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March in London

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The police have already told bars to close saying it’s the EDL league and football hooligans your all being taken for a ride by the police and the government. 
there will be families on this March and police are putting them in danger by instigating violence but this is what the police do. 
and yes the stand up to racism will be the ones to cause the trouble cos they have terrorists amongst them. 

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1 minute ago, patto said:

This event is on YouTube live Mahyar tousi tv 

Anothery nasty cunt!

28 minutes ago, patto said:

The police have already told bars to close saying it’s the EDL league and football hooligans your all being taken for a ride by the police and the government. 
there will be families on this March and police are putting them in danger by instigating violence but this is what the police do. 
and yes the stand up to racism will be the ones to cause the trouble cos they have terrorists amongst them. 

One of us is extremely gullible patto...I really don't think it's me, but to be fair I'm sure you don't think it's you.


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12 minutes ago, MikeO said:

Anothery nasty cunt!

One of us is extremely gullible patto...I really don't think it's me, but to be fair I'm sure you don't think it's you.


I know it’s not me 

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43 minutes ago, Romey 1878 said:

I opened this thread expecting a list of things to do in London in March.

Imagine my disappointment when it turned out to be a nudge to never go to London in any month.

I agree London is out of bounds for me unless we manage to get to Wembley 

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I'm sure the mayor of London can come out and tell everyone that London is in the best place that it's ever been......

maximum trust in the police force, no fear of being stabbed, no fear of getting your expensive watch stolen....

no none of that can happen cos it's not true.   It's an absolute shit hole, a complete and utter cess pit. 

The people protesting today have no doubt had a belly full of it. 

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2 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

I'm sure the mayor of London can come out and tell everyone that London is in the best place that it's ever been......

maximum trust in the police force, no fear of being stabbed, no fear of getting your expensive watch stolen....

no none of that can happen cos it's not true.   It's an absolute shit hole, a complete and utter cess pit. 

The people protesting today have no doubt had a belly full of it. 

I just hope there’s no trouble and they all stay safe and have a good day. 

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6 minutes ago, patto said:

I just hope there’s no trouble and they all stay safe and have a good day. 

Let's be honest - it will attract vile racists who just hate anyone who is of a different colour and need to vent their anger and likely cause trouble and look for a scrap.

i hope not because there is an important issue that is getting glossed over and tagged with being right wing.

The unbelievably poor two tier policing has created a powder keg that is waiting to go off.  History has taught us that we are at the precipice of riots. 

when a population feels like its voice is not being heard, when being arrested is no longer a consequence they fear - then people riot. We've seen it in LA, Liverpool in the 80s, Brixton in the 80s, across the country in 2011.

People with genuine concerns being labelled right wing and those appalled that they could be considered right wing feel obliged to fall for the "dont protest cos you are as bad as Tommy Robinson" 

similar to being called a kopite for protesting about Everton. 

the country is on its knees socially - people of all colour and creed need to stand up and say "it's not good enough" 

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2 hours ago, MikeO said:

Organised by Tommy Robinson, will be a bunch of racist cunts, not "concerned citizens".

Stand Up To Racism are having a counter protest, I know which one I'd be on

Tommy Robinson never organised this he was invited to take part what he did do was provide the music/videos and speakers. 
but unfortunately you will always have the Tommy Tommy Robinson brigade there you can’t stop them from attending but to be fair there didn’t seem to be many there. 

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2 hours ago, patto said:

Tommy Robinson never organised this he was invited to take part

By who?

Every news outlet I've seen has said he organised it...he marched at the front (with that famous brain dead muppet conspiracy theorist, Laurence Fox😂), he spoke at the rally and then they showed his film...so if he didn't organise it he was certainly the star turn. For sure he didn't just provide the PA system.

3 hours ago, Hafnia said:

Let's be honest - it will attract vile racists...

How shocking.

Could it be because it was organised for vile racists by a vile racist? 


