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Wigan FA cup

Finn balor

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I'm not bragging, it's a small trophy I know that. However I'd still rather win something than nothing and while leaving Istanbul with a European cup is a far greater feeling than winning the league cup, both are still better than not having seen my side lift as much as a tea cup in 18 years. But then again I shouldn't be surprised you can't get that as winning things is not something your used to!


Mate, your going on as if it was the mother of all cups. Oh yeah Istanbul, 8 years ago (and you say we live the in past?)...and all the money you's have spunked up the wall i'd be amazed if you hadnt won something. I'm not going to lie, we are in the financial shit, so its always an uphill battle for us as we are skint, but i'd rather be a club like ours with (most) players that love the club instead of having to spend millions to finally get a half decent team together and then stick up for any good player we have no matter how much of a cunt he is (not denying he is a boss player, so you cant call me bitter, but be honest...he is a disgrace, only kopites seem to think hes not) just so he wont leave us...its pathetic.

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Fuck me, most reds I know wouldn't have the audacity to come out with such shite.


They are on their second set of Yankee owners who needed to stop them from going into admin. They support a world class player who has the morals of a dragged up Jeremy Kyle candidate just so he doesn't leave.


Once they were a club of integrity, now they are pitied, laughed at, and scorned. The money they have blown, managers they have been through, players shirts they have burned - yet they look at us??? Yeah no wonder. They are as cheap as the second hand shirts they borrowed from us, years after we begun.



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In March 2002, Everton lost 3-0 to Middlesbrough in their FA Cup quarterfinal after a dismal performance. Almost eleven years to the day, the same fate befell Everton. After the 2002 display, Walter Smith received his marching orders. While David Moyes is safe from that danger, there was a similar end of tenure feel around Goodison Park after the final whistle.

Thou shall not speak of the 'boro game :(. I still remember the pie arsed Paul Ince hitting a poor daisy cutter that hit a lump of turf and looped the keeper. Possibly the worst 5 minutes Everton ever played, although today's close worst if you think of the other 85 minutes.

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Why is it I always miss out on things on these pages. Some silly shite fan comes along and gets all belligerent and rowdy just because we went out today and played a poor game and it's something we don't need, but they can be good value sometimes, but as mentioned, it's about the game today. 'Toss pots' FFS !. Enjoy the rest of your season kid.


Idiots aside, I remember well the Middlesbrough game from 2002, and it was one of Gascoigne's and Ince's last appearances as players on different sides, we had reached the last eight, and it was a televised game ?, and we got well beat up there and Smith was just about finished. Can appreciate there must have been some similarities felt with Moyes today. I do feel David may well have participated in his last cup endeavor as Everton team manager today.

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I work in Manchester and watched the game in work with my mate who is a Bolton fan. After the first ten minutes id say i would take a replay. We were so vunerable down our right side it was unbelievable and all Moyes could do was swap Peanuts and Kevin from each side. Sheamus looked like he had wellies on and it was obvious our centre midfield was absolute wank. I'm sorry but Neville should never be a starter ahead of Hitz never mind Barkley or even Lundstram. My mate was laughing at me screaming at how shit he was then even he said " does Neville pass it more than five yards?" so many times he put his own team mates under pressure with daft "safe" balls it was a joke. As the game carried on it was clear we were a yard behind Wigan in all areas. Sad i know.

Football is a simple game,but we made it so so hard today to a point it was a struggle to watch. Felli was an embarrassment and looked like he wanted to be playing at Old Trafford tommorow, Osman and Peanuts were awful aswell. Mirallas on the other hand never stopped and was the only player who looked like he truly wanted it, why the fuck he got took off ive no idea. For me Bainesey is carrying his ankle and is at 70% and can be excused.

Basically i felt we were awful and Davey needs to stand up along with Kenwright. This perpetual starting crap and finishing strong was always gonna be turned on its head due to Kenwright "winging it" and hoping for the best and today and i think the rest of the season will bear testament to this i'm afraid. Im not buying into this Martinez shite that will be written tommorow about what a masterful job he did or how he outfoxed Moyes. I don't want Martinez but i think we are going stale under Davey.

