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All my mates are talking about it but haven't had the time. Want to see what all the fuss is about!

I've actually stopped after 3 episodes. It doesn't give any signs of making the wrong - right.


Makes me hate the Yankee hick town justice system.... think rambo first blood.

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The Suicide Squad looks like it's going to be a disappointment. Will Smith and dare I say it Margot Robbie don't fit the bill.


Do you think? Think it looks a hoot.


Everybody slates DC for being the darker/grittier cousin to Marvel (which is true for most of their films) but this one is dark with a funny side.


Brave to introduce so many new character (and reinvent another loved one, in the Joker) but it could work.


Like the whole Tattooed Man inclusion, my guess is Enchantress and him team up and cause havoc. Enchantress gives TM his powers and he goes on a bender.


Captain Boomerang all of a sudden became my favourite from the trailer.

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watching Peaky Blinders - quite enjoyable. Nice to see Port Sunlight on there too! They have done a great job setting the mood with the scenery etc, decent acting.


I noticed Tom Hardy doing his Ronnie Kray character in Peaky Blinders - I do hope he doesn't do a Bruce Willis and have the same character too often.

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watching Peaky Blinders - quite enjoyable. Nice to see Port Sunlight on there too! They have done a great job setting the mood with the scenery etc, decent acting.


I noticed Tom Hardy doing his Ronnie Kray character in Peaky Blinders - I do hope he doesn't do a Bruce Willis and have the same character too often.


Watched the 1st season, thought it was very good. Some questionable accents like!


Deserved much better than getting panned by the BBC. Waiting for season 2 to appear on Netflix.

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Watched the 1st season, thought it was very good. Some questionable accents like!


Deserved much better than getting panned by the BBC. Waiting for season 2 to appear on Netflix.


Loved both series. Was reading the other day that they have finished filming season 3, so hopefully be out in a few months with any luck.

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Do you think?

Yeah but I think it's just my general attitude to the comic book films now. I love the darkness of the DC films, that's not my complaint at all! I'm pretty surprised (in a good way) that the studios allow them to keep the new film called "Suicide Squad", I was really expecting it to be renamed to Task Force X as I predicted complaints from interfering parents.


On a slightly related note, I saw that there's a petition for Deadpool to be recut to a 12A so that 8 year old children can see it. No thanks, Kid! :D


I made the 'mistake' of watching Daredevil on Netflix and it ruined Arrow for me because I noticed how much worse it has become, season three didn't help. I listened to a podcast were one of the producers of the show said that the first two series were heavily influenced by the 'Nolanverse' but they're looking to brighten it up in future because of he success of The Flash series, which is disappointing. I do like the Flash though. I've not watched Supergirl - I don't see the appeal and thought they missed a trick by casting Dean Cain and NOT having him reprise his role from the Lois and Clark series. I presume the tv network would have to pay money for that to the other network.


Jessica Jones was pretty good but I was left disappointed with the ending

The Purple man's death

. I re-watched Iron Man (2008) and it's much better than the MCU films so when I went in to see Avengers 2 and Ant-man I came out disappointed.


I have the X-Men films on Bluray because I like them but I'm even souring on them, I saw the trailer for Apocalypse and Sophie Turner's (Sansa Stark) American accent stuck out like sore thumb.


I did like the Suicide Squad animated film though!


Although, it's not all bad news on the comic front. I am looking forward to the new Fox/DC series with the Devil in - Lucifer.

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Yeah but I think it's just my general attitude to the comic book films now. I love the darkness of the DC films, that's not my complaint at all! I'm pretty surprised (in a good way) that the studios allow them to keep the new film called "Suicide Squad", I was really expecting it to be renamed to Task Force X as I predicted complaints from interfering parents.


That is and always has been their name. Glad they didn't changed it. Show the PC brigade can't affect everything.


On a slightly related note, I saw that there's a petition for Deadpool to be recut to a 12A so that 8 year old children can see it. No thanks, Kid! :D


They always said that Fox never had intentions to make it a 12A. Deadpool is crass, violent and obscene. A 'safe' Deadpool movie would have destroyed its audience. I'm sure Fox see it as a risk but it covers a new mature market that they haven't really delved into, in their comic adaptations.


I made the 'mistake' of watching Daredevil on Netflix and it ruined Arrow for me because I noticed how much worse it has become, season three didn't help. I listened to a podcast were one of the producers of the show said that the first two series were heavily influenced by the 'Nolanverse' but they're looking to brighten it up in future because of he success of The Flash series, which is disappointing. I do like the Flash though. I've not watched Supergirl - I don't see the appeal and thought they missed a trick by casting Dean Cain and NOT having him reprise his role from the Lois and Clark series. I presume the tv network would have to pay money for that to the other network.


Daredevil is fantastic and yes, I see your point. Season 4 of Arrow is pretty good, Damian Darhk's in it, played Neal McDonough (Dum Dum Dugan in Cap America). I can't remember the big bad of Season 3...Was it Ra's? Because it was poor.

Jessica Jones was pretty good but I was left disappointed with the ending

The Purple man's death

. I re-watched Iron Man (2008) and it's much better than the MCU films so when I went in to see Avengers 2 and Ant-man I came out disappointed.


I haven't finished it, it was very slow and now i've quoted your paragraph, I can see the content of your spoiler!! Damn you Louis. Iron Man the first film was fantastic. Avengers 2 was alright, not the best and Ant-man was also OK, just enjoyable.

I have the X-Men films on Bluray because I like them but I'm even souring on them, I saw the trailer for Apocalypse and Sophie Turner's (Sansa Stark) American accent stuck out like sore thumb.


First Class was brilliant, Days of Future's Past was OK. Just think this one is going too far. Source material is being re-written to please directors 'styles' (See Snyder as a massive culprit)

I did like the Suicide Squad animated film though!


Although, it's not all bad news on the comic front. I am looking forward to the new Fox/DC series with the Devil in - Lucifer.


Not seen it. I am looking forward to Vertigo's Preacher. As a kid, it was the first Graphic Novel I rented from the library (too expensive to buy) and fell in love with the imagery (didn't appreciate all the content though, I should now!)


I hope that Deadpool and Civil War are good.


Not overly fussed on Batman vs Superman, Suicide Squad started off bad but has my attention now, think it looks class, determined to knock down stereotypes and go against the comic/film adaptation grain and X-Men Apocolypse is very 'meh' for me.


Looking forward to;

Guardians 2 (first one is possibly my favourite film of all time)

Spiderman Solo


Turtles 2

Black Panther

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