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And why does every evertonian mention a Portsmouth or a Leeds when discussing a subject of this matter. Why never a city or a chelsea.... We've been brainwashed into thinking stability is an achievement that we can parade in our trophy room.

I don't want us to be a Manchester City. I'd struggle to have the passion for Everton if we were a Man City. Not to be rude but I don't understand why you would want us to be the next globally-hated oil baron club? Maybe you're not a true 'Everton' fan you just support the club but don't actually care how we achieve things.

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And why does every evertonian mention a Portsmouth or a Leeds when discussing a subject of this matter. Why never a city or a chelsea.... We've been brainwashed into thinking stability is an achievement that we can parade in our trophy room.

Your type of thinking is cancerous, and it's amazing how firmly you believe in your misled convictions. National Front type, I'm guessing?

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I don't understand people who want a billionaire takeover, if you want a quick fix Man City is just down the road. Will be no different than supporting us if Everton ever did get the pretty woman treatment, it won't be Everton anymore other than in name.


Any how, back on topic. Will be happy with this kind of result when we play badly in the league, main difference between us and the top 4 (admittedly the entertainers make it easier for them to scrape a game). Mirallas is a match winner not had many of those in the last decade who can consistently find that bit of magic needed to force a goal, hopefully he can stay fit the whole season. Going off todays performance if Barton is available on a free I'd bite QPR's hand off, we need some might in the middle.

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I am reading posts from people who are against Everton gaining financial clout, hence becoming a recognised force again. In the same breath, hoping that we get to keep our best players.....a contradiction in terms me thinks.


If we had the above,99% of the time, you would no longer have to worry about what good player may or may not be sold off.

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I am reading posts from people who are against Everton gaining financial clout, hence becoming a recognised force again. In the same breath, hoping that we get to keep our best players.....a contradiction in terms me thinks.


If we had the above,99% of the time, you would no longer have to worry about what good player may or may not be sold off.

Look at Arsenal. They don't feel the need to sell any of their best players unless it's a ridiculous offer that could be better reinvested or in the RVP case. At the same time, they don't go out and splash millions and millions until they win a trophy. I think that's the difference between keeping your players and becoming a City or a Chelsea.

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Kenwright has had stewardship over this club for a long time now and in all honesty it is the same old story year on year. We have a massive fan base which gives us the opportunity to generate more income commercially, unfortunately for us we don't have a savvy business man.


If Kenwright was the right man for us we wouldn't have:-


  • Blown a fortune on players before the NTL deal money was in the bank, he sanctioned the purchases and saddled the club with a mortagage type debt that involved interest payments that have pretty much crippled us
  • Wasted a fortune in pursuing a kirby stadium move that had no benefits whatsoever for the club, despite this being completely torn apart and exposed for the con that it was he continued to try and force it through.
  • Missed the kings dock stadium move because of some bitter power battle with Paul Gregg - creating a lie that he had investment coming in from the fortress fund to con the board into backing him
  • Missed the opportunity of selling his shares to Randy Lerner who has invested millions in Aston Villa (holte end improvements, bodymoor heath training complex which they OWN, savvy commercial team (please don't quote league positions - Lerner has backed his managers, he doesnt pick the players)

I get the impression by some that they would trust someone with our club just because they were an evertonian (self professed "biggest evertonian") Some of the biggest nuggets I have met have worn a blue shirt, Kenwright for me is a blagger, Stick a camera in front of him and you will hear some of the biggest garbage spout from a human beings mouth but it's packaged in a way that sentimental affectionate blues will say "ahhhh, isn't he a top fella, i'm glad we've got him and not the venkys"


The reality is that just like under Moyes as a manager with Kenwright as a chairman we will not fail (go into administration) - but it is highly unlikely that we will enjoy success (generate profits to fund player acquisition like Arsenal). We will continue to operate a model that is unsustainable = continue to sell high, buy low and use the difference to pay off interest. Sooner or later buying low will equal lesser quality on the pitch = lower attandance = lower revenue and so on...


I don't ignore the good that Kenwright does. He has appointed two sound managers and most impressively he showcases his love and affection for things bigger than football - notably the JFT 96 tribute which was class and he shows great respect to ex evertonians who should not be forgotten when they pass on like Dave Hickson.


His place at Everton should be some form of honoury president, I think that will give him the kudos he craves but also allow someone to come in and provide a much needed cash injection and a ruthless business streak that you see from the likes of Spurs.

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:rofl: hahahahahahahahaha, need i say more.... Well in Hafnia

Just because he shares your view doesn't mean he's right or indeed anyone else agrees!


Kenwright backed Moyes and put complete faith in him, he allowed him the freedom to express himself and buy players (which incidentally has given us a first team of full internationals). Look at some other chairmans buying players THEY want, or hiring Directors of Football that serve to undermine the manager.


Haf, some Chairmen wouldn't allow Martinez the freedom to change the philosophy of this club. Considering you rate RM's philosophy so highly, you should be thankful that RM will be given the control over the club that allows him to put that into place?!


I don't want to get into an argument about Kenwright, he infuriates me as much as you but I also think that his nature will actually benefit Martinez in the same way that Dave Whelan left Martinez to it.

