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Axel Witsel

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"Belgian midfielder Axel Witsel has asked to leave Zenit Saint Petersburg and has offers from both England and Italy, according to the Russian side’s manager Mircea Lucescu."


Realistically this could still happen, who are the other team interested in him from England?

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"Belgian midfielder Axel Witsel has asked to leave Zenit Saint Petersburg and has offers from both England and Italy, according to the Russian side’s manager Mircea Lucescu."


Realistically this could still happen, who are the other team interested in him from England?

I don't care who they are as long as they sign him instead of us.

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People talk so much shite, it's crazy that they think they personally hold so much integrity that they wouldn't leave a club in hope for more money.


Everyone wants to better themselves financially, and its no different from a footballer than a shelf stacker.

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Who can blame him? If I was changing jobs and knew several companies could be interested in hiring me why would I jump at the first offer?

Thank you! The childish notion that every player is either a "mercenary" or a "true blue" with a Tony Hibbert poster on their wall drives me crazy. This is a career. An exceptionally finite career. You, as a player, will want the best deal (according to whatever hierarchy of value you have) you can get for yourself. I love born Evertonians like Barkley as much as the next guy, but for 99.9% of players out there, we are a club like any other club. So, we must compete with other clubs for signatures as well as trophies. If you had the opportunity to choose from a number of employers, you'd take the one that gives you the kind of career/stability/lifestyle/location/pay/etc. that suits you best. Why pile on someone else for doing the same thing?

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what makes him a mercenary?

The fact that he doesn't believe in the project, that he is just in it for the money. I don't begrudge players earning money, as football generates so much income, also they have a finite time in which to earn money.


What I do expect is that they are believe in the club and are too some degree passionate about it.


He knew what the offer was but kept us waiting 3 weeks to see if a better offer came in, you know what that makes us - the back up date!

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But isn't it saying that we have agreed with the club and now need to agree to personal terms?

And also that he has been away until this week, suggesting that we haven't even spoke with him.

From what I have seen in the press he or his agent have had our offer for the last 2 weeks and has been hoping for better offers from clubs in Italy.

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I was under the impression we had offered him a deal but hadn't met the valuation of Zenit, now a deal has been agreed with them maybe we may see some kind of movement on the deal.


Russian clubs are notoriously hard to deal with and don't get taken for a ride where transfer fees are involved we should know all about that we paid 13 million for a player who lets be honest would be more suited as a goalpost!

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I understand players looking for better offers, but 3 weeks of having offer in hand and saying "I'll get back to you" does not sound like someone who wants to come and only will if he's got no other choice. This isn't an office job where there's 3 months notice, time to mull over an offer - this is a transfer window where shit should get done quick. If he's not bothered about coming, good luck to him elsewhere but he's not a good character for our club.

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All this "I don't blame him stuff and everyone want's to better themselves I'd listen to other companies etc" stuff doesn't wash with me. It's not like he's getting paid £350 a week atm and now it could go up to £500 we are talking £120k a week here (allegedly) wherever he goes he will get millions in signing on fees, boot sponsorships, wages etc 120ka year is 6.25 mila year give or take a few quid which equates to over 30 million over a 5 year contract. Does he need to hold out for a few more million?


Absolute bollocks, he'll be a wealthy man wherever he goes if he wants to play in tbe prem pick one of the two premteams and get on with it, if he wants to mive to Italy he'll have to swallow losing a couple of mil a year but he isn't going to miss it is he. If they can't afford the transfer fee wait a year run your contract down and go on a free. I get they want the best deal it's understandable but fucking about over a million pound extra signing on fee or whatever is greedy as fuck when you're getting 30 million plus on a 5 year deal.


That's why he's being called a mercenary. They hold out for the highest bidder.

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But is he? Or are we all listening to tabloid rumours again. What's the club said about it?

Usually when an official offer has been made the club make some noise to.


Not saying this is the case, just that we shouldn't just listen to media and make that judgement.


Would rather listen to the people that watch him..like his own teams fans, who seem to think he is a hard working under rated player.

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