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Zoo 2.0

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Everything posted by Zoo 2.0

  1. The Premier League are determined to send us down, it's not even tin foil stuff to be saying that anymore, it couldn't be anymore blatant if they tried. Weirdly enough this is the kind of scenario that will keep the crowd going, so might be a really bizarre blessing in disguise.
  2. Daughters first birthday so I'm watching from home today, burst into tears as I jumped off my seat for the goal. She will learn.
  3. Kenwright coming out with an article praising the fans for getting us (potentially) out of this mess when he was partly to blame for us being in it doesn't sit right with me. I've never been part of the anti-Bill brigade, but even I can see now that he's probably doing more damage to the club than good. The article to me just screams being out of touch, which ironically is the exact phrase I'd use to sum our board up. Where was Bill's article a few weeks ago apologising for the state of our season, or us staring down the barrel of relegation? AWOL when we're shit and front page when we're winning.
  4. P5 again, I believe he is the only driver to be in the top 5 at every race so far. Totally agree that he's a future World Champion and it's just a shame that Mercedes have shit the bed so that he can't fight Leclerc and Max this season.
  5. I just hope that this mad fan support bleeds into next season, it's no surprise that as soon as we start with the flares, turning up at Finch Farm, cheering the coach on etc that we start to get results. You can't help but feel it's really given the team a lift. We are by no means out of it, but a few weeks ago I thought we were absolutely gone - as it happens with another win (and Leeds/Burnley losing) we could have sneaked out of it.
  6. Credit it where it's due, in the past couple of games he's actually managed to hold the ball up a bit and be somewhat useful, something that I thought I'd never say at the start of the season. Despite my nerves being at breaking point I did laugh at him in the 96th minute or so; held the ball up well, skinned one of their defenders and when through one-on-one fell over the ball and landed flat on his arse . Dele then had a chance to finish it off but cocked up himself. On the subject of credit where it's due, the same goes for Delph IMO. Been a complete waste of space for the 90% of the time he's been here, but his past performances have been really useful and for that I somewhat applaud him.
  7. Arsenal are 2-1 up as it stands, 30 minutes to go.
  8. Didn't even think about them mate, you're right. They've got Brentford (who are really hard to predict IMO) but then two tough games against Liverpool and Leicester. If they take zero from their last three then they could indeed be a dark horse for it.
  9. He's shite, was given to us as a favour for letting Digne go. It's not fair on the lad personally but he should never have come here and shouldn't be hanging around much longer after the full time whistle sounds at Arsenal. Moshiri should be held accountable and asked to explain this signing.
  10. Said it before my biggest fear of relegation is that the absolute clampets in charge will sack him for it - he absolutely gets us. Drops the players that have downed tools, wears his heart on his sleeve and says it how it is when interviewed. After Ancelotti walked out on us I was absolutely distraught and couldn't be arsed getting behind another mercenary coach, Lampard has made me believe again. He's just excellent.
  11. I'm taking comfort from the teams around us too, Leeds have Chelsea and Arsenal still to play whereas Burnley have Spurs and Newcastle. Hopefully those four games can go our way to stop the other two teams in their tracks, the sooner we leapfrog them the better. I'm just really, really hoping that we can somehow make it mathematically done at Palace as opposed to going to the Emirates needing something.
  12. England's #1. Yerry Mina deserves a shout-out for being a massive shithouse, exactly what we need. Leads the team, tries to get Havertz sent off, holds Pickford down to waste time. What a fucking player - get a decent centre back to partner him next season and I'm happy.
  13. Is fucking right. Well done to the lads setting off fireworks outside of the Hilton, well done to those that set off flares outside the ground. Teams aren't going to get us out of the relegation fight for us, we need to be nasty and do it ourselves. The other 19 teams can fuck off, we're Everton and we've got a history to protect. It's back in our hands, keep being nasty, keep setting off flares, keep wasting time, keep kicking fuck out of the opposition, keep Goodison and our away end a bear pit. Just keep fucking going.
  14. That's Burnley out of it, they can pick up draws now and will probably have enough at the end of the season to be 17th or higher. Our best hope is that Leeds clusterfuck themselves and get dragged into it. The two-games in hand brigade will have piped down now, we've been gone for months and only now is it becoming crystal clear to everyone.
  15. What on Earth are you talking about . I've been on here since 2007, doesn't make me a spokesperson for the forum - length of time on a platform does not equate to success/respect. Quite a bizarre angle you've taken there (but glad to see we've cleared up that you were talking shite on the charity bit).
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