the work permit in time for tm's game


'Yakubu’s international career suffered when he refused to go the African Nations Cup finals in January 2006 as a result of a fall-out with his international coach.

That saw his international appearance record slide below the Department of Employment’s requisite figure.'

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sorry if thsi has been said before but it seems we wont lose him during the African Nations Cup....which is why we havent gotten the work permit in time for tm's game


'Yakubu’s international career suffered when he refused to go the African Nations Cup finals in January 2006 as a result of a fall-out with his international coach.

That saw his international appearance record slide below the Department of Employment’s requisite figure.'

thats a good point that, hopefully he will decide again he isnt to go :)

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Quote from David Moyes on competition for places, yesterday afternoon;

“It will be but of course at the moment we don’t have Tim Cahill or James Vaughan to give me added competition but hopefully in the next few days we will have more competition from Manny Fernandes and Yakubu and we certainly will have a strong squad,”


just to put a few minds at ease.

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Quote from David Moyes on competition for places, yesterday afternoon;

“It will be but of course at the moment we don’t have Tim Cahill or James Vaughan to give me added competition but hopefully in the next few days we will have more competition from Manny Fernandes and Yakubu and we certainly will have a strong squad,”


just to put a few minds at ease.

It does put mine more at ease!


I think realistically that they are both in the bag already but with all things being Everton I wont be able to sleep easy until the official announcement

Edited by duncanmckenzieismagic
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i too think that they are in the bag, they've both passed medicals, both agreed terms, just red tape now. between the home office and the FA i hope it gets sorted asap

It would be nice though for once, just once, to wake up, click on the official website and see a picture of Moyes and an unexpected big signing holding up a shirt with his name on. Without all this speculation, will he, won't he and conspiracies.


Then again, wouldn't life be dull :P

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i too think that they are in the bag, they've both passed medicals, both agreed terms, just red tape now. between the home office and the FA i hope it gets sorted asap


And then (if the conspiracy theorists are to be believed) BK slaps his forehead and says,


"Oh no I've left me purse on the bus.....cancel the transfers, we can't afford it!"


Well they were only there to get a "yes" vote weren't they, we can tell them to piss off back to 'boro and Benfica now :rolleyes::lol: .

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Considering that we had since January when he came on loan to get Fernandes signed, the timing was about right was'nt it :rolleyes:


And Yakubo would never have Happened if Vaughan had'nt got himself injured.


Thats my view on it anyway. :)

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And then (if the conspiracy theorists are to be believed) BK slaps his forehead and says,


"Oh no I've left me purse on the bus.....cancel the transfers, we can't afford it!"


Well they were only there to get a "yes" vote weren't they, we can tell them to piss off back to 'boro and Benfica now :rolleyes::lol: .




Stevo said ..... i found it very strange how people thought it was to get a yes vote, would have done it before the papers were sent if that was the case.




Licker said ..... Considering that we had since January when he came on loan to get Fernandes signed, the timing was about right was'nt it :rolleyes:




One down, one to go. ;)

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