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yes, but the reason he can copy and paste every so often is that nothing ever changes with the situation, year in year out....Hence, the same material can be provided at any given opportunity.


Kenwright the new Dave Whelan, but with less money..... He'll be walking us out to z-cars soon, just wait and see!

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Not selling our best players.... I sense nievety from a certain zoo..... We still have week before the big kick off. Lets see what happens and if nothing, I'll eat my words.......

zoo clearly said selling our best players for his personal gain, which is 100% correct (see quote below). Rightly or wrongly he's not put a penny in (not possible to do if you don't have the money in the first place), not taken a penny out (quite rightly, all sales have gone to improving the squad, paying off loans - even Utd do that). The club, not just him, need to find investment - just because it hasn't come about doesn't mean they're not trying. You can rightly argue they need to improve here, and many other areas.

I'd rather have BK than a complete buffoon like Leeds United had, Portsmouth had and Coventry City have at the moment. I'm a BK supporter - why? Because we're in the top half of the league every year and are run by a man that loves the club. Sure, he has a lot of flaws in his management but at least he's not rinsing us dry (in terms of selling all our best players for personal gain) and isn't turning the club into League Two cannon fodder.


Don't be a sheep Joe and don't get personal.... It was my view on a club a love.... That's all!

fair enough :)

Kenwright has had stewardship over this club for a long time now and in all honesty it is the same old story year on year. We have a massive fan base which gives us the opportunity to generate more income commercially, unfortunately for us we don't have a savvy business man.


If Kenwright was the right man for us we wouldn't have:-



  • Blown a fortune on players before the NTL deal money was in the bank, he sanctioned the purchases and saddled the club with a mortagage type debt that involved interest payments that have pretty much crippled us
  • Wasted a fortune in pursuing a kirby stadium move that had no benefits whatsoever for the club, despite this being completely torn apart and exposed for the con that it was he continued to try and force it through.
  • Missed the kings dock stadium move because of some bitter power battle with Paul Gregg - creating a lie that he had investment coming in from the fortress fund to con the board into backing him
  • Missed the opportunity of selling his shares to Randy Lerner who has invested millions in Aston Villa (holte end improvements, bodymoor heath training complex which they OWN, savvy commercial team (please don't quote league positions - Lerner has backed his managers, he doesnt pick the players)
I get the impression by some that they would trust someone with our club just because they were an evertonian (self professed "biggest evertonian") Some of the biggest nuggets I have met have worn a blue shirt, Kenwright for me is a blagger, Stick a camera in front of him and you will hear some of the biggest garbage spout from a human beings mouth but it's packaged in a way that sentimental affectionate blues will say "ahhhh, isn't he a top fella, i'm glad we've got him and not the venkys"


The reality is that just like under Moyes as a manager with Kenwright as a chairman we will not fail (go into administration) - but it is highly unlikely that we will enjoy success (generate profits to fund player acquisition like Arsenal). We will continue to operate a model that is unsustainable = continue to sell high, buy low and use the difference to pay off interest. Sooner or later buying low will equal lesser quality on the pitch = lower attandance = lower revenue and so on...


I don't ignore the good that Kenwright does. He has appointed two sound managers and most impressively he showcases his love and affection for things bigger than football - notably the JFT 96 tribute which was class and he shows great respect to ex evertonians who should not be forgotten when they pass on like Dave Hickson.


His place at Everton should be some form of honoury president, I think that will give him the kudos he craves but also allow someone to come in and provide a much needed cash injection and a ruthless business streak that you see from the likes of Spurs.

spent the NTL money early - that's the board, not just him. Place the blame correctly. If a company goes bust in the meantime, how is that his fault. Yes, he should've waited til the funds where in the bank, but in big businesses these kind if deals happen all the time, ie spending against foreseeable income. The banks will have had a say there too...


Kirkby - agreed, but still the board


Kings Dock - agreed, but still the board.


Lerner - cant quote league positions because he's not responsible for players? Then Bill can't be blamed for selling, since Moyes had the say on all players coming in and out.


Venkys comparison - damn right I'm glad it's him if it prevents idiots like that taking over


Arsenal, despite having the most match day income which would allow them to splash the cash, don't. I agree, our model isnt anywhere near good enough, but, on the other hand, it's worked for 10+ years so hardly unsustainable.


Honorary president is a great idea, but we need to find a decent buyer. Since we don't know what happens behind the scenes, we can't criticise what's going on, only vent frustration


Sorry for short explanations, iPad typing is a nightmare!

Edited by Matt
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And why don't we know more from what's happening behind the scenes....that's right, you'be guessed it. KENSHITE. Cause if we probably got hold of a mere percentage of what's going on then there would be no need for this debate. He'd be gone!

probably more to do with us having no right to know the inside workings of our club! If we did, so would everyone else, which would be a disaster! Only 2 ways you're entitled to sensitive business strategies and information - be a majority shareholder or work in the clubs relevant departments...
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How many meetings has he had with new investors only to be given an explanation of 'when it came to the crunch, they didn't have the funds to back this'..... How gullible is this guy. I would assume that this would be the first priority before letting them step over the line.

dont know, do you?
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