I think having a long reign is fine if the players are listening to the same manager but with Fergie, Wenger they have the ability to spend money and freshen the squad up allowing although the players may not necessarily be hearing new things they are seeing new faces and players improving the team which counters the inbalance. We have an ageing squad that has no pace up front and in midfield apart from Mirallas. For me big things need to change in the summer. If that means Davey goes well so be it. Neville needs to be moved on but what does that solve? Gibson is to injury prone, Osman not good enough, Pienaar past his best, Felli- sold, hopefully that will get us 3 £10 mill rated players. Two midfielders and a striker. Give Barkley a run, get Stones, Duffy,Lundstram,Kennedy more involved. Id give Mirrallas a free role behind the front man aswell. Im rambling i know but fucking gutted after today i really am

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I always laugh at how Liverpool fans run around bagging other clubs for being 'smaller' than theirs, one of the 'biggest clubs in the world'. They've blown millions and millions, won't be playing in Europe next season and are a lowly top ten prem team who have fallen behind their skint rivals. At least when our team disappoints with a bad performance we don't stand for it, rather than using all our past trophies and successes as an excuse. I'll bring you up to speed pal, your club is on the same level as QPR, trying to spend your way out of a rut that exists deep down at the core of your shitty club.



Anyway, on the game, it really does seem like its time to cash in on Fellaini and refresh the squad. Not particularly arsed about moyes anymore, if he had the passion and desire to continue he would make his intentions clear. The squad is broken at the moment, the injuries don't help either and personally I think Mirallas is a gem amongst the rough at the moment, the only thing we have to look forward to.

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Oh dear, oh dear, oh fucking dear! Emarassment? too bloody right. But what an opportunity.....if Moyes was half a manager, he'd resign after that display. If Bill was half a decent chairman, he'd sack the fucker.

Look, we're far enough along now that we won't be relegated and the Cup's gone, nothing left to fight for. Bill, man up and bite the bullet. Get a new manager in pronto, he'll have the rest of this season to get it together. If it means no Europa League next season, so be it....it's not like we're used to it!

Use the up and coming young players for the rest of the season, get them blooded so they can start next season with some Prem experience under their belts. I don't care if they lose every game, at least we'll go down fighting not with a whimper.

Sell Fellaini (his value must have plummeted after this display though) and buy a decent midfield.

I remember many years ago the manager (can't remember who now....Catterick or the taximan Johnny Carey) and the chairman were pelted with seat cushions by fans when seated in the stand. Poor performances evoked poor responses. I'm not in any way advocating this, but surely to god both Moyes and Kenright must be able to see that something here is very, very wrong?

Man up Bill, do it for the club. We need a fresh start for next season.....time to appoint a new manager. I think it's our only way out of this mess.

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I am as disappointed as the next evertonian but I can't believe the over reaction by most! Moyes out? That's not what we need , we need the best manager we've had in my lifetime to be given some money to be able to compete with the teams around us. With the cash we do spend we should be competing with Sunderland, Fulham, west brom...but we are in the mix with arsenal, spurs and Chelsea...for one reason, we have a decent manager, one that 15 of the other EPL clubs would gladly swap with us.

We we shocking against Wigan yesterday...and they played the game perfectly, well done to them, be amazing if they could win the cup...but it's bout the only game this season, certainly at goodison, that we have been played off the park , we dominated man utd..has anyone else done that, drew away to man city.

Maybe if we had bought Fer Fellini would be back in defensive midfield, maybe moyes agrees with you all...but allhe can do is use what he has got

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Haven't read anything on here yet, and just finished watching the game. Shocking. So poor. Didn't even start playing until the second half and then only for 10 minutes. We're completely out of gas and have no real plan. We'll be lucky with any win we secure from here to the end of the season.

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Didn't even start playing until the second half and then only for 10 minutes.

This is the point that gets me. They can play! It's just that why can't the manager get them playing like that from the kick off?


Baffling team selection given who was on the bench. Predictable formation. We were so much better when we went 4-4-2. But to chase 3 goals is tough.


We call for Moyes' head because this was soooooo predictable. Honesty were any of us shocked after the first 30mins of the first half, I had a feeling what was going to happen. DM had to do something, say something at half time... Why the @#+$ did he not do it from the start?


It's his job to motivate, tinker with the line up, formation and tactics. But instead we are getting the same same same. A few seasons ago he's a tactical genius that has us winning a few big games. But nothing drastic has changed since.


