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General Weekend/Midweek Football

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1 hour ago, MikeO said:

It's certainly been very moist down here for the last week or so John, floods (nothing drastic just roads really) have mostly receded but the fields are sodden. Sorry this should be in the Russia World Cup thread:D.

“Moist down here” is not a phrase I want to read on a predominantly male based football forum...

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12 hours ago, Quinn31 said:

I know they have been on a bad run, but why? Jeez. Have they replaced one lunatic Italian chairman with another?


They should never have employed an unknown manager from the Cyprus league.  It appears that it was on the recommendation of the (inherited) D of F (who Leeds fans think is a waste of space). The new Chairman seems to be a significant improvement on the Italian mafia.

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I once scored a more spectacular own goal than that,  (wish I  had a video of it).   It was in about 1953 and I was playing left back for Leeds United Colts. It was a very wet day and a long clearance from the opposition defence  went over my head and I ran back after it.  I was about 10  yards inside my own half of the pitch and saw that our right back, on the far side of the pitch, was in acres of space.  I swivelled and whacked the ball as hard as I could towards him.  Unfortunately, it skidded of the outside of my boot and our goalie, who was stood on the penalty spot,  watched the ball sail over him and into the net.  I reckon it was all of 35/40  yards.  Maybe that's why they didn't sign me up! 

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