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Posts posted by Aidan

  1. One assist all season, however created something like 50 more chances (or so, from memory) than our highest player last season. Not that I want him here, but hopefully that softens the blow.


    Edit: 47 more chances than any of our players. Source is EFC Statto on twitter so reliable.

  2. 12 hours ago, dunlopp9987 said:

    Why in the world are we bringing in a fullback when there are so many other glaring weaknesses. Don't get me wrong we probably need the cover, but this is about 5th on the list of priorities

    I suppose we have to wait until the end of the window to see if other areas are addressed properly. Granted we have priority positions to fill, but its hardly likely were going to fill those priorities in order.

  3. On 11/07/2022 at 18:32, Romey 1878 said:

    Not at all, but even we aren't going to make a song and dance about him getting the number 10 (he's reposted the video on his Instagram as well) if we were going to sell him.

    What was stupid was not announcing this before releasing the home shirt. Lots of kids will have got this shirt with his name and old number on and now the club will more than likely exchange for a new one.

    Yeah I was just having a laugh. Or trying.

  4. 3 hours ago, Shukes said:

    Don’t think many people have watched him have they?

    He isn’t the type of name that we’re looking for, but he is a technically gifted player. Very tidy on the ball and make the hardest passes in the game… which is the ten yard pass.

    He is better than players like Davies, Gomes, Delpth, Gbamin ect. So is probably the upgrade for one of those.

    That's good to hear someone speak positively. I haven't seen much of him play, I just think fans are getting tired of signing this mould of player though... The "not good enough for the top 6" standard. I.e. Delph, Iwobi.

  5. He's making the right decision, I think he will suit the German league and really has the opportunity to make a name for himself. The lad wants to play football, if he stayed here I doubt he would start more than 15 games for us across all comps and at 25 that's not good for his career.

    I'm really disappointed that the club offered him a new deal but I wish him all the best, he's blue through and through and has a fantastic attitude. Good luck Jonjoe.

  6. 1 hour ago, Hafnia said:

    Footballers want to play football. Is he going to push mount, kante, Jorginho, kovacic, loftus cheek out of the 2 spots? 

    maybe he could but right now no.  A loan to buy, a loan to buy and a first option are feasible. 

    yes we did barely avoid relegation but he will know lampard will be bringing him in as a first name on the sheet.  Plus he will be loving the prospect of playing in front of our fans for a hero of his. 


    Some footballers want to play. I suppose it depends on how ambitious he sees himself as. He might be up for the challenge at Chelsea, or he might be happy sat on the bench waiting for his turn (possibly not considering his loan history). Lampard could convince him I suppose, I just feel it's an unrealistic signing for us unless like you mentioned, on loan.

  7. Doubt Chelsea will want him to leave. Doubt we will be willing to pay the huge fee that will come along with him (rumour has it £50m). Doubt he wants to play for a team that scraped relegation last season.

    That being said, I'd love him here. He was immense last year and has a huge career ahead of him. If we could get him on loan and he doesn't sign a new deal with Chelsea in that time, he will only have 2 years left of his current contract.

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