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52 minutes ago, markjazzbassist said:

Had friends that opened for rod stewart.  They said he has a private jet and flys in to every gig an hour before.  He shows up does the show and when he walks off the stage he heads to the airport and home.  Said he’s home in bed while the crew is still finishing packing up!

He did some decent stuff until about 1972, total shite since. Comes across as a cretinous, "do you know who I am?" kind of person.

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39 minutes ago, pete0 said:

I'm conflicted by this, on the one hand good but also very many wealthy over 75s (some multi millionaires) who really wouldn't miss £12 a month getting it free while many below 75 on means tested benefits still have to pay. "Discussed" it last night with my wife (read "argued about it":lol:) as her mum gets it gratis but would happily spend £12 on a ready meal from Waitrose, she's not "wealthy" but is extremely comfortable, £12 a month for her would be nothing. Difficult. Over 75s on pension credit (means tested ie poor people) still won't have to pay so although it would seem to go against the grain for me given my political leanings I can see the reasoning behind it.

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22 minutes ago, MikeO said:

I'm conflicted by this, on the one hand good but also very many wealthy over 75s (some multi millionaires) who really wouldn't miss £12 a month getting it free while many below 75 on means tested benefits still have to pay. "Discussed" it last night with my wife (read "argued about it":lol:) as her mum gets it gratis but would happily spend £12 on a ready meal from Waitrose, she's not "wealthy" but is extremely comfortable, £12 a month for her would be nothing. Difficult. Over 75s on pension credit (means tested ie poor people) still won't have to pay so although it would seem to go against the grain for me given my political leanings I can see the reasoning behind it.

As with everything, there will be an income percentage scale. Besides, would still help many more people that need help than the other way around 

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1 minute ago, Matt said:

As with everything, there will be an income percentage scale. Besides, would still help many more people that need help than the other way around 

That's not my understanding, as far as I've seen it's all or nothing. There is (or certainly was) no "income percentage scale" for housing benefit or council tax benefit for example, once your savings drop below a certain level you get the full amount. How the dog's dinner that is Universal Credit will have affected that is anyone's guess.

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42 minutes ago, MikeO said:

I'm conflicted by this, on the one hand good but also very many wealthy over 75s (some multi millionaires) who really wouldn't miss £12 a month getting it free while many below 75 on means tested benefits still have to pay. "Discussed" it last night with my wife (read "argued about it":lol:) as her mum gets it gratis but would happily spend £12 on a ready meal from Waitrose, she's not "wealthy" but is extremely comfortable, £12 a month for her would be nothing. Difficult. Over 75s on pension credit (means tested ie poor people) still won't have to pay so although it would seem to go against the grain for me given my political leanings I can see the reasoning behind it.

I see it more as they've already paid enough for it. Public transport, and anything owned by the public should be free for all our pensioners. 

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42 minutes ago, pete0 said:

I see it more as they've already paid enough for it. Public transport, and anything owned by the public should be free for all our pensioners. 

Not much left owned by the country the dickhead Tories made sure of that, now most of the profits on the services sold go abroad, another Tory master class on how to fuck everyone over. 

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11 minutes ago, Palfy said:

Not much left owned by the country the dickhead Tories made sure of that, now most of the profits on the services sold go abroad, another Tory master class on how to fuck everyone over. 

Rediculous economics the tory lot. Fuck knows where they expect the money to keep coming from once all the poor are paid below the tax thresholds and all the profits are taken out of the country by the foreign owned companies and elite with their offshores. 

One that baffles me the most is the National lottery which is basically free money. 

And another big question mark on the logic of a government sellings its assets to then rent them back. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Interesting" experience in IKEA today. Went with wife and one daughter for a few bits and got on the "up" escalator (that takes you into the labyrinth) wife ahead of me and daughter, who I was having a conversation with, behind. My wife hates escalators so I was on the left hand rail behind her as I always am to make her feel "safe" when I suddenly became aware she was swaying back towards me; then (really felt like it happened in slo-mo) noticed that it was an elderly man immediately ahead of her but on the right hand rail who was in fact falling back and she'd put her arm out to try to catch him. He wasn't stumbling back he was literally falling back like a tree being felled. Now my right arm is hopeless above shoulder height (no spinal accessory nerve on that side) so there was no way I could reach up and push him upright, or at least stop him from falling. Wife couldn't hold him so he was heading straight back but somehow (no idea how) I managed to get my hand behind his neck when he was pretty much horizontal and hold him so he didn't smack the back of his head in. Daughter then assisted and someone (might have been me I don't remember) screamed down at someone to hit the emergency stop. Quite quickly then managed to manoeuvre him round so he was sitting, he said he thought he'd got his feet "wrong" and was trying to correct. Staff were really good and called first aider but hate to think what would've happened had there been nobody behind him, elderly man bouncing down escalator on his back unlikely to have a great outcome.

