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Tom Cleverley

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You been watching Countdown again Mark?


Nailed it.


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Based on some (very little mind) inside info, he's set his mind on joining up with Roberto.


I can't help thinking of The Bravery's song 'Time Won't Let Me Go' when it comes to this rumour - just when I think I'm saved from him being an Everton player I see shit like this! Instead of time in the title replace it with Tom.


great, so long as its not 8m :)


They're not going to take less from us after agreeing a deal for £8m. If we want him then that's what we'll have to pay.

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Depends. If he rejects the move to Villa and any other team, United will either have to accept a lower amount or risk losing him for nothing next year. This could be one of the last minute deals that Martinez has suggested. Playing hardball with United. Now or never situation.

Can't see it myself. If we play hardball and they still say no then Cleverley is faced with a year of doing fuck all, so he'll be the one to back down and accept a move IMO.

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No that is just where he played for Utd. Pienaar link up play would probably be better but Cleverly is equally as harder worker, he is better in a more attacking role and he played their under Martinez at Wigan. When he played for England in a more attacking role he was actually pretty good but unfortunately he couldn't finish off the moves much like Pienaar! In terms of their actual attributes they are very similar.

I must say in Wigan he played as the left forward of their 4-3-3 - 3-4-3, back at 2010/2011 with Rodallega and N'Zogbia. Moses was the substitute.


That team was really dreadful, although Roberto got great performances from N'Zogbia and Cleverley! I'd not be surprised if Cleverley flourishes under Martínez again.


(Midfielders: Ben Watson, Mohammed Diamé and a 19 year old James McCarthy)

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Does this sound like Cleverley to anyone else, as he used to play on the left for Wigan?


I know Martinez feels he doesn't have enough options on left of midfield & could look to find cover for Steven Pienaar #EFC #Deadlineday

When I say cover for Pienaar I also mean another player with his qualities rather than just a left sided midfielder per se #EFC

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Wouldn't want him on the left though. You keep the wings for pacey players to open up teams.

Bainaar has been the most effective weapon of the team and neither of them is pacey or fast. Their combinations, trickery and intelligence make them unplayable offensively.


Cleverley is still young, a good player, and he is not slow either. I'd like him on loan, with a view to a permanent signing. I can understand what Martinez is doing today: if Cleverley doesn't want to join Villa, MUFC options are Everton on loan (at least Everton would cover his wages) or him not playing for a year and leaving for free.


The outcome is pretty much on Cleverley. If he really wants to join Martinez, all he has to do is to say "Everton or nothing". MUFC has no chance but to allow him to leave. Would you want a sulker in the dressing room?

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He's a touch footballer, very much in the way pienaar is. I can see him changing alot of peoples opinions if we get him.


Look at pienaar at spurs, his style wasn't suited, nor is cleverleys at united (same way as kagawa).


Couldn't see him being put on the left. You need a pacey player to be on the wings. He would probably be put in a similar role to what Barkley/Naismith is playing at the moment. Behind the striker. Oviedo when fit will be backup for the left wing.

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