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18 hours ago, MikeO said:

Neither am I really, I'd prefer Angela Rayner; the difference between her and Truss is eye watering. I realise it's easier to speak while in opposition but we've been talking about "grown ups," and she certainly fits the description for me.


I can't stand Rayner. 

Not only is she another very devisive politician, she has no grasp of policy details. 

IMO she is just another one of the children trying to play politics and delivery whitty lines and soundbites rather get to the bottom of the genuine problems facing this country.

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3 hours ago, Romey 1878 said:

The Privilege Committee that are still investigating Johnson have said that if he is made PM again that their investigation is so damning against him that he'd be gone by Christmas!

If he takes his rotten party with him, I'd be all for it.

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4 hours ago, RPG said:

This fb post is 2 years old but interesting just the same.

No photo description available.

So you are a big fan of Andy that’s nice to know. 
unfortunately they are all bent as fk not one of them give a fk about the people at the bottom of the ladder. 
and things will get worse globalists will strive to have us all to go cap in hand some people haven’t got a clue what’s happening. 

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4 hours ago, RPG said:

This fb post is 2 years old but interesting just the same.

No photo description available.

Not good granted, last recorded date was 2014 some 8 years ago having lost his seat, since then expenses have been monitored more rigorously so hopefully it's stopping these unwarranted excessive claims. Sadly if all MPs claims in this time were clearly visible he would probably be some where near the bottom of the most claimed I'm guessing. Any how no longer an MP and not someone who I would like to see as PM, been out of the top of main stream politics for far too long, if based on personality I have a few neighbours who would make a better PM than him 🙂

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1 hour ago, RPG said:

I'm not a political fan of his at all. No idea how you came to that conclusion. Just pointing out that all politicians musl be judged by the same rules - no matter how inconvenient or embarrassing that may be for some.

They should, but those rules should also be applied to the population. The amount of special dispensation these people get is ridiculous.

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2 hours ago, RPG said:

I'm not a political fan of his at all. No idea how you came to that conclusion. Just pointing out that all politicians musl be judged by the same rules - no matter how inconvenient or embarrassing that may be for some.

I was jesting that you liked Andy Burnham 🤣

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29 minutes ago, MikeO said:

Said he's not going to,  plainly came to the conclusion he wouldn't have won.

I said not a chance, not because he wouldn't want to but because he wouldn't have got the backing from MPs he required, when they told him to fuck off a couple of months ago fortunately they meant it. 

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11 minutes ago, RPG said:


He has, indeed, withdrawn from the race. According to his figures (I know!) he had over the 100 supporters required. Sunak would still have been favoured by the tory MPs but the contest would then have been decided by wider tory membership - where Johnson was very much the favourite.

The bottom line is that if Johnson did have the support of 100+ MPs there was a very good chance of him winning the leadership contest. So he has withdrawn either because the grandees have warned him of the dangers and consequences to the party and country of the ongoing privileges committee investigation - or he was fibbing!

I think he could have won but he would have been in trouble again by christmas and he has probably done the right thing. I wouldn't write off his chances of standing for PM again in the future though. Sunak will lead the tory party through the next GE - which they will probably lose and that may well lead to yet another leadership contest.

So, Sunak will be declared PM today I think and the UK can stand by for higher taxes and some fairly harsh austerity measures.

The very idea.

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2 hours ago, RPG said:


He has, indeed, withdrawn from the race. According to his figures (I know!) he had over the 100 supporters required. Sunak would still have been favoured by the tory MPs but the contest would then have been decided by wider tory membership - where Johnson was very much the favourite.

The bottom line is that if Johnson did have the support of 100+ MPs there was a very good chance of him winning the leadership contest. So he has withdrawn either because the grandees have warned him of the dangers and consequences to the party and country of the ongoing privileges committee investigation - or he was fibbing!

I think he could have won but he would have been in trouble again by christmas and he has probably done the right thing. I wouldn't write off his chances of standing for PM again in the future though. Sunak will lead the tory party through the next GE - which they will probably lose and that may well lead to yet another leadership contest.

So, Sunak will be declared PM today I think and the UK can stand by for higher taxes and some fairly harsh austerity measures.

That's his and his camps spin on it, the truth is as hard as he tried he couldn't get anywhere near the hundred votes required to stay in the contest. Sunak declared all of his votes by naming each and everyone of his voter's, Johnson refused saying he couldn't reveal names because they were from the 1922 committee and other area's with in the party that should remain anonymous, yet Sunak divulged the names of his voter's from the 1922 committee without a murmur of discontent from anyone. I'll leave you to make your own mind up on whether he's lying through his teeth again, but just say don't be fooled again by him, and best figure of MPs that anyone can from the media and inside the party can come up with who voted for him is low seventies, unless of course from him and his cronies.  

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Just now, RPG said:

You may be correct, maybe not. I doubt we will ever know for sure. But unless Mordaunt gets a lot of supporters before 2-00pm today it is PM Sunak and austerity measures all round.

On a personal note I hope it is Sunak, I believe he as the abilities required to settle the market's down and get inflation under control. Which for me and thousands like me who are looking to retire in the next year or so is really important for our personal pensions. I have ploughed hundreds of thousands into my pensions and right near the death of cashing in Liz Truss in six short weeks wiped out in the region of 15% from my portfolios, hopefully Sunak will get me 5-7% of that back in the next year or so. So for me if we are not going to have an election Sunak is the best option available as PM the Tory party have to offer. 

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5 minutes ago, MikeO said:

Mordaunt withdraws, Sunak it is.

The markets are looking very favourable on that news, for me he was only logical choice first time round, the Tories got there in the end, but it's cost the country and a lot of people a lot of money,due to the shambolic gamble on Truss. 

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2 minutes ago, RPG said:

Truss certainly caused a lot of damage. Sunak undoubtedly has the smarts to stabilise the markets but he is going to need a strong and experienced deputy to keep him grounded and compassionate I think.

Your out of the frying pan so to speak mate, retired out the country and home and dry to a degree and fair play to you hopefully I'll be there in the next year or so. I think he has made a few people a lot of promises on the right and centre of the party, and has long as they were realistic and he can keep them we may have a united government, who becomes his deputy and who he brings to the cabinet will hopefully be a good mix of views, so things can be looked at from all angles. My one wish would be that he bins Rees-Mogg, there should be no place in society let alone government for people like him. 

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25 minutes ago, MikeO said:

Sacked/resigned as home secretary for "serious breach of ministerial rules" and gets the same job back less than a week later?

I don't think wtf covers it.

Really? Boris is under investigation and had backers to become PM. This is nothing :lol:

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39 minutes ago, MikeO said:

Very revealing that Tory party members are now saying that Sunak has no mandate, and they want (many of them) a GE; that'll be purely down to skin colour for me.

I never looked at it from that angle, but I can see why there would be a good percentage who would think that way. My initial thought was that many had thrown their dummies out the pram by resigning their membership to the party and now the mandate argument, because their right to vote for a new leader was taken away from them. 

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