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7 hours ago, Hafnia said:

the country is on its knees socially - people of all colour and creed need to stand up and say "it's not good enough" 

I agree, but attending a protest organised by Tommy Robinson who has protested about people of colour and different ethnicities other than white nationalists being in the country, would seem a very strange thing to attend if you didn’t agree with his politics and views. 

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No trouble and the BBC and the daily rags are gutted.

well done to the police today the March was well policed no problems whatsoever  

I can’t believe lads on here are taking the BBC as gospel they are corrupt  


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26 minutes ago, patto said:

No trouble and the BBC and the daily rags are gutted.

well done to the police today the March was well policed no problems whatsoever  

I can’t believe lads on here are taking the BBC as gospel they are corrupt  


I can.

Absolutely no balance.

the country has a problem with thick, gammon knuckleheads who believe that every person who enters the country is taking the jobs they never intended to work themselves.

the country also has a problem with the fact that it is being changed in its values and culture in order to respect the values and culture of others..... there will be many people like myself who believe in diversity - but not at the expense of removing the traces of our traditions. 

You see.... not many people are able to recognise the issues that both sides see. They are too busy trying to cookie cut their views to align with the side they like to think of themselves as being. 

Because the country has an issue with virtue signallers everywhere, "listen to my totally disingenuous beliefs that I'm happy to air cos I'm not affected but as soon as I am I would no doubt go quiet"..... mr Gary "Qatar" Lineker for example. Filling his 3 litre V8 merc up the week he was backing just stop oil protesters..... bellend. 

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5 hours ago, c1982 said:

It was a far-right, racially motivated march organised by the worst, self-entitled people who are an embarrassment to the country they claim to be theirs! 

Huh. And hear I thought it was just people on this side of the pond that were into that sort of stuff. 

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15 hours ago, c1982 said:

It was a far-right, racially motivated march organised by the worst, self-entitled people who are an embarrassment to the country they claim to be theirs! 

"Far right".... to me that is calling a £5 cup of coffee a complete disgrace in the cost of living crisis.  You need a shopping trip to Aldi to realise that "the scale has changed"... a previous £70 shopping trip now costs £120. 

What used to be considered far right is now right or just right of centre due to the left hand side of the scale shifting so much. 
an interesting read that captures my thoughts on this. 


I used to think of myself as left, now I believe that is a recipe for disaster. The ultra woke behaviour is making people align themselves to people who will take people who just want "fairness" into very dark territory. 

As much as you think yesterday was all about racism's, skin heads, hooligans etc........ no... it wasn't.  It had a huge population of people who have frankly had enough of the way the country is being run.  Families out singing sweet Caroline - minimal arrests, and yeah - it's played right into to the ultra far rights hands who just need to tweak their ways to being less thuggish to attract new supporters.

When you see people like Joey Barton, Laurence "billy piper" getting more of a voice then the people governing the country need to take urgent action. 


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11 hours ago, Hafnia said:

As much as you think yesterday was all about racism's, skin heads, hooligans etc........ no... it wasn't.  It had a huge population of people who have frankly had enough of the way the country is being run.  Families out singing sweet Caroline - minimal arrests, and yeah - it's played right into to the ultra far rights hands who just need to tweak their ways to being less thuggish to attract new supporters.

Was that between the choruses of, "Who the fuck is Allah?" and the screams (from the stage as well as the crowd), of "I want my country back!" or after?

If these brain dead morons get "their" country back I dodn't want to be a part of it.

This march was led by fucking Tommy Robinson man, well known far right cunt, who's always been that way...and who's gathering in popularity again because of people drifting to the right, you don't need to be an "ultra" to feed them, the farther right ordinary people stray the more powerful the extremists will become. This is the cunt who Farage wanted nowhere near UKIP ffs! People can say, "Oh but I can see their argument and I agree with some of it" but that's doubtless (forgive the Godwinism) what a lot of "ordinary" Germans were saying in 1933.

There might've been some ordinary folk misguidedly taking their kids on the march, they'll probably go into school tomorrow innocently singing, "Who the fuck is Allah?"!

