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4 hours ago, Hafnia said:

But what was ridiculous? The clown with a cake? Very apt.  Sadly if people actually believed the stuff back then, that many do now we would be in a far better place. 

Same as my above post, one guy with a cake and a clown suit doesn’t mean everyone has a cake and a clown suit. A collective shouldn’t be held to account for one persons actions. 

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2 minutes ago, StevO said:

Same as my above post, one guy with a cake and a clown suit doesn’t mean everyone has a cake and a clown suit. A collective shouldn’t be held to account for one persons actions. 


same lame excuses that play into kenwrights hands.  “Fans chasing cars” - meaning a few lads who wanted to ask players “what the fuck is going on”.  Even a good number of our fans believed the headlock story, absolutely astonishing.

the collective inappropriate behaviour from subsets of fans comes nowhere near the levels of professional negligence, lies, and disrespect from our board.

fuckin pathetic and it’s why we are where we are.   I played golf with a red who told me he couldn’t believe how restrained Everton fans were. The kopites would have had the board launched years ago…. They would too



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46 minutes ago, StevO said:


That’s exactly how it works. Actually receiving the money isn’t our issue, that’s just cash flow, it’s how we account for it. 
The sale would count as the value sold minus any value still spread across the accounts, so for Gray we probably have about £200k still in the accounts so would be mostly profit. 
Whoever we bring in as a replacement their costs would be spread over the length of their first contract, probably four years or so. 

Edit; just seen the other replies. Late to the party. 

Only cash flow is our problem. We do not have actual physical money to pay upfront fees. That was confirmed by numerous sources post January. 

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17 minutes ago, Goodison Glory said:

Only cash flow is our problem. We do not have actual physical money to pay upfront fees. That was confirmed by numerous sources post January. 

Cash flow isn’t really a problem, if it was we would be struggling to pay the bills. The issue is with the authorities.

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1 hour ago, StevO said:

That’s all individuals though, that isn’t part of any protest plan; to give people shit and tell them they aren’t fans. 
That’s individual people doing things on their own. That can’t be pinned on the collective, none of that was in any way part of the plans. 

The likes of the walks is the actual planned way of doing things, banners at the game, the actual protest themselves. That’s how the group of people who planned them did things. I’ve seen them all condemn the bad behaviour too. 

It’s good that they did condemn it, because it was utterly embarrassing behaviour.

I do care so much about our club and seeing behaviour like that belittles our club. Neutral fans don’t separate it away from those doing good as the bad ones still do it in the name of being part of that collective. 

So although I agree with those wanting change, I also try to distance myself from that group that behave with no respect, no intelligence, and no dignity…. As I come to the game with my twelve year old son. 

As I mentioned above, the planned walks were completely different as they were organised. I have utmost respect for those that do it properly.

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8 hours ago, Hafnia said:

But what was ridiculous? The clown with a cake? Very apt.  Sadly if people actually believed the stuff back then, that many do now we would be in a far better place. 

As I've explained many times, exaggerated, hyperbolic statements. You'll call it passion, I saw it as misguided.

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4 hours ago, StevO said:

Same as my above post, one guy with a cake and a clown suit doesn’t mean everyone has a cake and a clown suit. A collective shouldn’t be held to account for one persons actions. 

I didn't even know there was a clown suit and cake. It was the wording, the approach, the OTT nature of unconstructive and unrealistic demands.

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4 hours ago, Shukes said:


So although I agree with those wanting change, I also try to distance myself from that group that behave with no respect, no intelligence, and no dignity…. As I come to the game with my twelve year old son. 

Though I agree with all of what you say there, it’s still unfair to consider the people who behave in that way a group. It’s individuals no different from you and me, they shouldn’t be considered a group. 

It’s like saying everyone on TT drinks cold red wine, but we aren’t a group. That’s just you and you alone. We all shouldn’t be treated badly because you put a bottle in the fridge, just you. 😂

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1 hour ago, Matt said:

I didn't even know there was a clown suit and cake. It was the wording, the approach, the OTT nature of unconstructive and unrealistic demands.

You must be the only Evertonian that doesn’t know about the muppet in the clown suit carrying the cake. 

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11 minutes ago, StevO said:

You must be the only Evertonian that doesn’t know about the muppet in the clown suit carrying the cake. 

Now I do but even if I had it would only re-enforce my point; the approach they took could've been much better. 

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4 hours ago, Shukes said:

It’s good that they did condemn it, because it was utterly embarrassing behaviour.

I do care so much about our club and seeing behaviour like that belittles our club. Neutral fans don’t separate it away from those doing good as the bad ones still do it in the name of being part of that collective. 

So although I agree with those wanting change, I also try to distance myself from that group that behave with no respect, no intelligence, and no dignity…. As I come to the game with my twelve year old son. 

As I mentioned above, the planned walks were completely different as they were organised. I have utmost respect for those that do it properly.

All this. 

