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On 17/12/2021 at 01:04, Palfy said:

I agree with Masi that it’s a race and he wanted it to finish with the cars racing, but there’s always going to be a few buts when the guy that wins it has done so by gaining an advantage that he didn’t achieve by his driving ability, I can totally understand why Mercedes feel so  hard done by but as a team they will get over it, but Hamilton may never get the opportunity to win that 8th title again, after driving a pretty much perfect race the title and all time record was taken from him in a less than ideal way. He has to now accept it and move on and try to put it right next season but it will be hard Red Bull are getting stronger every race and will have 2 very strong cars next season. 

The problem is that Mercades were planning their tactics based on the rules which state that all unlaped cars will be allowed to unlap themselves and the safety car will come in at the end of the following lap. Therefore to pit Lewis would cost him the lead and the title so they kept Lewis out.

By only allowing the cars between Lewis and Max to unlap themselves it allowed Max to attack Lewis on fresh soft tires and was only going to end one way.  This gives the impression of unfairness. The race should have either been Red Flagged to allow all cars to stop for tyres and have a re-start or finish under a saftey car. This half way house has robbed Lewis of a 8th title and forever put a question around Max's first title.

To be clear both drivers were worthy winners.

Massi has been week all season and Toto and Horner have been allowed way too much influence. The rules are archaic and too complex. The drivers have been left in limbo as the rules cannot cope with Max's often far too aggressive driving style.

Much change is needed.


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7 minutes ago, Romey 1878 said:

With the huge regulation changes we could have some big surprises next season. No one has a clue where everyone is in the pecking order and won't know who's interpreted the new regs the best until those first testing days.

I think Lando, Charles, Russell and Max will be battling for titles over the next decade. Its going to be great to watch.

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13 minutes ago, MikeO said:

I think there was more of a chance of him retiring if he'd won his 8th World Championship, but I think the way it all played out will have lit a fire in him (and Mercedes) and he'll be raring for the new season to begin.

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Just now, Romey 1878 said:

I think there was more of a chance of him retiring if he'd won his 8th World Championship, but I think the way it all played out will have lit a fire in him (and Mercedes) and he'll be raring for the new season to begin.

Couldn't agree more....and I really want to see how Russell fares against him so he bloody can't retire.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This made me laugh a bit, Lewis Hamilton sells "favourite car" to "increase environmental awareness" (and make €8.6m profit). How exactly is it his favourite car when he's put less than 1,000km on the clock in seven years (that's less than ninety miles a year)? I'm not in any way having a pop at Hamilton, just the writers of this bollocks.


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1 minute ago, Gwlad all over said:

Can't even come here for some light relief in the sporting world.Will he or won't he? And if he doesn't who will take his place? He will and no-one. 

Exactly, he's under contract for two more seasons anyway; the continued sulking is all a bit boring now imo. It's sport, not life and death, and he's paid gazillions to do what he loves; such a tough life.

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  • 3 weeks later...
21 minutes ago, MikeO said:

Praise be🙄


I actually respect him for taking time away and feel it's everyone else's fault that a big deal has been made out of it all. I can't blame him for staying quiet until now because he was bound to say something in the heat of the moment that he would have regretted. So I think he did the right thing.

It's the noise from everyone else (Wolff, other commentators giving their views left, right and centre) that has caused the drama around him not saying anything.

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7 minutes ago, Romey 1878 said:

I actually respect him for taking time away and feel it's everyone else's fault that a big deal has been made out of it all. I can't blame him for staying quiet until now because he was bound to say something in the heat of the moment that he would have regretted. So I think he did the right thing.

It's the noise from everyone else (Wolff, other commentators giving their views left, right and centre) that has caused the drama around him not saying anything.

It's a view. Personally I think he knew full well the reaction his silence would create, and let it fester for an age; then he does the big "I'm back" announcement, like the returning messiah, on the edge of the Grand Canyon with a cheeky grin...so staged.

It's like what happened to him was actually important in the grand sceme of things....which it wasn't.

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1 hour ago, MikeO said:

It's like what happened to him was actually important in the grand sceme of things....which it wasn't.

