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What Grinds Your Gears...


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My wife took my son to the Zoo today. When they left she got to her car and there was an angry note blaming her for knocking off someone's side mirror and then she looked at our car and they took a car key and scratched up the sides of our car in retaliation.


My wife didn't hit their car or bump their mirror. Someone must have hit it, and then parked elsewhere leaving the spot open. My wife parked and the person thought it was her. It was not.


People are fucking awful. Pregnant lady with a child crying in a parking lot due to some fucking scumbags.

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My wife took my son to the Zoo today. When they left she got to her car and there was an angry note blaming her for knocking off someone's side mirror and then she looked at our car and they took a car key and scratched up the sides of our car in retaliation.


My wife didn't hit their car or bump their mirror. Someone must have hit it, and then parked elsewhere leaving the spot open. My wife parked and the person thought it was her. It was not.


People are fucking awful. Pregnant lady with a child crying in a parking lot due to some fucking scumbags.


Does your wife have pen and paper? Maybe she could leave the following note on the windshield of the angry note-writer:


"Please be aware that the black mamba that escaped the zoo's reptile exhibit yesterday morning was spotted under your car this afternoon. Our keepers searched for it in vain, and it's possible the snake is now hidden somewhere in your car. While this particular reptile has been trained not to attack humans, it is venomous and we do advise caution. ~Your friendly zoo staff"

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  • 3 weeks later...

I attended a public meeting earlier because a local facility is closing down that I make use of.

A question was answered.

The question is then repeated some minutes later. :shaking fist:

The person in front of me, a fully grown adult (50ish) is then throwing a fit because things aren't going her way.

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Flat cap & glasses, usually at the wheel of a Toyota or a Volvo.


A menace, much more deadly than crack and are pussy footed around like the queen of sheba.


When you aren't fit to drive, call it a day before you kill someone, you may not have many years left to wear it but the family of the deceased might.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just tried to buy Ed Sheeran tickets for me and the missus, sold out everywhere, but what really grinds my gears is people buying more than they need to sell on at stupid prices.


That infuriates me.


Should be a limit to buying tickets. Reasonably of course, so 1 adult ticket, 2 adult tickets (for couples) and family (including children - up to a max of 5). Not hard.


I wouldn't even try to get tickets anymore, end up with some much optimism, spend hours on the phone, sold out, hopes dashed, spend 4x as much.


Exploitation in its public form.

Edited by Lowensda
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Just tried to buy Ed Sheeran tickets for me and the missus, sold out everywhere, but what really grinds my gears is people buying more than they need to sell on at stupid prices.


That infuriates me.
Should be a limit to buying tickets. Reasonably of course, so 1 adult ticket, 2 adult tickets (for couples) and family (including children - up to a max of 5). Not hard.
I wouldn't even try to get tickets anymore, end up with some much optimism, spend hours on the phone, sold out, hopes dashed, spend 4x as much.
Exploitation in its public form.



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Just tried to buy Ed Sheeran tickets for me and the missus, sold out everywhere, but what really grinds my gears is people buying more than they need to sell on at stupid prices.


Afraid my wife's niece used to do this, buy tickets for any event then sell them on, pissed me off.She was certianly one to spot an opportunity, during the Wimbledon tennis tournament she used to vacate her house and rent it out to the players, had some big names stay and made some good money.Her husband was related to a 'player' wife danced with him before a big match, trod on his foot......and he lost the game, I always blamed her for that !


Back to 'ticket touts', should be stopped.

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  • 1 month later...

A who rather than a what.


Marc Almond.


Just being interviewed on the radio. Twat.


Interviewer (fawningly), "Wow, didn't realise you'd released twenty-one solo albums!"


Neither does anybody else you numpty because nobody bought them (I shouted)!


Interviewer, "I see your new album is titled Hits and Pieces, why's that?".


That's because he (and Soft Cell) didn't have enough hits to fill a whole album you moron so he had to pad it out with stuff even more horrible than his hits were (I think that was me again :lol:).


The great man himself just waffled bollocks about songs that were "radio hits" and others that "should have been hits in my opinion". Tosser.

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talking politics with my parents. had an epic argument last weekend. they are trump supporters, climate change deniers, etc. Trying to reason with them is literally futile as they quote Fox news stories and fake news and act like they are fact. Or say things like "climate change isn't unanimous, many people deny it, scientists too". yes like the scientists that were paid off to be against it (see below)





part of me wants to keep it up, the other part just wants me to go about life and forget how ignorant and idiotic they are. frustrates me to no end, whats hilarious is they think i've gone crazy "what happened to you, you've been influenced by all this liberal media, you need to get it together". like i am the problem. For fucks sake i'm losing respect for them by the day. just trying to love them for who they are and not what they believe, they do make it tough though..

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talking politics with my parents. had an epic argument last weekend. they are trump supporters, climate change deniers, etc. Trying to reason with them is literally futile as they quote Fox news stories and fake news and act like they are fact. Or say things like "climate change isn't unanimous, many people deny it, scientists too". yes like the scientists that were paid off to be against it (see below)





part of me wants to keep it up, the other part just wants me to go about life and forget how ignorant and idiotic they are. frustrates me to no end, whats hilarious is they think i've gone crazy "what happened to you, you've been influenced by all this liberal media, you need to get it together". like i am the problem. For fucks sake i'm losing respect for them by the day. just trying to love them for who they are and not what they believe, they do make it tough though..


Sympathise MJB.


My parents were both active in local politics when I was younger, both were Liberal party candidates at a local level (never won because we were in a staunch Conservative heartland) so I took an interest from an early age. As they got older however they both went off in different directions, mum to the left and dad to the right, dad became a hardened Thatcherite and although I felt more empathy with mum's thoughts I remained a Liberal.


Eventually I had to just stop talking politics with dad because he was so entrenched and I didn't want to argue with him and (as you say) lose respect. It became an unspoken mutually agreed non-subject, although I still talked to mum when he wasn't within earshot.


For your own sanity and your future relationship you need to do what you suggest in the last sentence mate, they're the only parents you're ever going to have and it's not worth falling out with them over politics (or anything really). Good luck.

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