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54 minutes ago, StevO said:

Though I agree with all of what you say there, it’s still unfair to consider the people who behave in that way a group. It’s individuals no different from you and me, they shouldn’t be considered a group. 

It’s like saying everyone on TT drinks cold red wine, but we aren’t a group. That’s just you and you alone. We all shouldn’t be treated badly because you put a bottle in the fridge, just you. 😂

Haha fair point.

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6 hours ago, Hafnia said:


same lame excuses that play into kenwrights hands.  “Fans chasing cars” - meaning a few lads who wanted to ask players “what the fuck is going on”.  Even a good number of our fans believed the headlock story, absolutely astonishing.

the collective inappropriate behaviour from subsets of fans comes nowhere near the levels of professional negligence, lies, and disrespect from our board.

fuckin pathetic and it’s why we are where we are.   I played golf with a red who told me he couldn’t believe how restrained Everton fans were. The kopites would have had the board launched years ago…. They would too



It wasn't like that though was it?

It was mob behaviour, a gang of a scallies intent on causing trouble 

Whatever the rights or wrongs of the board the actions of those so called fans that night was a disgrace 



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2 hours ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

It wasn't like that though was it?

It was mob behaviour, a gang of a scallies intent on causing trouble 

Whatever the rights or wrongs of the board the actions of those so called fans that night was a disgrace 



Again, individuals. 10 maybe 20 lads outside a crowd of 40,000 that night. 

Just like the fella in the clown suit wasn’t the whole blue union, or even part of the plan. Just someone who thought it would be a good idea. 
Just like the knobheads who shouted at Shukes, not part All Together Now or part of the plan. Just some knobhead.

If we confuse the behaviour of a bunch of individuals with the people who actually planned peaceful protests, if we consider them the same, then everyone of us can be considered as one of the scallies chasing Gordon or chatting shit to Mina, all 40,000 of us who were there that night. 

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7 minutes ago, StevO said:

Again, individuals. 10 maybe 20 lads outside a crowd of 40,000 that night. 

Just like the fella in the clown suit wasn’t the whole blue union, or even part of the plan. Just someone who thought it would be a good idea. 
Just like the knobheads who shouted at Shukes, not part All Together Now or part of the plan. Just some knobhead.

If we confuse the behaviour of a bunch of individuals with the people who actually planned peaceful protests, if we consider them the same, then everyone of us can be considered as one of the scallies chasing Gordon or chatting shit to Mina, all 40,000 of us who were there that night. 

Again that was not the case though was it?

Admittedly the majority seemed like dickheads who were still on their first packet of razor blades but there were literally hundreds of them

I have no problem with protest, and God knows it was needed, but i think it needs to be done respectfully and in the right manner.

I’m all in on the back the team sack the board mantra but that night was so far removed from that it’s untrue



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38 minutes ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

Again that was not the case though was it?

Admittedly the majority seemed like dickheads who were still on their first packet of razor blades but there were literally hundreds of them

I have no problem with protest, and God knows it was needed, but i think it needs to be done respectfully and in the right manner.

I’m all in on the back the team sack the board mantra but that night was so far removed from that it’s untrue



From everything I saw I don’t think it was more that 10-20. I certainly didn’t see hundreds of them, and again, if there was hundreds of them they were nothing to do with the planned protests. 

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16 hours ago, StevO said:

Cash flow isn’t really a problem, if it was we would be struggling to pay the bills. The issue is with the authorities.

Cash flow is a problem. our own accounts show it. At the end of FY20/21 (June 2021) we had £70m in cash....fast forward one year and we had only£30M - and that's after the Digne/Richy sale. Now I'm not saying the Richy sale was all cash upfront...but that's not relevant to this point.

That takes us to June 2022 - £30M in cash to run the business day to day. Granted, not everything needed to run the club is paid in cash real time, but player wages are. This is why come January we could only look to buy players with the right deal mechanics (no cash upfront). The money from Gordon went to continue paying for stadium and wages. 

The bridging loan £40M that was put in by Andy Bell a month or so ago as an underwriting (until MSP cash came) was also to fund next payment of stadium because we didn't have the cash and Moshri didn't want to put more of his own money in.

You are correct that FFP is still an ongoing concern also but I'm just highlighting that we also have a cash flow issue. 


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32 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

Looks like we are thinking of bringing in arsenals head of football who spent £70m on Pepe, who more or less lashed cash into Kia’s pocket.

fuckin sick of this shit

Arsenal fans despise him and say he's dodgy as fuck. When the club did a big investigation into why they were failing he was first out the door (a bit different to when we did ours and then essentially patted ourselves on the back for the shitness).

He was also the man behind the dodgy deal that took Neymar to Barcelona.

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5 hours ago, Goodison Glory said:

Cash flow is a problem. our own accounts show it. At the end of FY20/21 (June 2021) we had £70m in cash....fast forward one year and we had only£30M - and that's after the Digne/Richy sale. Now I'm not saying the Richy sale was all cash upfront...but that's not relevant to this point.

