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Canvassed by the Tories earlier, they were mob handed in my street; times like this I miss a voice, hand gesture and derisory sneer had to suffice😂.

Lived in the constituency for around eighteen years now and this is the first I've seen of them, always taken for granted they were going to win.....they're worried.

Apparently Johnson came down yesterday but just had a private "tea" with their candidate and a few farmers, not got the bottle to face the voters obviously.

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The entire senior leadership of the Church of England has denounced plans to deport migrants to Rwanda as an “immoral policy that shames Britain”.

The archbishops of Canterbury and York and the other 23 bishops that sit as Lords Spiritual in the House of Lords have written an excoriating letter to The Times to be published tomorrow, when the first flight is scheduled to leave for Rwanda.

The letter says: “Whether or not the first deportation flight leaves Britain today for Rwanda, this policy should shame us as a nation.”

It adds: “The shame is our own, because our Christian heritage should inspire us to treat asylum seekers with compassion, fairness and justice, as we have for centuries.”

The letter, signed by the Most Rev Justin Welby and the Most Rev Stephen Cottrell, as archbishops of Canterbury and York, and also by the bishops of London, Durham, Exeter, Birmingham and Manchester, warns that those being deported have not had a chance to appeal or to see family in Britain. No attempt has been made to understand their predicament, it adds.

“They are the vulnerable that the Old Testament calls us to value,” it adds, explaining that “evil trafficking” must be combatted by providing safe routes to the UK to “reduce dangerous journeys”.

“Deportations, and the potential forced return of asylum seekers to their home countries, are not the way,” it adds. “This immoral policy shames Britain.”

The policy has faced strong criticism from many quarters, including from the Prince of Wales, who is said to have privately described the plan as “appalling”. Welby faced a backlash from the government after condemning the policy in his Easter sermon, saying that it could not “stand the judgment of God”.

Priti Patel, the home secretary, and Boris Johnson both criticised the archbishop for his intervention, but he told The Times last month: “The idea that I shouldn’t be political . . . is a nonsense. Everyone is political. People like Boris Johnson know that perfectly well.”

Johnson was said to have told Tory MPs that the church had been more critical of the Rwanda policy than it had been of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, described by a church spokesman as a “disgraceful slur” on Welby.

There are 26 seats reserved for Church of England bishops in the House of Lords, filled by the most senior male and female bishops. One is vacant while a new Bishop of Winchester is sought.

The Rwanda policy has also been criticised by the Most Rev Andy John, the Archbishop of Wales and Cardinal Vincent Nichols, the Catholic Archbishop of Westminster.

Imam Qari Asim, the senior imam at the Makkah Mosque in Leeds and one of the most prominent Muslim clerics in Britain, has said the policy “challenges our human conscience and compels us to speak up for human dignity”.

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On 08/06/2022 at 20:29, Palfy said:

Try not to get yourself escorted out the building Mike 😂

Just stopped off in the pub on the way home, great fun, Tory was savaged. Reckon she had 25 supporters at most in an audience of 200 ish, she's an ex primary school teacher and behaved like she was talking to a class of six year olds. Very unpleasant woman, condescending in the extreme.

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14 hours ago, MikeO said:

Just stopped off in the pub on the way home, great fun, Tory was savaged. Reckon she had 25 supporters at most in an audience of 200 ish, she's an ex primary school teacher and behaved like she was talking to a class of six year olds. Very unpleasant woman, condescending in the extreme.

I hope she was getting a hard time, what Tories don’t seem to understand is that there is a bias towards them based on performance and their leadership. Pleased you had an entertaining time and hope the beer was refreshing. 

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Had to laugh at a bit on a leaflet from one of the nutjob minor parties, promising to "cancel HS2 and use the money to reopen Cullompton railway station and build Cullompton relief road."

HS2 cost £100 billion, total for station and relief road £30m....no mention of plans for the other £99,970,000,000😂


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  • 2 weeks later...
10 minutes ago, Romey 1878 said:

The very rich numbers guy, that is really terrible with the economy, has also fucked off.

Sunak, that has to be the end for Boris I think, surely.

Conflicted because I want him leading them into the next election.

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22 minutes ago, Matt said:

I seriously doubt it. Torys will have to exercise unpopular choices because i highly doubt he'll walk by himself. 

But they now will, 144 voted against him in the last confidence vote, and (as of now) another 35 resignations since yesterday, that's 179 MPs against him out of 358, exactly half. And there's at least one more who's going to resign tomorrow if he doesn't go; 1922 committee elections coming up, they'll change the rules to allow another confidence vote and he'll be out. If he has a single brain cell or an ounce of dignity left (open to debate) he'll take the least messy way out and resign.

Personally hope he choses the nuclear option and calls a general election.

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30 minutes ago, MikeO said:

36 now.

Not long now he will be gone soon, his excuse was he was handed a colossal mandate, he created his own colossal mandate by constantly lying, he lied about Brexit he lied about Covid he’s lied about every poor decision he’s made by blaming others. The man is a complete embarrassment and the damage he has caused to this country is immeasurable. 

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