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anyone into BMX bikeing? just wondering, im getting into it and buying meself a diamondback bmx tomorrow for a low low price of £100 instead of something like £200 and odd. brand new from th shop like =D


I WAS into BMX 20 YEARS ago FFS, I can still remember my Raleigh Ultra Burner I got for Chrismas. Best Pressie ever and was total a suprise

remeber riding up the street at about 6am in my pj's in the dark ( strange for a 25 year old :D )



Into BMX?????, Aaron I am 41 years of fucking age, I am a surfer as befits my age.







I pressume you mean surfing the tinterweb

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Can I just report the momentous news that I bought another shed today :D . Only plastic and 6'x4' but the idea is that I free up space in my number one shed by storing bikes/garden furniture etc in the new one leaving more room for manly activity in the first one. My life is complete :speak_cool: .


Going anywhere nice Zed?

Edited by MikeO
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Two shed family Mike, my jealousy is only surpassed by my desire to own a second shed.


A two storey jobber with running water, mains electricity, Observation towers mounted with machine guns and a selection of porn and exercise machines to blow your socks off.


My dream shed in the country.





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Not my cup of tea at all that one. Why do all (most) bikes now have to look as if they've just come off the race track? Never did like that riding position either...liked to sit up on my bikes rather than looking like I was humping them :lol: . Sure they're all very carefully ergonomically designed but don't look like they'd be comfortable for any distance...


...and another thing! Nostalgia ain't what it used to be :D !


Edit...one more thing...can I have a go on it Liam B) ?

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Going on a med cruise, should be good, timed it nice, Fulham friday - med cuise - Charlton sunday - day of rest monday


Nice one...hope the weather holds up for you. Anyone else got hols booked? We're going to Zakynthos in Oct (smallest hotel in the quietest part of the quietest resort on the island at the quietest time of year...love it) for the third time. Plus camping in Glastonbury in the summer hols as we always do to get our auras in order :lol: .

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Spent 8 hrs @ beach Good fri, in a lovely shaded dune side weepy palm surrounded lattice gazebo, BBQ Lunch, my bigg ass extreme lazy bastard ( built in pillow the lot) fold out chair, gentle north easterly, wrap around shades, 5 hrs or so napppin.


I know is tuff, but someone has to do it.

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Avast me harties


Woo hoo currently in Sunny Genoa, was in tuscany yesterday, little town called Lucca and marseille tomoz, just having a little break from the wife as I needed to check the results


Deffo not on that boat


See the blues are doing well, 1-1 with boltons gotta be a good result following fulham on friday


My daughter has still not see Everton loose


Seems every game is a must win, its deffo gona be an exciting end to the season as weve got something to play for


We could even catch arsenal their that shit


I got asked to sit at the captains table last night. I told them to fook off ive not paid all this money to sit with the crew


See you later shipmates

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