There is no defence for fuckwits like these people, and if anyone doesn't think that they're part of the problem then they're part of the problem.

"Oh, bbbbut wokeism" FUCK OFF I switch off when people start using that word, knobs (not personally directed at you Haf; I know you've thought this through and have your opinions, with which I disagree on virtually every level, but directed at humanity in general).

Oscar Wilde, "Exaggerated patriotism is the most insincere form of self-conceit" and "Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.”

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On 01/06/2024 at 23:39, patto said:

I can’t believe lads on here are taking the BBC as gospel they are corrupt  

Who do you get your news from out of interest?

The BBC are neither corrupt (evidence for this?) or biased. The left reckon they're biased to the right and the right think they're biased to the left, they can't win....they're like a football referee, both sets of fans are certain he favours the opposition. It's complete conspiracy theory bullshit, and more importantly, there's absolutely no evidence to back it up. Nothing. Unless you have something to submit? I'm sure you must have, if you're calling the BBC misleading and corrupt you must have some proof of that?


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4 hours ago, MikeO said:

Was that between the choruses of, "Who the fuck is Allah?" and the screams (from the stage as well as the crowd), of "I want my country back!" or after?

If these brain dead morons get "their" country back I dodn't want to be a part of it.

This march was led by fucking Tommy Robinson man, well known far right cunt, who's always been that way...and who's gathering in popularity again because of people drifting to the right, you don't need to be an "ultra" to feed them, the farther right ordinary people stray the more powerful the extremists will become. This is the cunt who Farage wanted nowhere near UKIP ffs! People can say, "Oh but I can see their argument and I agree with some of it" but that's doubtless (forgive the Godwinism) what a lot of "ordinary" Germans were saying in 1933.

There might've been some ordinary folk misguidedly taking their kids on the march, they'll probably go into school tomorrow innocently singing, "Who the fuck is Allah?"!

There is no defence for fuckwits like these people, and if anyone doesn't think that they're part of the problem then they're part of the problem.

"Oh, bbbbut wokeism" FUCK OFF I switch off when people start using that word, knobs (not personally directed at you Haf; I know you've thought this through and have your opinions, with which I disagree on virtually every level, but directed at humanity in general).

Oscar Wilde, "Exaggerated patriotism is the most insincere form of self-conceit" and "Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.”

I agree with all you have said accept the paraphrasing of Oscar Wilde in the context you have used it.

For me one of the biggest misconceptions is people confusing Patriotism with Nationalism, that’s like saying being far right makes you a Nazi or being far left makes you a Communist, neither are true. 
I am patriotic and definitely not a nationalist, and the people you speak of are not patriotic they are nationalists, so please don’t try and align one with the other because you are insulting me for being patriotic and calling me a nationalist, which I believe Wilde wasn’t trying to do. So I would be interested to know why you used those words in the context of this debate?

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3 hours ago, Palfy said:

I agree with all you have said accept the paraphrasing of Oscar Wilde in the context you have used it.

For me one of the biggest misconceptions is people confusing Patriotism with Nationalism, that’s like saying being far right makes you a Nazi or being far left makes you a Communist, neither are true. 
I am patriotic and definitely not a nationalist, and the people you speak of are not patriotic they are nationalists, so please don’t try and align one with the other because you are insulting me for being patriotic and calling me a nationalist, which I believe Wilde wasn’t trying to do. So I would be interested to know why you used those words in the context of this debate?

Absolutely fair enough, I was just using it to emphasise the point really, it's a bit of a simplistic line...but I was cross, could you guess?:P

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30 minutes ago, MikeO said:

Absolutely fair enough, I was just using it to emphasise the point really, it's a bit of a simplistic line...but I was cross, could you guess?:P

I can. Nationalism refers to devotion to only one group of people over all others, and Tommy Robinson and his colleagues, supporters, and part time marchers fit into that mould so tightly you couldn’t get a fag paper between them. 
And we’ve seen a fair bit of that on here lately where foreigners, being refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants are being accused of destroying the futures of the so called rightful of this country, or in other words the Nationalists, who now aren’t happy just living their own ideological fantasy, they now want to drag their children out on marches to intimidate and indoctrinate them into their beliefs. 

