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Stoke City - Away Game

Dalziel Kane

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Excuse my ignorance but why is felli's action against shawcross so disgusting? He tapped him with his head to get him to fuck off. Like I think it was pete0 said, my grandmother wouldn't have been troubled by that. Someone also said shawcross made no big deal of it. Bullshit. I know the term diving is usually reserved for players going down without being touched, but hitting the deck like that from such a love tap is diving in my books.


Again excuse my ignorance. I've only been following the prem for a year now, and in rugby league here in Aus (which I've followed my whole life) if someone head butted you like that the other player would give you a smack in the mouth, ref would blow a penalty to whoever he saw more at fault and it would be play on. So apologies if I come across a bit neanderthalic, that's just how it usually goes where I'm used to.

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It's about time Fellaini started looking for another club!.....one where roughing up opponents is the norm, where stamping on players is acceptable, where part of the tactical plan is to physically intimidate the opposition........eeerrmmmm how about Stoke!


After one incident you want him to leave the club? He's been our best player this season by a long way and after one mistake you want him gone? I'm sorry but that post is laughable.

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After one incident you want him to leave the club? He's been our best player this season by a long way and after one mistake you want him gone? I'm sorry but that post is laughable.


doh.gif .............Please someone buy zoo a frigin joke book for christmas!!.......although he did say the post was laughable......so maybe he DID get the jokedont know.gif

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Surely the second part of blue's post gave it away? After what Pete posted from the Stoke fan saying all that shite about how they're hard done by and that their players were stamped on etc, when infact a lot of it was the opposite and we were getting kicked about. So the things levelled at Fellaini would actually make him suited to their side... Well, I thought it was obvious dont know.gif .

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I would lose no sleep if someone bust shawcrosses nose as he is a cheating yard dog ale house footballer. However when it is one of our players and the best one at that then I do.


Felli will get at least 3 games for that, moyes needs to verbally state that stoke need looking at for their cheating on corners etc.

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Everybody is making an issue about Fellaini, Nobody mentions Shawcross having Fellaini in a bear hug, not once, twice, or even three times, but at every Corner and every free kick, Felli will probably get punished but Shawcross has got away with about three penalties against him. Not one TV Pundit or one newspaper has even mentioned that.

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There's really not an awful lot to say about this game in truth.


We rarely managed to play football at all, but on the occasions we did we carved them open. Instead of realising this was the way to go we just lumped the ball forward which played right into Stoke's hands. I'd even go as far as to say we looked terrified of playing football tbh. The long ball game was only ever likely to have even a small chance of working if Fellaini was on his game and up for it. Sadly, he may as well have not even been on the pitch for all the use he was. That left Jelavic to deal with high ball after high ball which was only ever going to go one way, and that wasn't Jelly's way that's for sure. Judging by Moyes' face whenever the camera panned to him this was not what he wanted the players to do. He was constantly shaking his head and he had the Gollum eyes going on like he wanted to murder someone. So, I can only assume that our players are just plain fucking brain dead.


Too many players had stinkers in this game. We might be able to carry one player having an off day but when it's as many as it was yesterday we simply cannot cope. Fortunately, we managed to get a point because as soon as they scored the equaliser they looked like the only side that was going to win.



Howard - I have absolutely no idea what the fuck he was trying to do for their goal. It was an absolute embarrassment the attempt he made at saving Jones' header. Oh how I wish we had the money to replace him. And that's not a reaction to yesterday; it's something I've said for a long time.



Coleman - Didn't stop trying but we didn't manage to get him involved in our play attacking wise. Looked ok defensively too, this deserves a big pat on the back up against that shithouse team.


Jagielka and Distin - Thought they looked fine when Stoke did play along the ground to the front men (rarely!) and snuffed things out well. But looked extremely uncomfortable dealing with their players aerially and didn't win the ball very often. Case in point was their equaliser when Jags was nowhere near winning the ball.


Baines - When we dared to play football he was instrumental and his work with Pienaar led to our goal. Other than those few times he was anonymous.



Naismith - I thought yesterday was another improvement from him tbh. The best of a bad bunch probably. However, I really don't think that being out wide is the place for him. He came alive whenever he got near their goal and, if not for Jelavic, I think he would have scored that chance he got in the first half. I was surprised when it was him that was substituted for Barkley, it should definitely have been Fellaini. I hope against West Ham that Naismith is the one behind Jelavic.


