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48 minutes ago, Matt said:

That's actually a very efficient way of doing the assessment on speech ability :lol:

"Mike, Mike! Are you there?":P

It's actually just a clerical error, I have a S&L email exchange "appointment" booked for Tuesday morning but obviously that info didn't reach the booking office.

Reminded me of this.


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38 minutes ago, MikeO said:

"Mike, Mike! Are you there?":P

It's actually just a clerical error, I have a S&L email exchange "appointment" booked for Tuesday morning but obviously that info didn't reach the booking office.

Reminded me of this.



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Josh called me into his room a while back as he was watching a live zoom-like quiz from the States watched by more than 100,000 people (don't know what the platform was). The "set up" was that people go through questions representing the different school grades getting harder as it progresses and if you get three fails you're out, trusts people not to google (and they have the camera on them so googling would be noticable) so I like that.

Down to the last four, 8th grade level, a woman with one fail against three guys with two, and the question is, "Tanya (don't remember the names they used) is three times older than her cousin Sarah, their combined ages are 36, how old is Sarah?"

So all you need to do is 36÷4=9 and you have the answer. They all got it wrong, some with massive white-board calculations.

Then the woman who subsequently won as the other three were eliminated got a question for "extra credit." 

"In which city is the Brandenburg Gate?" She answered London.:doh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Navel gazing a bit here but want to express it and if I did it on fb would be tough for some people.

People (putative adoptive parents) have inflicted injuries on a nine month old baby "consistant with being hit by a car or falling from a second or third storey window." Doctor was called and said, "the child was quite bad, I thought she might even die." The girl in question had fractures of the skull, right thigh and left forearm. 

Defence was, after the injuries were three weeks old when they finally went to hospital, "She fell off the sofa."

Adoptive mother given three months in jail and father fined £25.

Girl put into social services care but over the next few years abusive family seriosuly considered as parents.

Was my wife.

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7 hours ago, Romey 1878 said:

Your wife was the 9 month old child? Jesus, I don’t quite know what to say.

Disgraceful the “punishment” they received. How could anyone come to the conclusion that that was suitable?!

She was yes. Maybe not really appropriate thing to post on here but I found all the paperwork and newspaper cuttings on it yesterday and felt the need to say it "out loud" somewhere. Crazy thing is that the magistrates gave as justification for the short sentence the fact that the woman was pregnant and they wanted her to be home when she had the baby.

Wife was then in care homes for years because she was "disturbed" (big surprise) and sabotaged every potential placement, was eight when she was finally adopted for good.

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1 hour ago, MikeO said:

She was yes. Maybe not really appropriate thing to post on here but I found all the paperwork and newspaper cuttings on it yesterday and felt the need to say it "out loud" somewhere. Crazy thing is that the magistrates gave as justification for the short sentence the fact that the woman was pregnant and they wanted her to be home when she had the baby.

Wife was then in care homes for years because she was "disturbed" (big surprise) and sabotaged every potential placement, was eight when she was finally adopted for good.

What a shit system it was back then. I hope it's improved a lot but I wouldn't be holding my breath.

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20 hours ago, MikeO said:

Navel gazing a bit here but want to express it and if I did it on fb would be tough for some people.

People (putative adoptive parents) have inflicted injuries on a nine month old baby "consistant with being hit by a car or falling from a second or third storey window." Doctor was called and said, "the child was quite bad, I thought she might even die." The girl in question had fractures of the skull, right thigh and left forearm. 

Defence was, after the injuries were three weeks old when they finally went to hospital, "She fell off the sofa."

Adoptive mother given three months in jail and father fined £25.

Girl put into social services care but over the next few years abusive family seriosuly considered as parents.

Was my wife.

Wow that’s very sad and bloody disturbing, why are the perpetrators of this sort of shit shown more consideration than the innocent and defenceless victims. 

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2 minutes ago, Palfy said:

Wow that’s very sad and bloody disturbing, why are the perpetrators of this sort of shit shown more consideration than the innocent and defenceless victims. 

It is but I didn't make clear in the original post that this all happened in 1968 which I should've done, I'd love to see what sentence people guilty of that would get these days. We tried to track them down once but only found people in the street who'd known them and none had any idea where they'd gone. Not sure what we'd have done had we found them.

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1 hour ago, MikeO said:

It is but I didn't make clear in the original post that this all happened in 1968 which I should've done, I'd love to see what sentence people guilty of that would get these days. We tried to track them down once but only found people in the street who'd known them and none had any idea where they'd gone. Not sure what we'd have done had we found them.