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12 hours ago, MikeO said:

Was that between the choruses of, "Who the fuck is Allah?" and the screams (from the stage as well as the crowd), of "I want my country back!" or after?

If these brain dead morons get "their" country back I dodn't want to be a part of it.

This march was led by fucking Tommy Robinson man, well known far right cunt, who's always been that way...and who's gathering in popularity again because of people drifting to the right, you don't need to be an "ultra" to feed them, the farther right ordinary people stray the more powerful the extremists will become. This is the cunt who Farage wanted nowhere near UKIP ffs! People can say, "Oh but I can see their argument and I agree with some of it" but that's doubtless (forgive the Godwinism) what a lot of "ordinary" Germans were saying in 1933.

There might've been some ordinary folk misguidedly taking their kids on the march, they'll probably go into school tomorrow innocently singing, "Who the fuck is Allah?"!

There is no defence for fuckwits like these people, and if anyone doesn't think that they're part of the problem then they're part of the problem.

"Oh, bbbbut wokeism" FUCK OFF I switch off when people start using that word, knobs (not personally directed at you Haf; I know you've thought this through and have your opinions, with which I disagree on virtually every level, but directed at humanity in general).

Oscar Wilde, "Exaggerated patriotism is the most insincere form of self-conceit" and "Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.”

I did say the day would attract gammons.  Made that pretty clear tbh.  If you think protests go on without idiots on either side of the political spectrum then you are extremely misguided.

Yeah I seen the offensive religious chanting and found it offensive. I'm not prepared to be hypocritical about such things.... maybe you could help those offended by telling them to turn the other cheek (it was that wasn't it). 

The reality is the ultra woke left has created a vacuum. People are too self absorbed in how "super caring and diverse I am" to realise that they are creating an avenue for the likes of Robinson.   I personally believe that all he needs to do is tone down his true levels of hatred to get his foot in the door. Then we will see the extent of racism and hatred. 

The ultra woke wear their views like a platform for grandeur.  The majority of them are either full of shit or lack the intelligence and foresight to see the obstacles it creates. Your Oscar Wilde quote isn't unique to one ideology - it's attributable to the human ego.  It could very well be constructed to describe virtue signallers.... wouldn't you agree? 

For me it's no different than schools allowing kids to run riot with no punishment, no detentions and no expulsions "because it's wrong to hurt their feelings cos hurt people hurt people"........ lurking around the corner is the introduction of the caped school master who will physically assault, slap, abuse kids at will and get away with it cos people have had enough of the soft and stupid approach. 

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7 hours ago, Palfy said:

I agree with all you have said accept the paraphrasing of Oscar Wilde in the context you have used it.

For me one of the biggest misconceptions is people confusing Patriotism with Nationalism, that’s like saying being far right makes you a Nazi or being far left makes you a Communist, neither are true. 
I am patriotic and definitely not a nationalist, and the people you speak of are not patriotic they are nationalists, so please don’t try and align one with the other because you are insulting me for being patriotic and calling me a nationalist, which I believe Wilde wasn’t trying to do. So I would be interested to know why you used those words in the context of this debate?

Couldn't agree more. Well said.  

The arrogance of far left has pissed off many people like myself who feel the need to compromise personal values to actually look at voting for people I actually do not like because although they aren't socialist - they are more aligned to reality. 

you hear people using words like racist, right wing, fascist , to describe people who were staunch labour voters for many years. I genuinely think such people don't care for where the country is heading.

my family history, how I live my life, my views on healthcare and supporting those less fortunate is not represented by any party these days. Our identity as a country is being eroded. Our culture, traditions, ability to feel comfortable to speak candidly without being labelled is in the gutter.

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