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These are the white supremacists among whom the president tells us there are "good and peaceful people." These are the people whom he appears to be defending and who are now thanking him for his support.



It really is unreal. That documentary is imporant. Sad to say I went to college with one of the organizers of the rally and knew him personally, a douchebag named Tim Gionet who goes by Baked Alaska. Knowing him, I really do see a lot of this so-called "movement" as cries for attention from an insecure lot of unliked white men.
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The man is out of his mind. It doesn't matter if they were 'peaceful' (as in no violence) -- their (the alt-right) rhetoric is more dangerous and has no place in this world. As an American, I'm so embarrassed that this man is in charge of my country. He has no tact, terrible leadership, and an even worse ideology.


What drives me nuts the most is how anytime I complain about him the Trump supporters come out of the woodwork and say "well Hillary did this..."


HILLARY DIDN'T WIN THE DAMN ELECTION. Why is that an excuse for Trump?!

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I swear he thinks he's filming a series of the apprentice and all his aides are the contestants, that's why we've seen so many get fired.


many articles have been written quoting former employees and friends that he in fact hates to fire people and is too loyal which is often a problem. the whole "you're fired" thing is all a TV gimmick, in reality he's not that cutthroat. he's also not that great of a deal maker, some business people have analyzed his deals and they are nothing special. he just grew up rich (but everyone thinks he's a self made man, he's not). one financial analyst said if he just put the money his father gave him in a basic investment with average return he would have made more money than he currently has, proving he's not anything other than average when it comes to business.

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many articles have been written quoting former employees and friends that he in fact hates to fire people and is too loyal which is often a problem. the whole "you're fired" thing is all a TV gimmick, in reality he's not that cutthroat. he's also not that great of a deal maker, some business people have analyzed his deals and they are nothing special. he just grew up rich (but everyone thinks he's a self made man, he's not). one financial analyst said if he just put the money his father gave him in a basic investment with average return he would have made more money than he currently has, proving he's not anything other than average when it comes to business.

Well I never new most of that, but I think it's fair to say he would make a good salesman, based on how he sold himself to the voters.
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It really is unreal. That documentary is imporant. Sad to say I went to college with one of the organizers of the rally and knew him personally, a douchebag named Tim Gionet who goes by Baked Alaska. Knowing him, I really do see a lot of this so-called "movement" as cries for attention from an insecure lot of unliked white men.


Correct, here's the guy from that video crying like a small child because he's rightly being treated as a criminal rather than a conquering hero.



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Well I never new most of that, but I think it's fair to say he would make a good salesman, based on how he sold himself to the voters.


I disagree, I think he appealed to voters who felt alienated (insecure) and desperate. Circumstances and his good-ol' boy personality won them over. Today he's been ranting about people erasing history; harping on the statues and deflecting from his initial comments. Freedom of speech is easier to defend than racism...I get being the anti-establishment and seeking that in a candidate, but I've always found his actions repulsive.

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this is what we are up against. steve bannon former breitbart head and then trump advisor and now fired and back to breitbart. here's what his news organization does regularly




make up news


Not surprised that this happened. Breitbart is trash.

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