So that was today's adventure:unsure:.

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17 hours ago, MikeO said:

"Interesting" experience in IKEA today. Went with wife and one daughter for a few bits and got on the "up" escalator (that takes you into the labyrinth) wife ahead of me and daughter, who I was having a conversation with, behind. My wife hates escalators so I was on the left hand rail behind her as I always am to make her feel "safe" when I suddenly became aware she was swaying back towards me; then (really felt like it happened in slo-mo) noticed that it was an elderly man immediately ahead of her but on the right hand rail who was in fact falling back and she'd put her arm out to try to catch him. He wasn't stumbling back he was literally falling back like a tree being felled. Now my right arm is hopeless above shoulder height (no spinal accessory nerve on that side) so there was no way I could reach up and push him upright, or at least stop him from falling. Wife couldn't hold him so he was heading straight back but somehow (no idea how) I managed to get my hand behind his neck when he was pretty much horizontal and hold him so he didn't smack the back of his head in. Daughter then assisted and someone (might have been me I don't remember) screamed down at someone to hit the emergency stop. Quite quickly then managed to manoeuvre him round so he was sitting, he said he thought he'd got his feet "wrong" and was trying to correct. Staff were really good and called first aider but hate to think what would've happened had there been nobody behind him, elderly man bouncing down escalator on his back unlikely to have a great outcome.

So that was today's adventure:unsure:.

Well done Mike.  Just to clarify, the old man wasn't me.  I didn't go out yesterday.😄

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I know the station where this started because I commuted to London from there for years so it's a bit spooky this.


Now obviously I don't know what was said and I've every sympathy with the guy that died but, after an "argument" about blocking the aisle (which apparently it was) on a virtually empty train, why does the guy leave his fourteen year old son behind and follow the bloke who subsequently killed him into another carriage to carry on what can be nothing but a pointless disagreement? Not suggesting nobody should refrain from sticking up for themselves but choose your fights surely.

As an aside the steps you can see at the beginning of the film lead up to a "back entrance" to the station where a woman was murdered in the eighties; and a history teacher from my old school was found guilty of it. In further spookiliness for some reason the police needed copies of all the interviews they did with him and they came to my company to have them done so I sat through the whole of the police interrogation (20+ hours because he denied it to the end) with a plod. It was the only job we ever did like that, totally left field.

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4 hours ago, markjazzbassist said:

On vacation in Mexico and loving every minute of it.  I get to hone my Spanish chops as well, I did 6 years of study in school and always loved the language and people.  Nothing better than surprising the bartender by being the one gringo that doesn’t order in English :)

Only been to Mexico once went to Cancun about four years ago had a great time.

Anyway how comes you can go to Mexico but they can’t go to the states 😉

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4 hours ago, Palfy said:

Only been to Mexico once went to Cancun about four years ago had a great time.

Anyway how comes you can go to Mexico but they can’t go to the states 😉

I’m in Cancun!  Well playa riviera which is south of there but we flew into Cancun.  Mexico woos Americans with cheap flights and resorts prices.  I’m here for a week it’s all inclusive (flights meals booze tips all included in the price) and it was 2k.  For my wife and I to fly to England I would probably pay that alone on just airfare.  I’m planning to do Goodison next summer or the one after before she is closed up.  I’m coming Palfy!

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1 hour ago, markjazzbassist said:

I’m in Cancun!  Well playa riviera which is south of there but we flew into Cancun.  Mexico woos Americans with cheap flights and resorts prices.  I’m here for a week it’s all inclusive (flights meals booze tips all included in the price) and it was 2k.  For my wife and I to fly to England I would probably pay that alone on just airfare.  I’m planning to do Goodison next summer or the one after before she is closed up.  I’m coming Palfy!

If you want a good night out go to Coco Bongo great party atmosphere I’m sure you’ll both love it, there was a lot of Americans at hotel when we were, to be honest I prefer to go where Americans go you get a better service because Americans don’t put up with bad service. 

If you ever get the chance to see the old lady before she retires Mark there will be plenty here including myself who would like to meet up for a Cerveza grande amigo. 

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Mike: I came across a news article today about the arson attack on the historic synagogue in Exeter. (It hit the headlines because, during the attack, the perpetrator set fire to himself although escaped unhurt.) It's the third oldest synagogue in Britain, and my great-great-great-grandfather attended there. He's buried in the neighbouring Jewish cemetery. It seems the building has been repaired and is open again for use.


