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Now Martinez has gone, who should get the nod...


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I don't understand why they are holding talks now, why not before they got rid of RM?


Probably because the final decision to sack Bob didn't come until after the semi-final defeat; if we'd have made the final he would have stayed on until the end of the season at least. May well still have been sacked though.


Take a chill-pill Rubes, sure lots is going on behind the scenes, we'll know soon enough.

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Good point Pad.


Wonder when it will get resolved though. I am all excited about who we will get in charge, and I can't wait ..... but I have to tell myself it will NOT be another Mike Walker, because if it is I will be ready to kill.

The uttering of Mike Walkers name is enough for me to self harm, Neville Southall is the best to talk to on that subject he loved the guy.


Haven't Seville got to play in the Spanish Cup tonight? Maybe they have had to wait until now to talk to him?

Edited by smeghead1
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How many managers would be good for the club?


That is rhetorical by the way. The point I am trying to make is the professionalism of the club. If they were right to sack Martinez surely they were professional enough to have a replacement lined up? If not then they are at least as unprofessional as they have always been. It is no good sitting back and waiting for applicants as we may never get one that is good for the club.

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I'm only going off what I've read and they will know his management style better than most of us and the robotic tag is worrying


I get the point on Pellegrini age wise but some of the most successful managers in the game have hardly been spring chickens his age is irrelevant he's a manager and his hunger can't be gauged on that


I'm not sure How you can call De Boer a winner yet denounce Pellegrini who trumps him in most area's on paper and I'd say he's far from Martinez like he plays a totally different game

Spot on, completely agree. Plus pelligrini doesn't need a sporting director, did well without them at Villarreal and Malaga. De boer hasn't ever worked alone, always had a sporting director.


If that emery rumour has any truth let's hope moshiri empties the coffers to get him. Only worry with him is that Monchi is responsible for their amazing transfer record, not sure if emery can pick a player as he doesn't have to. But tactics and leadership and management he's done great at Sevilla.

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I'm only going off what I've read and they will know his management style better than most of us and the robotic tag is worrying


I get the point on Pellegrini age wise but some of the most successful managers in the game have hardly been spring chickens his age is irrelevant he's a manager and his hunger can't be gauged on that


I'm not sure How you can call De Boer a winner yet denounce Pellegrini who trumps him in most area's on paper and I'd say he's far from Martinez like he plays a totally different game

Actually winner based on what he's done in the game and in management he will want to prove himself.


Pellegrini? Nah just not fussed at all. Emery has me interested now.


Exciting times!

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Actually winner based on what he's done in the game and in management he will want to prove himself.


Pellegrini? Nah just not fussed at all. Emery has me interested now.


Exciting times!

Ah thought you meant solely as a manager


I'd love Emery tbh he's one I never really spoke or thought about with still being with Sevilla and at the time potential Europa winners


If it's true I can only imagine Moshiri is calling the shots as it seems far from a typical Everton approach if you get my drift so we may finally be seeing some forward and progressive thinking and decisions

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Emery obviously jumps ahead of the rest IF he is an actual option.


I guess if he feels he has done as much with Sevilla as he can, then he may want a new challenge.


I'd imagine Moshiri and Co are selling Everton's future plans to a new manager to try and entice as high a calibre as possible.

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Difference being that both those clubs knew they were replacing mangers a long time before we did.


I wonder at which point in the diabolical last 6 months the board actually realised Martinez was shit? When the third went in against Sunderland?

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