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What did people think of todays game? First half we looked really good. I thought Southgate made a really good decision by using Dier as the only holding player and having Lingard and Alli either side of him. Thats the way to beat the lesser sides with 3 CBs. I really liked the way that when one of the CBs moved into midfield Dier dropped back into the 3. Young and Tripper were having a field day with the space they were getting. Sterling should have scored a few however whilst we created a lot, we scored through a set piece and a goal keeping error. 

Second half was a bit of a concern. Nigeria matched our formation and they put pressure on us, scored early and they were the better team after that. We were much more cautious and from looking like we could create a chance every time we went forward, second half we didnt really create a great deal. 

Overall no-one played themselves out of the team but I thought Young showed that he isnt a great defender and that both Walker and Sterling looked jaded.

Southgate is slowly impressing me with how he is setting up his sides and i just hope that he has the bollocks to pick these attacking sides against Tunisia and Costa Rica and doesnt revert to type with two holding midfielders.


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I have soft spot for England and hope they go far; however, fuck them, one of my best friends is from Ipswich, and he's a snide fuck who talks about how the USA won't be at the World Cup constantly. 

Kidding aside, I'm always surprised by how much the English press hypes up youngsters at clubs but is always so harsh on players for the national team.

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I'm with you Tonk, on both counts. Between the fact that I am familiar with all the English players, and my family was English until they left Bridport  sometime in the 1740's, I'm all in on the 3 Lions!

And I'm amazed at how the press treats both established and up-and-coming English players on domestic clubs vs when they put on the National shirt.


Poor Raheem Sterling. The kid' is only 23, and he is already the reason England crashed and burned  out of 2018 World Cup  - before the first whistle!  Slight exaggeration, but still!

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Usually when it comes to the National team in this country it is normally the managers who get slated when things don't go well.

The football reporters of the rags believe they are better equipped to manage than the managers so some of the reporting becomes very toxic and personally vindictive, and there is very limited reporting of the games themselves.

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3 hours ago, Palfy said:

Usually when it comes to the National team in this country it is normally the managers who get slated when things don't go well.

The football reporters of the rags believe they are better equipped to manage than the managers so some of the reporting becomes very toxic and personally vindictive, and there is very limited reporting of the games themselves.

What do you consider to be reputable media outlets for football?

I take most everything I read with a grain of salt, good bad or indifferent. Most stuff I read comes via apps - FotMob, Bleacher Report, theScore and such. RoyalBlueMersey/Sbnation and Liverpool Echo are the only two websites I check regularly. But as some point it seems you are just reading reports of what others are reporting.

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12 hours ago, Ghoat said:

What do you consider to be reputable media outlets for football?

I take most everything I read with a grain of salt, good bad or indifferent. Most stuff I read comes via apps - FotMob, Bleacher Report, theScore and such. RoyalBlueMersey/Sbnation and Liverpool Echo are the only two websites I check regularly. But as some point it seems you are just reading reports of what others are reporting.

If it comes from the S*n its going to be a lie (they are usually the culprit for all the Sterling headlines too), avoid that rag at all costs (you'll likely know the story but if not then google why Liverpool as a city hates that rag). The Liverpool Echo is aload of shite as well, the red echo its commonly known as round here. Best option is twitter, Paul Joyce usually has it spot on, Alan Myers (former communications officer at Everton) too.

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40 minutes ago, aaron said:

If it comes from the S*n its going to be a lie (they are usually the culprit for all the Sterling headlines too), avoid that rag at all costs (you'll likely know the story but if not then google why Liverpool as a city hates that rag). The Liverpool Echo is aload of shite as well, the red echo its commonly known as round here. Best option is twitter, Paul Joyce usually has it spot on, Alan Myers (former communications officer at Everton) too.

Much appreciated Aaron, found both and followed. Twitter is still a strange beast to me, it's the one social media that befuddles me a bit, but I'm trying!  And yes, I learned the history/backstory of the S*n animosity a couple years ago when the Ross Barkley/gorilla comments emerged.

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Decent first half but ultimately we havent created an open play chance (admitting that the Vardy one had a few passes after the corner) and the goal we have scored should have been saved. 

Everyone playing well enough too. Jones , Delph and maybe Rose the weakest of the bunch.

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Possibly one of the youngest squads we have sent to a world cup, or am I thinking that because I'm getting a lot older.

Do agree with Haf we look more like a team playing for each other and not a load of big time Charlie's as we have in the past when playing the older established players even if they were showing no form.

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We are definitely much more of a team. Southgate has actually done really well at creating that especially considering that he took over from Allardyce who basically said that Rooney can play where he wants because he was that good.

I much prefer the team we played against Nigeria, they are far more dynamic and when Alli and Lingard came on they created a lot more genuine problems. If you need a bit more steel, RLC can come in and play in a similar way.

I think my team for Tunisia would be:


Trippier or TAA - Walker - Stones - Cahill - Rose



......................Sterling... Kane


I like Rashford alongside Kane as well but I think we will create more chances with Sterling as a team albeit Rashford is more likely to put one in the back of the net. If you need more pace and counter attacking threat then Vardy can also play ahead of Kane.

Defensively the weak link is Rose/Young and the third CB. Walker, Jones and Maguire all get caught out.

Dier is better than dropping into the back 5 than Henderson but they are both equally as good in every other aspect in that position.

I dont like any other midfielder in the advanced role other than Loftus-Cheek.

All in all I am certainly more positive going into a tournament than I have been for a long time but its just a shame there is only one Everton player!



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9 hours ago, Bailey said:

We are definitely much more of a team. Southgate has actually done really well at creating that especially considering that he took over from Allardyce who basically said that Rooney can play where he wants because he was that good.

I much prefer the team we played against Nigeria, they are far more dynamic and when Alli and Lingard came on they created a lot more genuine problems. If you need a bit more steel, RLC can come in and play in a similar way.

I think my team for Tunisia would be:


Trippier or TAA - Walker - Stones - Cahill - Rose



......................Sterling... Kane


I like Rashford alongside Kane as well but I think we will create more chances with Sterling as a team albeit Rashford is more likely to put one in the back of the net. If you need more pace and counter attacking threat then Vardy can also play ahead of Kane.

Defensively the weak link is Rose/Young and the third CB. Walker, Jones and Maguire all get caught out.

Dier is better than dropping into the back 5 than Henderson but they are both equally as good in every other aspect in that position.

I dont like any other midfielder in the advanced role other than Loftus-Cheek.

All in all I am certainly more positive going into a tournament than I have been for a long time but its just a shame there is only one Everton player!



Loftus cheek is a top player.... Will be outstanding in the future. Love us to get him. 

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Allardyce on Southgate...

"Jealous is what I feel. Massively disappointed. That should be me there. Unfortunately because of the circumstances that wasn't the case."

Bit torn on this; if it was still him then we'd not have had him humiliating our good name for six months **shudders** but on the other hand if he'd stayed on at England we'd not have qualified anyway. No, on reflection, not torn at all; I'd happily sacrifice England's participation for the sake of the Blue's dignity. Bloody FA should never have sacked him, far too harsh:shakingfist:.


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2 hours ago, MikeO said:

Allardyce on Southgate...


Bit torn on this; if it was still him then we'd not have had him humiliating our good name for six months **shudders** but on the other hand if he'd stayed on at England we'd not have qualified anyway.

If that happened you would have to start driving on the right side of the road.....

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