I've read several articles recently about the rise of anti-Semitism in Britain. It's reached the point where a significant number of Jewish families are thinking of leaving the country. As a result, I've made a personal resolution: When I next visit Britain, I shall wear a kippah throughout. If fellow Brits (in this case Jews) are being picked on, then I want to stand with them and, if necessary, feel their pain. In 1930s Britain, my maternal grandfather had to change his last name because of pro-Nazi attitudes against Jews. We can't allow a return to those days.

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If this is true that generally Jews are being racially victimised because of their faith then this is abhorrent and not something that I or the majority of British people would be involved in or find acceptable, to be honest I have not noticed that personally and I don’t read the rags so if that is something that is widely reported on a daily or weekly basis I am unaware.

There are endless reports on televised news programs of anti Semitic behaviour within the Labour Party, so whether this has fuelled some idiots in certain areas to start racially abusing Jews I’m not sure but it wouldn’t surprise me if this is what’s been happening.

The Tories on the other hand have been accused of being racist against Muslims, I maybe wrong in my view but racism in the media has now become a weapon of choice to win an argument or belittle an opponent, and the real reason for highlighting racism where it exists has been forgotten, which is to protect the people their families and communities against the hurt and destructive nature of racism no one should have to  live in fear because of their chosen faith or colour of their skin  

There has Steve and always will be a very small minority of morons here and in your country and all over the world that can cause enormous damage because of racism, but it isn’t endemic here so come here wearing your Kippah and hopefully your experience will be as welcoming as if you didn’t wear it I’m sure. 

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21 hours ago, Palfy said:

If this is true that generally Jews are being racially victimised because of their faith then this is abhorrent and not something that I or the majority of British people would be involved in or find acceptable, to be honest I have not noticed that personally and I don’t read the rags so if that is something that is widely reported on a daily or weekly basis I am unaware.

There are endless reports on televised news programs of anti Semitic behaviour within the Labour Party, so whether this has fuelled some idiots in certain areas to start racially abusing Jews I’m not sure but it wouldn’t surprise me if this is what’s been happening.

The Tories on the other hand have been accused of being racist against Muslims, I maybe wrong in my view but racism in the media has now become a weapon of choice to win an argument or belittle an opponent, and the real reason for highlighting racism where it exists has been forgotten, which is to protect the people their families and communities against the hurt and destructive nature of racism no one should have to  live in fear because of their chosen faith or colour of their skin  

There has Steve and always will be a very small minority of morons here and in your country and all over the world that can cause enormous damage because of racism, but it isn’t endemic here so come here wearing your Kippah and hopefully your experience will be as welcoming as if you didn’t wear it I’m sure. 

Palfy: Small minority or not, it's causing a real problem. Maybe I can quote from a recent news article.

"It is almost unreal to me that my daughter's university choice is determined by her fear of antisemitism." This mother was "lamenting the erosion of exemplary British tolerance as antisemitism becomes part of everyday life."

"UK Jews are finding it increasingly hard to live with an ever-present undercurrent of resentment towards Jews. They are also afraid to use their names for fear of backlash... Corbyn has created a climate where it is now okay to lash out at things Jewish."

Of course, the problem is not only in Britain.


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2 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

Palfy: Small minority or not, it's causing a real problem. Maybe I can quote from a recent news article.

"It is almost unreal to me that my daughter's university choice is determined by her fear of antisemitism." This mother was "lamenting the erosion of exemplary British tolerance as antisemitism becomes part of everyday life."

"UK Jews are finding it increasingly hard to live with an ever-present undercurrent of resentment towards Jews. They are also afraid to use their names for fear of backlash... Corbyn has created a climate where it is now okay to lash out at things Jewish."

Of course, the problem is not only in Britain.


A very insightful if not disturbing article there are no easy solutions to the problems of Racism, I have my views on how to try and eradicate it but as an atheist they may not sit well with people who practice their faith. 

But the first two things I would do would be abolish faith schools so children from all different communities get the chance to mix and see that we are all the same regardless of our faith or colour, then hopefully they are less likely to be influenced by racially minded people who try to indoctrinate young people into their prejudices, and hopefully there early experiences will show them that what they are being told by the racist is untrue. Some will still be influenced but hopefully over time it will become less and less until the pond dries up. 

And I would also bring the media to task on how the report racial issues, and stop them reporting on the prejudices of far right groups which may glorify what there doing to youngsters and help their numbers grow. 

I maybe completely wrong in what I’ve said Steve but what your faith is experiencing is not anything new, antisemitism has been around for thousands of years, so how do we stop it if not through the education of the young, what do you feel the answer is to this problem. 

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