Osman - Apart from blowing that guilt-edged chance to put us two up I thought he was invisible, once again. If we had a bigger squad it'd be good for him to be benched for a game or two. Because, right now he's just coasting through games and there's no risk of him losing his place.


Gibson - What a contrast to what he showed against Spurs. In that game his passing was pinpoint, but yesterday it was terrible. I don't think he's had such a bad performance in terms of his passing since he signed for us.


Pienaar - His passing is still a bit off for me but he was always busy and probably the only player on the pitch who actually wanted to carry the ball forward and try and make something happen. And he got an assist. But that chance at the end that he blew was unforgivable. He only had to slide Barkley in who was completely free :(. I'm not saying Barkley would have definitely scored but Pienaar is probably the last player you want shooting at goal even if it's an open goal, and Barkley was in much the better position.



Fellaini - He may have apologised for being a complete fucking weapon by headbutting Shawcross (hasn't mentioned punching Shawcross later on though) but he should also apologise for a disgraceful performance. It's been a very long time since he's played that badly. You can forgive players just having an off day but not for a lack of effort, and I was thinking after only about 5 minutes of the game that he just didn't look interested in the game at all. He just walked around the pitch like he didn't have a care in the world, often being nowhere near Jelavic so he was left all on his own against Huth and Shawcross. His passing was dire, his control was poor, and he didn't win much in the air. Yes, Shawcross manhandled him all game and we should have been given penalties for it if referee's were consistent (Fellaini did less to the City player to give a penalty away) but it's no excuse for his reaction, no excuse at all.



Jelavic - I felt extremely sorry for him yesterday. He could have easily seen his arse with the complete lack of anything created for him but I was pleased to see that he kept on trying, as fruitless as it was. Being physical is not his game. And if it's not his game you don't play to his weaknesses for fucks sake, you play to his strengths. How many chances did we create for him? I can only think of one chance he had and he stole that from Naismith, that's how desperate he was.

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I did in fact read all the above and of course yesterdays collective effort wasn't quite the abomination that some have described. Jokes and moments of humor or otherwise, there's no way anyone would want Fellaini to leave after yesterdays bit of nonsense, even if the BBC did do a good job of covering over most of what caused the Belgian to react like he did. He's our best player, and even best players have moments of madness. The kid was targeted throughout the game as a player of potential danger and in the end, it all culminated in an unsavory incident of which we will be without his services for a short time. I'm kind of looking forward to the return game at Goodison Park in a sense after yesterdays exchanges.


I don't wish to keep on at them, as before yesterday, was never an issue, but even GOT got a bashing today, and since when was 'When Skies Are Grey' our main fansite. They still defend Shawcross and lost some appreciation with me because of some needless name calling simply because of one stupid incident that became more relevant than anything else that occured in the game yesterday it would seem.


It has to be said, also, One thing I always dislike from opposition fans is the misguided belief that all fans of Mersey clubs are 'scousers' . Fucking Idiots some people, but we'll let it rest.



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The stoke fans on that website are pathetic. Some saying they should report it to the police and have him locked up like Dunc was, christ if thats the way the want to go about it they wouldnt be able to field a team every week! Love how because somebody actually reacted to their yard dog antics, they're all acting like Angels... Like i said before, absolute joke of a club.

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Pathetic in that we can see only from the perspective of the weekends results, what I mean is, before that, there was never a problem and nobody here would have had said a bad word against them most likely - and vice versa


I didn't see the 'report to police' thing ? and lock him up also, ? Yes, that does seem a bit drastic.


But after all, if you want to see what's going on in the Wonderful World of Stoke City, that's the place to be.

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I've always thought they were pathetic in terms of the football they played and supported playing ( one fan on that forum has a pic of delap taking a throw in with a rugby ball and underneath it says "we'll play how we want") So yeah I did think they were pathetic before this weekend, now I just think they're even more pathetic with their reaction of this when they're at it every week!! Who was it Huth give a black eye too last season? LOCK HIM UP!!

Edited by GoodisonRoad
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I just come across this on a Sunderland forum, great response.rofl.gif


Originally Posted by Abu Dhabi Red and White viewpost.gif

Stoke supporter on the radio reckons if Fellaini gets a 3 match ban, one game should be held over until Everton play Stoke as Stoke were the team who were penalised.


What do you reckon to this kind of idea?