It was probably better that you didn’t find them mate, like you said it could have got nasty and you could have been serving a long time behind bars, I did realise it was a while back mate never the less the pain and anger will be as strong now as it was then, but I get what you’re saying back in 68 was it more lenient times when these sort of incidents happened, in someways society didn’t want to accept or face that these things happened so in turn didn’t deal with them properly. 

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18 hours ago, MikeO said:

You cannot be serious.


It's not that high at all, to be honest. Try Las Vegas. I remember walking across a transparent platform jutting out from the top of a tall building. For someone a little afraid of heights like me, it took a lot of will power to walk across it, despite a mingling crowd of partiers, because the drop was hundreds of feet to a busy street.

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I remember going up the tower in Seattle which from memory was constructed for the expo trade or something along them lines, anyway when you got to the top there was class floor leading into a cafe come restaurant, it freaked me out. 

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41 minutes ago, Palfy said:

I remember going up the tower in Seattle which from memory was constructed for the expo trade or something along them lines, anyway when you got to the top there was class floor leading into a cafe come restaurant, it freaked me out. 

I'm totally fucked on heights now, got so bad in the last few years. When I went to a gig in Manchester a few years back just looking up at the high rises freaked me out; never used to have a problem, did cliff walking and parachute jumps easy. Now I'm absolutely certain that if I was on a cliff edge the "jump" instinct would just be too much to cope with.

Was actually seeking help with the problem in 2013 pre my first illness kicking in, need to go back.

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3 minutes ago, MikeO said:

I'm totally fucked on heights now, got so bad in the last few years. When I went to a gig in Manchester a few years back just looking up at the high rises freaked me out; never used to have a problem, did cliff walking and parachute jumps easy. Now I'm absolutely certain that if I was on a cliff edge the "jump" instinct would just be too much to cope with.

Was actually seeking help with the problem in 2013 pre my first illness kicking in, need to go back.

It’s strange how something happens that completely messes with your mind, I think you need to go back mate the cliff reference scares the fuck out of me just thinking about you stood there is panicking me. 

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13 hours ago, Palfy said:

It’s strange how something happens that completely messes with your mind, I think you need to go back mate the cliff reference scares the fuck out of me just thinking about you stood there is panicking me. 

Scares the fuck out of me also. Can't even watch videos now, mountaineering/climbing films I've always loved but now can't watch even though I know as they're vids posted on youtube nobody's going to die. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Spent most of last week in Wexham hospital in Slough.  Had a waterworks problem that I last had about 12 years ago. Then, it knocked me for six and I was in bed for three days.  It was sorted by antibiotics. This time, I didn't feel so bad so I didn't bother going through the hassle of getting a GP appointment. I thought it would work its way through. A few days later, I was no better so I made a telephone appointment with my GP.  I explained the situation and suggested they prescribe me the same antibiotics.  It wasn't my own doctor but the lady doctor said I had to attend the surgery to provide a urine sample and do some other tests.  Drove round there and was there for about 45 minutes until it was all done.  The lady  doctor called me in and said 'how did you get here'?  I said 'by car'.  She said 'well you wont be going home by car as I have called an ambulance'.  Gobsmacked doesn't cover it!  She said that the infection had spread to other organs and we were talking Sepsis.

A couple of hours later, I was in hospital wired up to three computers and they were pumping me full of antibiotics.  I was covered in cables and the nurses were struggling to find space for the next injection.  They were also removing a lot of stuff, mainly blood.  For the first 24 hours, there was hardly a minute when someone wasn't doing something to some part of my body.  I worked out that in the first 48 hours I had only 3 hours sleep, and that was dozing.

Finally got home on Sunday evening, so have had two nights good sleep.  There are good signs that the problems are receding but I am absolutely whacked out, no energy whatsoever.  The one positive is that I never had any pain at any time.

This morning my neighbour opposite knocked at the front door and said he had come to mow my back lawn (which badly needed doing).  He also did the front.  Good neighbours are like gold dust.

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18 minutes ago, johnh said:

Spent most of last week in Wexham hospital in Slough.  Had a waterworks problem that I last had about 12 years ago. Then, it knocked me for six and I was in bed for three days.  It was sorted by antibiotics. This time, I didn't feel so bad so I didn't bother going through the hassle of getting a GP appointment. I thought it would work its way through. A few days later, I was no better so I made a telephone appointment with my GP.  I explained the situation and suggested they prescribe me the same antibiotics.  It wasn't my own doctor but the lady doctor said I had to attend the surgery to provide a urine sample and do some other tests.  Drove round there and was there for about 45 minutes until it was all done.  The lady  doctor called me in and said 'how did you get here'?  I said 'by car'.  She said 'well you wont be going home by car as I have called an ambulance'.  Gobsmacked doesn't cover it!  She said that the infection had spread to other organs and we were talking Sepsis.

