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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, MikeO said:

"If the swing was replicated across the country, the Conservatives would be left with just three seats."


Now that’s what I would call a result. There are quite a few top Tories who only hold there seats by 2 or 3 thousand votes and many more back benchers, if they start to worry and panic about their own seats we will see a challenge to Boris in the not so distant future. 

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Cabinet secretary will conduct investigation into Downing Street parties says Boris.

Except cabinet secretary has to stand down after it emerges he had a party as well.

Sue Gray (second permanent secretary at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities) steps in....until more than likely it transpires she hosted a swingers party on new year's eve.

Beyond satire this.


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1 hour ago, MikeO said:

Cabinet secretary will conduct investigation into Downing Street parties says Boris.

Except cabinet secretary has to stand down after it emerges he had a party as well.

Sue Gray (second permanent secretary at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities) steps in....until more than likely it transpires she hosted a swingers party on new year's eve.

Beyond satire this.


The police need to start investigating these parties and prosecute if found to be true, if it was you or I they would. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Angela Rayner did well again in the absence of Starmer in PMQs today but she did miss an open goal on two occasions that annoyed me. Johnson, talking about energy bills, twice stated that people on low income were receiving £140 warm home discount per week over the winter; it's actually £140 for the year (I know because when my wife was alive we qualified for it). She could've made him look sillier than he manages on his own.

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On 05/01/2022 at 19:08, MikeO said:

Angela Rayner did well again in the absence of Starmer in PMQs today but she did miss an open goal on two occasions that annoyed me. Johnson, talking about energy bills, twice stated that people on low income were receiving £140 warm home discount per week over the winter; it's actually £140 for the year (I know because when my wife was alive we qualified for it). She could've made him look sillier than he manages on his own.

She probably didnt know herself!

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Not seen this before, maybe lots have...

"Boris sometimes seems affronted when criticised for what amounts to a gross failure of responsibility. I think he honestly believes that it is churlish of us not to regard him as an exception, one who should be free of the network of obligation which binds everyone else."

Current opinion? Nope....his housemaster at Eton in 1982.

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Is Boris hoping that the Ukrainian Russian stand off is going to be his Thatcher’s Falklands conflict, and take the heat off all his problems at home. I may seem cynical but he’s gone to the Ukraine imo to get us embroiled deeper than we need to be at this moment in time to try and make it the number one topic of choice for reporters instead of his partying. 

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On 15/01/2022 at 13:42, MikeO said:

Didn't notice this at the time but as my passport expires in August I'm needing a new one some time soon. Bloody disgraceful rule change:mad:


My passport expires this year, and it's become increasingly difficult to renew. Years ago, if I happened to be in driving distance of Washington DC, I'd simply show up at our embassy, and they'd get me a new passport in 30 minutes. Now, you have to apply through the UK, which can take months - and costs more. I was in a bind the last time around since my mother was dying and I couldn't be without my passport, but it was about to expire and I'd have trouble re-entering the US. In the end, I took a day-trip to London and managed to get it renewed there in a matter of hours.

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