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Martinez - Direction?


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Good read but to be honest I did just go to the kitchen cupboard and get a bit of salt.


I don't think you need inside info at any club to know a manager is on the brink when his side are in free fall ( as a Chelsea fan you should know). That's just part of the game so I could spread gossip like that every day,


I will keep this post in mind though and might ( might ) owe you an apology if there does appear to be any truth behind your inside information ;-)


I did think 'cool story bro' when I read it, but I honestly would not be surprised if Martinez's time was up. He certainly looks like someone who knows he's a goner.

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He could acknowledge that we are in a rut and he needs to get better performances out of the team and say as a manager i am responsible and have stepped up my game and am very confident well turn this around.


instead it's "what do i need to turnaround? we play incredible football and posses the ball phenomenally". utter BS


some realism would be nice.

But he has said that.

He said the performances were not good enough and the level of effort wasn't good enough.

He hasn't said were playing phenomenal football....just the opposite.

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^This we really need some silverware

A cup win in isolation means nothing. What did it do for us in 95? Johnston was still in charge, Royale walked and we went backwards again. If winning the cup meant Martinez stayed, I'd argue that in the long term it wouldn't do us any favours. And no, that doesn't mean I don't want to win the cup, of course I do. But I want Martinez gone regardless.

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Ye I don't think it should save Martinez, but if I had to choose between the two I'm taking the cup.


You never know it could buy him a year that may change his perspective a bit.

Worst case we sack him January still.


Trust me, winning a cup can't be a negative.

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A cup win in isolation means nothing. What did it do for us in 95? Johnston was still in charge, Royale walked and we went backwards again. If winning the cup meant Martinez stayed, I'd argue that in the long term it wouldn't do us any favours. And no, that doesn't mean I don't want to win the cup, of course I do. But I want Martinez gone regardless.

This for me.

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Depending on the results and performances in our last games of the season I have a feeling he's going to be given until January.

This terrifies me. Martinez in charge, no Lukaku or Stones... we'd be lucky to be mid-table by January. The facts are straight-forward, he can't set up a team to defend, he shouldn't be managing in the Prem.

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