A couple of hours later, I was in hospital wired up to three computers and they were pumping me full of antibiotics.  I was covered in cables and the nurses were struggling to find space for the next injection.  They were also removing a lot of stuff, mainly blood.  For the first 24 hours, there was hardly a minute when someone wasn't doing something to some part of my body.  I worked out that in the first 48 hours I had only 3 hours sleep, and that was dozing.

Finally got home on Sunday evening, so have had two nights good sleep.  There are good signs that the problems are receding but I am absolutely whacked out, no energy whatsoever.  The one positive is that I never had any pain at any time.

This morning my neighbour opposite knocked at the front door and said he had come to mow my back lawn (which badly needed doing).  He also did the front.  Good neighbours are like gold dust.

Sounds like a right palaver John but glad you're on the mend. Those sudden unexpected admissions are a whirlwind, happened to me last October on what I thought was just a routine check in at out-patients, I started spraying blood everywhere and was quickly dashed to A&E then into a theatre for emegency surgery. Was there for a week (the hospital, not the theatre:huh:). "Funniest" thing was having to be wheeled through the out patients waiting room drenched in blood, wish I'd had a camera😂. Also because I couldn't find a parking space in the hospital I was illegally parked on the road so I was mostly worried about getting a ticket, but got my brother to call the local council to explain so got away with it.

PS Can I have your neighbour's phone number?

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1 hour ago, johnh said:

Spent most of last week in Wexham hospital in Slough.  Had a waterworks problem that I last had about 12 years ago. Then, it knocked me for six and I was in bed for three days.  It was sorted by antibiotics. This time, I didn't feel so bad so I didn't bother going through the hassle of getting a GP appointment. I thought it would work its way through. A few days later, I was no better so I made a telephone appointment with my GP.  I explained the situation and suggested they prescribe me the same antibiotics.  It wasn't my own doctor but the lady doctor said I had to attend the surgery to provide a urine sample and do some other tests.  Drove round there and was there for about 45 minutes until it was all done.  The lady  doctor called me in and said 'how did you get here'?  I said 'by car'.  She said 'well you wont be going home by car as I have called an ambulance'.  Gobsmacked doesn't cover it!  She said that the infection had spread to other organs and we were talking Sepsis.

A couple of hours later, I was in hospital wired up to three computers and they were pumping me full of antibiotics.  I was covered in cables and the nurses were struggling to find space for the next injection.  They were also removing a lot of stuff, mainly blood.  For the first 24 hours, there was hardly a minute when someone wasn't doing something to some part of my body.  I worked out that in the first 48 hours I had only 3 hours sleep, and that was dozing.

Finally got home on Sunday evening, so have had two nights good sleep.  There are good signs that the problems are receding but I am absolutely whacked out, no energy whatsoever.  The one positive is that I never had any pain at any time.

This morning my neighbour opposite knocked at the front door and said he had come to mow my back lawn (which badly needed doing).  He also did the front.  Good neighbours are like gold dust.

sepsis is no joke, glad to hear you are on the mend and glad they caught it in time.  rest up my friend

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5 hours ago, johnh said:

Spent most of last week in Wexham hospital in Slough.  Had a waterworks problem that I last had about 12 years ago. Then, it knocked me for six and I was in bed for three days.  It was sorted by antibiotics. This time, I didn't feel so bad so I didn't bother going through the hassle of getting a GP appointment. I thought it would work its way through. A few days later, I was no better so I made a telephone appointment with my GP.  I explained the situation and suggested they prescribe me the same antibiotics.  It wasn't my own doctor but the lady doctor said I had to attend the surgery to provide a urine sample and do some other tests.  Drove round there and was there for about 45 minutes until it was all done.  The lady  doctor called me in and said 'how did you get here'?  I said 'by car'.  She said 'well you wont be going home by car as I have called an ambulance'.  Gobsmacked doesn't cover it!  She said that the infection had spread to other organs and we were talking Sepsis.

A couple of hours later, I was in hospital wired up to three computers and they were pumping me full of antibiotics.  I was covered in cables and the nurses were struggling to find space for the next injection.  They were also removing a lot of stuff, mainly blood.  For the first 24 hours, there was hardly a minute when someone wasn't doing something to some part of my body.  I worked out that in the first 48 hours I had only 3 hours sleep, and that was dozing.

Finally got home on Sunday evening, so have had two nights good sleep.  There are good signs that the problems are receding but I am absolutely whacked out, no energy whatsoever.  The one positive is that I never had any pain at any time.

This morning my neighbour opposite knocked at the front door and said he had come to mow my back lawn (which badly needed doing).  He also did the front.  Good neighbours are like gold dust.

Sounds like you’ve had a right nightmare John hopefully the worst is over mate. 

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