I think it was very important to him in the fact he was robbed of the world title, and the most world championship titles won in F1, it’s his career and he obviously cares deeply about what happened. 

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1 minute ago, Palfy said:

I think it was very important to him in the fact he was robbed of the world title, and the most world championship titles won in F1, it’s his career and he obviously cares deeply about what happened. 

Important to him, yes; in the grand scheme of things (which is what I was talking about), no.

It's sport.

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3 hours ago, MikeO said:

What did he do wrong?

Accept the crown knowing he never won it through merit and it was stolen by his team getting in the ear of Masi and convincing him to break the rules to take the title from Hamilton. Call me wrong but I would take no pride in being handed a title in the manner he won it and wouldn’t have accepted it, the sportsman in me wouldn’t want to take someone’s crown knowing it was stolen and not fairly won, I would say I’m not accepting the title that I don’t deserve I’m going to win fairly next season because I’d be able enjoy it knowing I deserve it. I honestly believe that if he had any credibility as a sportsman he can’t be happy with that win so do the sportsman and honourable thing. 

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2 minutes ago, Palfy said:

Accept the crown knowing he never won it through merit and it was stolen by his team getting in the ear of Masi and convincing him to break the rules to take the title from Hamilton. Call me wrong but I would take no pride in being handed a title in the manner he won it and wouldn’t have accepted it, the sportsman in me wouldn’t want to take someone’s crown knowing it was stolen and not fairly won, I would say I’m not accepting the title that I don’t deserve I’m going to win fairly next season because I’d be able enjoy it knowing I deserve it. I honestly believe that if he had any credibility as a sportsman he can’t be happy with that win so do the sportsman and honourable thing. 

How many football games/trophies have been won after a refereeing mistake? How many cricket matches affected by umpiring errors? Do the people coming out on the right side of these mistakes say, "no thanks guys, we don't deserve it" or do they celebrate?

Whatever you think of the "refereeing" decision, it led to arguably the most exciting F1 lap ever, as against Hamilton trundling across the line behind the safety car. I have the race highlights on my hard drive and have watched it many times (as I have Brazil 2008), if it wasn't for that finish I wouldn't be arsed.


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10 minutes ago, MikeO said:

How many football games/trophies have been won after a refereeing mistake? How many cricket matches affected by umpiring errors? Do the people coming out on the right side of these mistakes say, "no thanks guys, we don't deserve it" or do they celebrate?

Whatever you think of the "refereeing" decision, it led to arguably the most exciting F1 lap ever, as against Hamilton trundling across the line behind the safety car. I have the race highlights on my hard drive and have watched it many times (as I have Brazil 2008), if it wasn't for that finish I wouldn't be arsed.


So what happened was solely a refereeing mistake in your opinion and not a team imposing it’s will on the referee to break the rules, and not like a football ref who gave a wrong penalty decision or umpire who gave a wrong LBW decision, this was a massive injustice to the credibility of the sport, whether or not you believe it was the best last lap of a race doesn’t make it a fair race, the people in charge of F1 acknowledge that hence the changes they have made. 

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11 minutes ago, Palfy said:

.....the people in charge of F1 acknowledge that hence the changes they have made. 

But the people in charge also upheld the result of the race, referee's decision is final (to quote a football term).

Mercedes were every bit as guilty as Red Bull in terms of trying to influence the stewards.

Verstappen played the cards he was dealt, he was robbed at the start of the race when Hamilton didn't have to give back the place he'd kept by going off track, slam dunk according to Brundle (conspiracy theorists conveniently forget that when saying the stewards were on Verstappen's side).

It's done, and Hamilton will be back this season despite his "I'm holding my breath until I get my own way" threats, as he was always going to be. 

Wish them all well and looking forward to Lando and George fighting wheel to wheel for the title this year.

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2 hours ago, MikeO said:

Wish them all well and looking forward to Lando and George fighting wheel to wheel for the title this year.

That would be ideal because Hamilton and Verstappen aren’t the most likeable of people. Verstappen even less so and I didn’t think that was possible since Hamilton disappeared up his own arse :lol:.

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