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Looks better than Force Awakens.


i will be interested to see it. i was very critical of the Force Awakens when i first saw it. Story was point blank the same thing as return of the jedi, same way they kill the death star, when kylo ren sees Finn not killing people at the begining and looks at him and just walks away, that made no sense. vader would have killed that trooper "you dare defy my orders" or something. Han Solo dying was a big surprise (kudos to disney), and the whole luke is gone thing was cool too. but some things were just too "coincidence". the lightsaber being at the outpost they stop at just one of them. also how did they just start the millenium falcon up? like the key was in the ignition and someone just left it? no way. at least have them have to hotwire it or something.


but i watched it again last night (now out on video) and just enjoyed it for a fun sci fi flick. i need that mindset going into Rogue one as well otherwise i'll compare it to the others and tear it apart.

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Saw the second episode of "Undercover" last night; enjoying that, clever stuff.


Watched the first few parts of "People vs OJ Simpson" and it's quite well done but knowing the ending and how annoyed it'd make me (all over again) I gave up.


Can remember during the actual trial it was commonly said that there were only two facts that you needed to know.


1. He did it.

2. He'll be found not guilty.


Both turned out to be accurate.

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Doctor Strange trailer.


I was hoping for so much more. I wasn't taken by it. Looks too close to The Last Airbender than something Marvel would do.


Hopefully future trailers have a better appeal.


Separate note: Sony have confirmed a Men in Black / Jump Street crossover. Which sounds epic.

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Doctor Strange trailer.


I was hoping for so much more. I wasn't taken by it. Looks too close to The Last Airbender than something Marvel would do.


Hopefully future trailers have a better appeal.


Separate note: Sony have confirmed a Men in Black / Jump Street crossover. Which sounds epic.

I hope they don't make a hash of it (DS) as he's one of my favourite characters and Cumberbatch is a great actor IMO so it could or should be great

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did you like harry potter? it's a spin off by the same author. set way before then and in america. i'll be seeing it at the missus read all the books and loves the movies (i like the movies).


Read all the Potter books (first three or four I read to Josh when he was little, I actually clicked that Snape would turn out to be a good guy virtually from the beginning*smug*) and saw all the movies and mostly enjoyed them; just unsure whether this is a good idea or whether it would have been best left alone. We'll see.

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Read all the Potter books (first three or four I read to Josh when he was little, I actually clicked that Snape would turn out to be a good guy virtually from the beginning*smug*) and saw all the movies and mostly enjoyed them; just unsure whether this is a good idea or whether it would have been best left alone. We'll see.


ah gotcha. i think most fans liked them so much they want more (wife and myself included). but you're right, everyone is cautious as to how she does them and if she ruins them or re-hashes similar themes.

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Read all the Potter books (first three or four I read to Josh when he was little, I actually clicked that Snape would turn out to be a good guy virtually from the beginning*smug*) and saw all the movies and mostly enjoyed them; just unsure whether this is a good idea or whether it would have been best left alone. We'll see.

I feel the same Mike I'm glad they've added to the "series" as I enjoy the films but not sure about this one, I've never been a fan of prequels...

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onto the end of series 2 on dexter - hooked. Great series.



My thoughts on characters....


Dexter - ace. Love it when he acts all soft and throws in some great digs or headbutts.


Mad English sculpter - seriously fit


His sister - just plain annoying


His girlfriend Rita - annoying


Doakes - seriously in love with himself 9whats the Cher nose all about) - but plays a good character


Asian colleague Vince- funny funny man


Lt Maria - hated her to start, got something about her.... is that wrong?


Batista - lose the hat, annoy me

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I feel the same Mike I'm glad they've added to the "series" as I enjoy the films but not sure about this one, I've never been a fan of prequels...


she has said its not a prequel, its just loosely connected. from that clip the man attended hogwarts and dumbledore liked him, i think that's probably the only connection. she said it's a different from potter.

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she has said its not a prequel, its just loosely connected. from that clip the man attended hogwarts and dumbledore liked him, i think that's probably the only connection. she said it's a different from potter.

Ah I thought that the young lad was Dumbledore in his youth!


If that's the case then I'm all for it that's what you get when you don't pay attention :)

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Ah I thought that the young lad was Dumbledore in his youth!

If that's the case then I'm all for it that's what you get when you don't pay attention :)

Newt Scamander. Author of Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them.


It's not even really based on any of the books, JK Rowling has just done a screenplay.

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Newt Scamander. Author of Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them.


It's not even really based on any of the books, JK Rowling has just done a screenplay.

Yeah just rub in my ineptitude ha I'll look it up cheers my girls five soon so could do with something along those lines to read to her

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Yeah just rub in my ineptitude ha I'll look it up cheers my girls five soon so could do with something along those lines to read to her



I'll go and see it but I'm not sure it's going to be very good.


Mate, there's nothing about this that you can read to her. The book is just like an encyclopaedia of magical creatures, and this film is basically about how Scamander travelled around the world to learn about these animals for his book.


Not that I know a lot about this stuff like... :unsure:

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