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Has Martinez got it wrong?


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It totally relates to toure previous post. You talk shit about him not being the man to install a positive winning attitude in the players and club. Only last season everyone was saying how refreshingly positive he was with the pictures in finch farm and how much if a winning mentality he had.

I genuinally get where you're coming from with that and I to was pleased no end with his poistivity but Brett even you have to admit it's absolute overkill at times.


There's nothing wrong with positivity it's most definitely a good thing sometimes you have to be honest with yourself and those who he is talking to and if he done this a bit more I'd have much more respect for him.

Mit's his unwavering stance what worries me most.

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It totally relates to toure previous post. You talk shit about him not being the man to install a positive winning attitude in the players and club. Only last season everyone was saying how refreshingly positive he was with the pictures in finch farm and how much if a winning mentality he had.

Don't bring him into it!

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Some over the top stuff getting said these days. Suppose that's human nature when shit is hitting the fan.


I still back him. But even I'm annoyed at certain things and can't see logic behind some of it (2 examples that stick in my mind is the dropping of Robles and the insistence on one wide player). I'm even slightly annoyed with some of the positive talk, although I get that he is speaking to journo's and not to us. There's other niggles I have too.


But my backing for him comes from him being a very young manager at 41 with plenty still to learn. I really really really want him to learn from this season. Because his philosophy on football, culture, how a club should be...It all makes sense. And if it all comes to fruition, it will set the club up brilliantly.


But he needs to be clear with himself how to translate those wise words into action. Needs to be honest with himself that he doesn't know it all. That it's ok to adjust the plan if something doesn't work. That the best managers/leaders quite happily admit when they get something wrong. Anybody can talk a good game, read the forum for plenty of examples, but doing something with it takes that extra 'something'.


Honestly, I really hope he has that extra 'something'. Haven't seen it for the most of this season, but hopefully that's part of the learning curve.

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I also get a bit annoyed when hearing the same "fine margins" shit getting said but in the end of the day there eas nothing flukey about his first season. Yes, we did get lucky at times but at the end of the day we scored more than other teams in most games. That's down to a new attacking mentality. He hasn't been found out all of a sudden. Some of our best performances under Martinez have been in this season.


I hope he proves the majority of you all wrong (MC11). Good, well mannered, intelligent gentleman with right morals and the correct insight into how to play the game. He will come good.

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and it did change. I do wonder what Moyes would've done with this TV money.


Maybe we'll find out this summer :unsure:

Said it loads of times on here. If he's been given 30 million to buy a striker would we of gone that one step further?


I think we probably would.

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Said it loads of times on here. If he's been given 30 million to buy a striker would we of gone that one step further?


I think we probably would.

I don't think so to be honest.


Moyes and strikers never seemed to 'hit it off', did they? I think strikers was the Achilles heel in Moyes transfers. He did very well finding bargains in other positions. But strikers? Nah, he seemed to stifle them. Mostly his biggest fee's were spent on strikers. They'd do ok at first...then alarmingly go off the boil and that was that. Beattie (£6m), Johnson (£8.6m), Yakubu (£11.2m). I think each of these broke the club's transfer record? As with most of his strikers, good initial bursts then off the boil. It happened to often to just be a coincidence.

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I don't think so to be honest.


Moyes and strikers never seemed to 'hit it off', did they? I think strikers was the Achilles heel in Moyes transfers. He did very well finding bargains in other positions. But strikers? Nah, he seemed to stifle them. Mostly his biggest fee's were spent on strikers. They'd do ok at first...then alarmingly go off the boil and that was that. Beattie (£6m), Johnson (£8.6m), Yakubu (£11.2m). I think each of these broke the club's transfer record? As with most of his strikers, good initial bursts then off the boil. It happened to often to just be a coincidence.

Moyes was never given proper money for one that's why. He had to get bargain basement strikers ala Jelavic and whilst you can unearth a few gems in midfield or defence when it comes to quality strikers you have to pay the money or you don't get one.

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....you also look at the season after we sold Rooney. Moyes was given a load to spend. £25-£30 million. How did he spend it?


Lescott £5m

Johnson £8.6m

Van Der Meyde £2m

Valente £1.5m

Neville £3.5m

Arteta £2m

Kroldrup £5m


Some well spent, some total crap.

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I don't think so to be honest.

Moyes and strikers never seemed to 'hit it off', did they? I think strikers was the Achilles heel in Moyes transfers. He did very well finding bargains in other positions. But strikers? Nah, he seemed to stifle them. Mostly his biggest fee's were spent on strikers. They'd do ok at first...then alarmingly go off the boil and that was that. Beattie (£6m), Johnson (£8.6m), Yakubu (£11.2m). I think each of these broke the club's transfer record? As with most of his strikers, good initial bursts then off the boil. It happened to often to just be a coincidence.

I think you'll find that's an Everton trait not a Moyes trait. Graveyard for strikers.

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....you also look at the season after we sold Rooney. Moyes was given a load to spend. £25-£30 million. How did he spend it?


Lescott £5m

Johnson £8.6m

Van Der Meyde £2m

Valente £1.5m

Neville £3.5m

Arteta £2m

Kroldrup £5m


Some well spent, some total crap.

Yes but he never needed to rebuild the whole squad towards the end did he.


When we sold Rooney we needed a complete overhaul, 3 seasons before he left and a Suarez brought in.


We would have been away.

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Yes but he never needed to rebuild the whole squad towards the end did he.


When we sold Rooney we needed a complete overhaul, 3 seasons before he left and a Suarez brought in.


We would have been away.

I write that last post while you were writing your initial reply...If that makes sense?!


My main point being that Moyes brought in established Premier League strikers...15-20 league goals a season...They had an initial burst with us, then nothing. It happened repeatedly. Not once, not twice etc. So on that basis, I'm not convinced he would have done much different.


I think we reached a level were you can no longer pluck those little bargains from the Championship and wait for them to turn into gems using that same steely mentality. I think at that level, Moyes struggled. Only Fellaini could be classed as a successful big spend. Moyes at United shows the same thing.


Although the £28m we are quoted as paying for Lukaku is a top line figure (we won't pay near that at this level of performance), I don't know if we would have been better spreading over several players or someone else. Maybe, maybe not. Hindsight and all that.

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that's even more scary than I thought the fact that its the 10th of march he has just realised people have worked us out

also he says its a long season and they will be judged on the season not what happens in between, we will decide what matters and when and there is not much of the season left. The comments and quotes from the manager and players is utter crap and gives the impression

we know nothing and only they understand the game I have not heard one realistic comment out the club all season.

many commentators and pundits can not understand his thinking and team selection and seriously wonder if he knows what hes doing.

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It does sound like the penny has finally dropped which is encouraging, I just hope he can get the players fighting for him , starting against Newcastle tomorrow

you say that, but the article clearly says his stubbiness in not dropping barry and howard has cost us.

one is suspended but the other will play so no I don't think the penny has dropped

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I was referring to the fact he has finally realised we are in a relegation fight

yes I agree with you but he said that in January and we all said it in October.

and he has not dropped any one apart from robles

and he shows no sign of changing that, and to continue to make the same mistakes

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