That takes us to June 2022 - £30M in cash to run the business day to day. Granted, not everything needed to run the club is paid in cash real time, but player wages are. This is why come January we could only look to buy players with the right deal mechanics (no cash upfront). The money from Gordon went to continue paying for stadium and wages. 

The bridging loan £40M that was put in by Andy Bell a month or so ago as an underwriting (until MSP cash came) was also to fund next payment of stadium because we didn't have the cash and Moshri didn't want to put more of his own money in.

You are correct that FFP is still an ongoing concern also but I'm just highlighting that we also have a cash flow issue. 


We have money to spend, though Moshiri is undeniably a madman, he still has money to spend but we aren’t allowed to spend it. The very same accounts you reference show have Moshiri’s commitment to funding in there too. 

The Digne sale wasn’t driven by a need for money.

The Richarlison sale was purely to keep us out of hot water with P&S, hence why he had to be sold so early in the window to get him in that years accounts.

The Anthony Gordon money balanced the books with P&S, nothing more. Player sales are not to find the stadium. 

The borrowed money is all against the stadium, it’s also not needed for cash flow. The club was never going to fund the stadium, it’s impossible as we don’t generate enough. It was always going to be via loans and Moshiri’s money until he can refinance to get that money back. 

The money guaranteed by Andy Bell is being repaid by MSP, not the club as part of their investment in the stadium. 

All of our financial issues are just around profit and sustainability after years of making huge losses, the cap for losses over a three year period has been exceeded time and time again. All of those losses have been covered by Moshiri putting the money in, but we are hamstrung because of those losses in the accounts, not the cash in the bank. If we had actual cash flow problems we would be in serious trouble and probably looking at administration. 

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On 26/06/2023 at 09:49, StevO said:

We have money to spend, though Moshiri is undeniably a madman, he still has money to spend but we aren’t allowed to spend it. The very same accounts you reference show have Moshiri’s commitment to funding in there too. 

I don't know enough about the other funding issues to get into but on this point generally but does Mohsiri still have the cash available to him? I think there have been some suggestions that his ability to use his wealth in this country has been hampered due to the Ukraine/Russia sanctions.

I don't know whether The Esk is reliable, but on 23rd June 2023 he said that the latest funding from MSP will "keep the club solvent & keeps BM viable".


EDIT: Ill just add I have no idea where I read that first bit or if I have just made it up! 😂

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Stadium investment was spoken about before a shovel went into the ground. 
The MSP investment is t a surprise to me. I’ve knew it will be coming from the start… just didn’t know who it would be.

I would expect the MSP investment is for the stadium alone though. 

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29 minutes ago, Shukes said:

Stadium investment was spoken about before a shovel went into the ground. 
The MSP investment is t a surprise to me. I’ve knew it will be coming from the start… just didn’t know who it would be.

I would expect the MSP investment is for the stadium alone though. 

They are buying into the club, but with support for finding the stadium. 

If they don’t own the club outright in a few years I’d be very surprised if they didn’t at least own the stadium. 

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I agree that MSP will eventually own significantly more. We can't afford to borrow the rest of the money needed to finance the stadium. We are already paying £15M+ per year in interest if we borrow the remaining money needed, surely that is going to eat into incremental revenue the stadium delivers. For that reason, I could see MSP just investing more, which will then be converted to even more equity and thus make them the majority shareholder.


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On a more positive note......I read that our 3 year losses are going to look much healthier after this season.

Currently the 3 years I believe are as follows, with the oldest year first (110M), (44M), (10M) estimated)....at the end of this year, assuming we don't do anything nuts....we would be looking at the 110M dropping off and being replaced with whatever this year turns out to be.

That would be a nice position to be in with the new stadium opening up.

Now, with BK and Mosh in charge, they will probably fuck it up.

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1 hour ago, MikeO said:

Something I can't get away from, apologies.

In my teens when I was playing guitar one of our local  rival bands was called MSP.

Guitarist was called Mike Suwrowy hence the first two letters but the band were widely referred to as Mike Suwrowy's Penis.

Thought I'd share that nugget😂

Tits and dicks in one day. You've changed, Mike!

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7 hours ago, MikeO said:

Something I can't get away from, apologies.

In my teens when I was playing guitar one of our local  rival bands was called MSP.

Guitarist was called Mike Suwrowy hence the first two letters but the band were widely referred to as Mike Suwrowy's Penis.

Thought I'd share that nugget😂

Hard rock?  Or soft jazz?

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11 hours ago, StevO said:

They are buying into the club, but with support for finding the stadium. 

If they don’t own the club outright in a few years I’d be very surprised if they didn’t at least own the stadium. 

I possible wouldn’t mind that. My only worry is that are primarily a business. 
But on the flip side, that could be exactly what we need.

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