Everton should be awarded 3 or more penalties from the start of the game next time they play Stoke


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=748952#ixzz2FFTlOVmp

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in my view Stoke bullied us off the ball throughout the whole game without the ref giving us any protection - he issued only 1 yellow card the whole game and that was for time wasting -

Fellaiini had a Stoke safety belt around his body whenever he was in the Stoke box and in the end the lack of protection from the ref sparked his unacceptable head but -

Jagielka made no effort whatsoever to counter the areal ball and gave Stoke a free header - and Howard was disappointing or maybe as surprized by Jags as we were -

we were physically intimidated by Stoke and lost confidence as a result of their spoiling which led to them bossing the game thanks to the lenient ref -

Fellaini played very poorly and was more of an obstruction in attack than a force - he needs to play def midf and we need another striker/assister behind Jelavic-

Osman was most disappointing and should have been subbed - it is time for Moyes to give some benchers more playing time as some regulars just seem to be coasting

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The stoke fans on that website are pathetic. Some saying they should report it to the police and have him locked up like Dunc was, christ if thats the way the want to go about it they wouldnt be able to field a team every week! Love how because somebody actually reacted to their yard dog antics, they're all acting like Angels... Like i said before, absolute joke of a club.

joke of a town too there all fucking wierd, the lack of match of the day coverage is a pisstake they didnt show the 10+ challenges in what fellaini got manhandled even though he should get a ban he hardly touched him would it make any difference to punch someone full force and send them to the ground in relation to the ban because headbutt or not thats not assault but fellaini fell into what shawcross wanted and he should be smarter than that but a 9 game ban would love to slap the muppet who said that


hopefully it will put other clubs off signing him now anyway.


few people have said he wanted christmas off dont no what to think of it tho.

Edited by Blue4Ever
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The best thing about Staffordshire is Alton Towers, discussion closed.


The BBC didn't show too much when I watched yesterday. All I got to see was Fellaini being the belligerent with next to nothing in the way of provocation for the Belgian. Yes we will miss a player of his caliber for a few weeks, but at the end of the day they're all professionals and should know better when they're out there and involved.


I couldn't quite understand that bit of humor in one of the above responses incidentally.

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I read Samuels article and have to say I don't quite understand the need for defensive players to wrap their arms around or hold on to attacking players, from set pieces for instance, this never used to happen, but just recently this has come to the fore and it needs to be eradicated from the game if possible. If in the heat of the moment an opposition player is all over you like an overcoat and holding you back, then incidents will happen. Shawcross is a snide player, but once again, what Fellaini did was dumb, and unfortunately he will miss some crucial games as a direct result of it.


I also had a look at the most recent article, and some fool journalist expecting Fellaini to be hit with a nine game ban ? Far too harsh, and it wasn't a direct to the face assault, but rather to the side of the player, but that won't make a spot of difference when they hand out subsequent punishments. But knowing what a bunch of excellent Idiots the FA can be, it wouldn't be that much of a surprise to see a penalty handed out (far) harsher than some would have anticipated. Three games out would seem sufficient, and he's been heavily fined by Moyes also.

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I think what Crooks was saying, was that Shawcross didn't run off crying like a girl about it, and just remained dedicated to his job and simply getting on with things, which in the end, was helping his side to a point.


'He did not complain' he said, although neither did Fellaini it seemed with regard to harrassment before that, before things culminated in that incident. There's not much anymore can be done on this, it was a regrettable bit of nonsense, Fellaini reacted, and got himself a ban for his actions, but whatever Crooks said, he shouldn't be in his 'team of the week', although really - that Isn't saying much. He simply applauded the player for getting on with it, that's why he's there. I wouldn't get too upset about this. It's a nothing list.

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I think what Crooks was saying, was that Shawcross didn't run off crying like a girl about it, and just remained dedicated to his job and simply getting on with things, which in the end, was helping his side to a point.


That's enough to get into the team of the week?


And I think he did make the most of it.

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Crooks has different ideas to you or me about who should be in his team of the week. Once again, the Shawcross kid, seems something great and commendable, could be the greatest thing since electricity for all we know, from Crooks perspective, and decided to include him. You think back to the Di Canio incident at Goodison years ago, maybe Crooks was doing his little articles back then, and had an inclusion, simply for what he did that day, instead of any real contribution to a game. People just have different ideas of who merits an inclusion in these kinds of things, that's all, but once again, it's a nothing list of no great concern.

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