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Glorious day here in Berkshire. Cut my grass, front and back, all I need now is some rain. :D


Wife has decreed that ours need to be done tomorrow, horrible job, hate it. Give me a flat pack wardrobe ahead of it every time.


The amount of times she asks me to empty the grassbox for her is soooo annoying :P.

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Challenging to have to make a decision that momentous, the easy option would have been to go with the parents wishes, but would that have been wrong for the baby and prolonged unnecessary suffering.

Makes me think of my father's death we and the nurses didn't want to administer treatment the doctor did, it took just over a week to get what we believe was the right decision.

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Challenging to have to make a decision that momentous, the easy option would have been to go with the parents wishes, but would that have been wrong for the baby and prolonged unnecessary suffering.

Makes me think of my father's death we and the nurses didn't want to administer treatment the doctor did, it took just over a week to get what we believe was the right decision.


Been through this recently with my mum but she'd signed a "do not resuscitate" order and all the staff respected it and just made her as comfortable as they could. The only slight issue we had was when they moved her on to a ward from the private room she'd been in; she was plainly dying and couldn't eat or speak but people were still coming up to her asking if she wanted a cup of tea and leaving menu cards with her, we protested and she was immediately moved back where she died peacefully.


But I'm sure there's a big emotional difference between a parent and a child; you're supposed to outlive your parents, it's sad but it's right. I can't imagine watching a child of mine die, even less "instigating" it by giving permission to turn off the life support. It must break you.

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When I started secondary school in 1947 I was keen to get in the school football team. The problem was that the school had no football kit and the cost, plus the need for clothing coupons, prohibited any likelihood of getting some. The first game I played was against St. Mary's Woolton. They had proper jerseys, shorts and socks. We played in civvies. They must have felt sorry for us as they donated an old set of (badly faded) jerseys. One of the parents volunteered to dye the jerseys and the offer was gratefully received. For the next game we turned out in matching 'brown' jerseys! I often wonder if we were the only team in football history to play in brown. We didn't have shorts and played in our trousers but my resourceful brother made some shorts out of a pair of white underpants. He stitched the front flap up and sewed two strips of black material down the side of each leg. He was the only one who looked like a proper footballer!

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New fridge/freezer being delivered today and old one being taken away to be "recycled". Wife insists on thoroughly cleaning the outgoing appliance even though I point out only the delivery drivers are going to see it.....and they're not exactly going to open it to inspect for cleanliness. Women :rolleyes:.

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All the same aren't they, my missus insists on going through the house with a fine tooth comb, before we go on holiday.

I tell her the only people who will see it will be burglars if they break in, she replies ... keep hoovering and dust those window sills.

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