That's what gets my goat. I know we are better than this, but we are playing reactive, not proactive football.

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I'm still shell shocked and pretty upset about yesterday if I'm honest, so I'm not going to say too much about this one, I'm thinking about it enough as it is.


I always say I can accept us losing if we've given our all but yesterday we gave nothing and deservedly ended up with nothing. For the life of me I cannot understand how, with Wembley just 90 minutes away, the players showed so little will to win, heart, passion, effort. For all their talk in the week of making up for the shit they served up against Liverpool last year they looked like they couldn't be arsed, like it didn't even matter to them. I can't stomach that. It was pathetic, it really was.


Not for one minute before the game did I think we wouldn't win. These games usually have me a nervous wreck beforehand but I was totally calm because I really had faith in the players. But, once again, they, and the manager, completely bottled it when anything is expected of them. I'm sick of it and it's left me dejected and wanting this season to end so we can get to the point where Moyes goes and we can get fresh ideas and fresh impetus.


This result can make the rest of our season go one of two ways. It'll either give the players, and manager, the kick up the arse they need and we'll end the season well. Or the rest of our season will completely implode. I'm hoping it's the former rather than the latter.


I haven't watched any highlights of the game, I can't bring myself to do it, so my views on the players may be wrong.



Mucha - For all the worry I've had about him in goal he hasn't done badly at all, and I don't think he could have done a thing about any of their goals yesterday.



Coleman - I felt extremely sorry for him. He was given a torrid time and was left completely exposed by his wing partners. Both Pienaar and Mirallas (Pienaar in particular) gave him no protection whatsoever and he was left on his own against 2 or 3 Wigan attackers all game long.


Heitinga - Did much better against Kone than last time, but his long balls pissed me right off.


Distin - He was a long ball merchant too and I wanted to punch him.


Baines - Poor, poor, poor game. What has happened to his crossing ability? Once again it was completely and utterly shite.



Mirallas - He wasn't even that good but he was easily our best player out there. He was the only one who looked like he could possibly make something happen and I was totally confused as to why he was substituted.


Neville - Once again our most experienced player let us down. What the hell was going through his mind when he played that pass?! Even before then he'd been passing his team mates into trouble and generally just looking shite. He's finished, IMO.


Osman - Woeful. Lately he just doesn't seem to do anything in games; he just plods about the pitch not impacting on the play. Yesterday was no different. He played so deep it was impossible for him to help us positively. And he's shit defensively so is more of a hindrance being back there. I watched him glance at a Wigan player and let him run right past him to receive the ball and then run into our penalty area!


Pienaar - A bit like Manchester; full of shit, shit and more shit. I lost count of the amount of times he played the ball right across the pitch and found a Wigan player.



Fellaini - Did we sell him in January without me realising it? Because he was fucking non-existent! Well apart from getting booked and causing Osman to get booked. He's had some bad games during his time with us but yesterday has got to be the worst game he's had for us. It was diabolical. He looked like he was just going through the motions. Barely put himself about, shit out of tackle after tackle... he put nothing into this game, nothing at all. Despite his no show I didn't agree with him getting boo'ed when he was subbed. I would have dragged him off at half time though, he didn't deserve any more time on the pitch.



Jelavic - Had one chance that I can remember, which forced a great save out of their keeper. Other than that it was more of the same - barely getting a sniff due to our inept midfield.

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agree with most there Romey - good work -

Neville had the biggest impact on the game - negative when he was on the pitch and positive when he was pulled off at half time-

any manager playing Neville in any league in current form must surely have his head read - making him captain on top of it takes the cake -

Wigan built their whole game plan around our captain and Mr Moyes failed to notice it till it was too late -

Mr Moyes is a rescue manager and he did wonders for the club in that regard - but he is not a trophy hunter which is what we need now -

his time at Everton is up - we need a good spring clean - get rid of the dead wood and get a few hungry youngsters who wants to win -

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I'm still shell shocked and pretty upset about yesterday if I'm honest, so I'm not going to say too much about this one, I'm thinking about it enough as it is.


I always say I can accept us losing if we've given our all but yesterday we gave nothing and deservedly ended up with nothing. For the life of me I cannot understand how, with Wembley just 90 minutes away, the players showed so little will to win, heart, passion, effort. For all their talk in the week of making up for the shit they served up against Liverpool last year they looked like they couldn't be arsed, like it didn't even matter to them. I can't stomach that. It was pathetic, it really was.


