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"The American lobster urinates not from some posterior region of its body but directly out the front of its face. Two bladders inside the head hold copious amounts of urine, which the lobster squirts through a pair of muscular nozzles beneath its antennae. These powerful streams mix with the gill outflow and are carried some five feet ahead of the lobster in its plume. What researchers discovered during fights is that dueling lobsters accompanied their most punishing blows during combat with intense squirts of piss at the opponent's face. What's more, in scenes akin to a showdown at the OK Corral, the winner of the physical combat always turns out to be the lobster that urinates first. And well after the fight is over, the winner keeps pissing. By contrast, the loser shuts off his urine valves immediately."

Who knew?

Edited by Cornish Steve
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Your Pun-Divided Attention: How the Brain Processes Wordplay


To understand puns, the left and right brain hemispheres have to work together

Puns are divisive in comedy. Critics groan that they are the “lowest form of wit,” a quote attributed to various writers. Others—including Shakespeare—pun with abandon. The brain itself seems divided over puns, according to a recent study published in Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition. The results suggest the left and right hemispheres play different roles in processing puns, ultimately requiring communication between them for the joke to land.

To observe how the brain handles this type of humor, researchers at the University of Windsor in Ontario presented study participants with a word relating to a pun in either the left or right visual field (which corresponds to the right or left brain hemisphere, respectively). They then analyzed a subject's reaction time in each situation to determine which hemisphere was dominant. “The left hemisphere is the linguistic hemisphere, so it's the one that processes most of the language aspects of the pun, with the right hemisphere kicking in a bit later” to reveal the word's dual meanings, explains Lori Buchanan, a psychology professor and co-author of the study.

This interaction enables us to “get” the joke because puns, as a form of word play, complete humor's basic formula: expectation plus incongruity equals laughter. In puns—where words have multiple, ambiguous meanings—the sentence context primes us to interpret a word in a specific way, an operation that occurs in the left hemisphere. Humor emerges when the right hemisphere subsequently clues us in to the word's other, unanticipated meaning, triggering what Buchanan calls a “surprise reinterpretation.”

The study jibes with previous observations that brain injuries to the right hemisphere can be associated with humor deficits in some people, who understand a joke's meaning but “don't think things are funny anymore,” Buchanan says. She hopes this and future studies may lead to rehabilitative training to help such individuals get back their sense of humor. Bottom line: puns get on everyone's nerves.

Edited by Lowensda
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Pretty cold down in Berkshire last night and it reminded me of the very cold winter of 1963. We had been saving up for a fridge for a couple of years and we finally had one delivered in February 1963. We plugged it in, set the temperature and next morning I looked at the thermometer on the kitchen wall and found that it was warmer inside the fridge than in the rest of the house! No central heating in those days.

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Last week a guy reversed into my car and put a dent in the front offside. He gave me his details and I agreed I would get a quote and phone him as he wanted to decide whether to put it through insurance. I called at a couple of places and phoned him with the best quote, he said he would post a cheque to me. This morning the doorbell rang and there was this guy with a cheque in his hand. He was most apologetic (again) for the inconvenience. Wish everyone was like that.


good man john. also good man on your part for wanting to settle outside insurance. I tried that with a lady whose car I hit, she was all freaked out like I was trying to swindle her. I was like I will get you cash if you don't call the insurance, the insurance both our rates are going up so it's a lose lose. she called insurance. :(

Edited by markjazzbassist
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I'd honestly never tire punching that chinless twats face in... epitome of supposed "upper class" upbringing.


Sadly his parents will no doubt be able to call a few favours to ensure the little twat never ends up on hard times.


I understand he's 18 and makes mistakes etc but I don't doubt for one second these sorts of things are induction tasks.


For the record I signed the petition to get him expelled.

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