Not for one minute before the game did I think we wouldn't win. These games usually have me a nervous wreck beforehand but I was totally calm because I really had faith in the players. But, once again, they, and the manager, completely bottled it when anything is expected of them. I'm sick of it and it's left me dejected and wanting this season to end so we can get to the point where Moyes goes and we can get fresh ideas and fresh impetus.


This result can make the rest of our season go one of two ways. It'll either give the players, and manager, the kick up the arse they need and we'll end the season well. Or the rest of our season will completely implode. I'm hoping it's the former rather than the latter.


I haven't watched any highlights of the game, I can't bring myself to do it, so my views on the players may be wrong.



Mucha - For all the worry I've had about him in goal he hasn't done badly at all, and I don't think he could have done a thing about any of their goals yesterday.



Coleman - I felt extremely sorry for him. He was given a torrid time and was left completely exposed by his wing partners. Both Pienaar and Mirallas (Pienaar in particular) gave him no protection whatsoever and he was left on his own against 2 or 3 Wigan attackers all game long.


Heitinga - Did much better against Kone than last time, but his long balls pissed me right off.


Distin - He was a long ball merchant too and I wanted to punch him.


Baines - Poor, poor, poor game. What has happened to his crossing ability? Once again it was completely and utterly shite.



Mirallas - He wasn't even that good but he was easily our best player out there. He was the only one who looked like he could possibly make something happen and I was totally confused as to why he was substituted.


Neville - Once again our most experienced player let us down. What the hell was going through his mind when he played that pass?! Even before then he'd been passing his team mates into trouble and generally just looking shite. He's finished, IMO.


Osman - Woeful. Lately he just doesn't seem to do anything in games; he just plods about the pitch not impacting on the play. Yesterday was no different. He played so deep it was impossible for him to help us positively. And he's shit defensively so is more of a hindrance being back there. I watched him glance at a Wigan player and let him run right past him to receive the ball and then run into our penalty area!


Pienaar - A bit like Manchester; full of shit, shit and more shit. I lost count of the amount of times he played the ball right across the pitch and found a Wigan player.



Fellaini - Did we sell him in January without me realising it? Because he was fucking non-existent! Well apart from getting booked and causing Osman to get booked. He's had some bad games during his time with us but yesterday has got to be the worst game he's had for us. It was diabolical. He looked like he was just going through the motions. Barely put himself about, shit out of tackle after tackle... he put nothing into this game, nothing at all. Despite his no show I didn't agree with him getting boo'ed when he was subbed. I would have dragged him off at half time though, he didn't deserve any more time on the pitch.



Jelavic - Had one chance that I can remember, which forced a great save out of their keeper. Other than that it was more of the same - barely getting a sniff due to our inept midfield.




Lol I think thats the first one of your match reports were I have agreed with every single word, absolutely spot on with each player


Incidentally Mirallas went off because of his hamstring, saw Gibson telling Baines i think it was

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Lol I think thats the first one of your match reports were I have agreed with every single word, absolutely spot on with each player


Incidentally Mirallas went off because of his hamstring, saw Gibson telling Baines i think it was

Hopefully that was more for precaution than anything else because I have a feeling we'll be relying on him heavily until the end of the season.

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In a short space of time I seen a supposedly "not ready" Ross Barkley show more athetisim and technical ability than our two centre midfielders and Belgian superstar. He deserves to play.

To be honest I thought this after the Chelsea game at Goodison. He might have given the ball away that led to that Torres chance, but how many times is Osman chasing back each game to stop a counter attack after he's given the ball away?

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I am sure you lot have discussed this but some of Moyes' best decisions are thrust on him by injury. He couldn't pick his nose when he has a fully fit squad.


It's the packed midfield /one forward shit isn't it? Robbing Peter to play Paul most of the time. Try something new ffs. Play Barkley every game until the end of the season and let him learn on the job as Coleman is doing.

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Of course - but the team is horribly out of form and losing games becomes a habbit as quickly as winning them.

We still have much to be positive about for the remainder of the season.


Our chances of Europe are very much alive, especially that we have to play the other teams around us, so if we get back on the positive track, it's still in our hands.

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