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For me anyone who can be bought should be vetted and booted out of Parliament. If that happened I think Corbyn would be the only one left. I'm more Green/lib dem, but Corbyn got my vote.

Rofl. Even the ex head of MI5 (or6) said he wouldn't even be allowed into their organisation because of his ties to the IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah.


You seem to think Corbyn is the Messiah and think that any other politician against him is bent. They are all as bent as each other.

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Its really a bit annoying that all the right wing media has this up as another failure of socialism when pretty much everyone of them operates from a western social democracy, Nothing really works without democracy even with all it's shortcomings. You've got to be able to kick the bastards out.

Agreed. The Scandinavian and some European systems where it's a combination of democracy and socialism seems to be the best so far.

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Rofl. Even the ex head of MI5 (or6) said he wouldn't even be allowed into their organisation because of his ties to the IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah.


You seem to think Corbyn is the Messiah and think that any other politician against him is bent. They are all as bent as each other.


What would that person think of Arlene Foster and her friends having a say in the running of the country I wonder.

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Agree with your post, but to be fair to pete0, many users were (/are) at that level in the Brexit thread on EU-related matters.


Yep, and some people are more emotional about the issues he's discussing because they're closer to home.

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Agree with your post, but to be fair to pete0, many users were (/are) at that level in the Brexit thread on EU-related matters.


Who? Even if you can find some and I can't remember any expletive ridden rants in favour of Brexit, two (or more) wrongs don't make a right.

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Who? Even if you can find some and I can't remember any expletive ridden rants in favour of Brexit, two (or more) wrongs don't make a right.


My response was not meant as a bait to turn this thread into the worst parts of the brexit thread, but just to point out how some who might question pete0's aggressive stance regarding conservative voters were somewhat similarly round the bend with their opinions on what the EU is, or isn't.

(search the thread for posts containing words like "dictatorship", "hitler" or "fascist").

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What would that person think of Arlene Foster and her friends having a say in the running of the country I wonder.


I bet they probably are tracking her!


For what its worth though, Labour have tried doing deals with the DUP in the past its just that they haven't been in the position to have to be held to ransom by them.


Generally its a shame because this result actually gives all parties the possibility of contributing to the country. Get rid of the party whip, let the politicians vote as they see it and do whats universally agreed as best for the country and not just the whim of the PM and their policy makers.

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Generally its a shame because this result actually gives all parties the possibility of contributing to the country. Get rid of the party whip, let the politicians vote as they see it and do whats universally agreed as best for the country and not just the whim of the PM and their policy makers.




That's what I've wanted for years!

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You conflated underfunding of the NHS with murdering children and called May a paedophile because she admitted the home office might have covered up some historic sexual abuse in the 80's and then said everyone that disagreed was also a selfish murdering cunt. Not really the basis for a rational discussion.


It's never too late to change tack though.

People are dying because the NHS is under funded.

The NHS is under funded because of the MPs.

The MPs are voted in by the public who have full knowledge the NHS will be under funded and people will die because of the lack of funding.


Do people know the Conservatives will under fund the NHS and people will die as a result? Yes.


Say you took insulin away from someone with diabetes and they died as a result, what would you be?


My argument was more the bombing of innocent children is inhumane. Any comments? Do you think it's human to kill children because terrorist might be near by?


Didn't call May a peado.


Didn't say everyone who voted that way is a murdering cunt.


Rational discussion? There's nothing rational about killing children and needlessly reducing the health care of the country endangering many lives, killing many people. Please enlighten me how killing children and the NHS is okay?


Edit. Cheers Holystove, pity you don't get a vote over here.

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My response was not meant as a bait to turn this thread into the worst parts of the brexit thread, but just to point out how some who might question pete0's aggressive stance regarding conservative voters were somewhat similarly round the bend with their opinions on what the EU is, or isn't.

(search the thread for posts containing words like "dictatorship", "hitler" or "fascist").


Can't be bothered trawling through all Pete0's posts, just looked at the last couple. Cunt, paedo, scum bag. I would never use 'Hitler' or 'Fascist' in any post I made but I would be interested to know why you equate the term 'dictatorship' with the aforesaid expletives?

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Can't be bothered trawling through all Pete0's posts, just looked at the last couple. Cunt, paedo, scum bag. I would never use 'Hitler' or 'Fascist' in any post I made but I would be interested to know why you equate the term 'dictatorship' with the aforesaid expletives?

yes I would put those remarks on the same level as they all have the sole purpose of provoking people with an opposite point of view and have no basis in reality.


however do fully accept your point than two wrongs dont make a right.

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People are dying because the NHS is under funded.

The NHS is under funded because of the MPs.

The MPs are voted in by the public who have full knowledge the NHS will be under funded and people will die because of the lack of funding.


I think you over estimate the amount of time people spend thinking about these things and the finer points of politics in general, showing them the evidence and not abusing them during discussion is a better way to get your point across.


Do people know the Conservatives will under fund the NHS and people will die as a result? Yes.


Actually no, conservatives actually believe that reducing government funding/involvement and introducing market based mechanisms will increase efficiency, they aren't actually all psychopaths and they are not 100% wrong no matter what you may believe.


Say you took insulin away from someone with diabetes and they died as a result, what would you be?


Who has had their insulin taken away?


My argument was more the bombing of innocent children is inhumane. Any comments? Do you think it's human to kill children because terrorist might be near by?


Western intervention in foreign affairs is complex, has occurred under Labour and Tories and are not a zero sum situations, non action in Syria has lead to what can only be compared to genocide in Aleppo. I'm not comfortable with that either.


Didn't call May a peado.


That's how I read this "Please let me know how voting for a peado using self serving scum bag" if you really want to bring this into an argument, demonstrate how May is actively covering up for current Tory members or the implication is all Tories are paedophiles.


Didn't say everyone who voted that way is a murdering cunt.


"If you voted tory you are a murderer, no better than a terrorist." this seemed pretty definitive to me Pete.


Rational discussion? There's nothing rational about killing children and needlessly reducing the health care of the country endangering many lives, killing many people. Please enlighten me how killing children and the NHS is okay?


So we should only be irrational in our discussions? These arguments are from emotion not reason which is why people are so reluctant to engage with them.

I agree with you, I think Corbyn is the right man to change the conversation and take the UK in a different direction and can only do it because he is such an anti-establishment firebrand, but if you think it would be all sunshine and skittles if/when he gets in you are going to be very disappointed. Policy is complicated and there are always unintended consequences.



I replied in red.

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Guest rusty747

Whoever has voted for them has proven they are not responsible enough to make a decision that's best for the country and its people. If you voted tory you are a murderer, no better than a terrorist. Actually, worse than a terrorist because you voting to allow our greedy politicians to bomb schools of innocent children fuels the hate of the West and helps ISIS recruit.

I'm yet to see a valid reason to vote tory unless you earn mega bucks and don't care about anyone other than yourself. They are selfish at best to an utter selfish stupid racist murdering cunts at worst. Prison wouldn't be harsh, taking the right to vote off them wouldn't be harsh.https://m.facebook.com/guyfawkesrevolt/photos/a.399897414603.175695.318151134603/10155564376374604/?type=3&source=48

I'm a tory supporter, and I am most certainly not a murderer or a terrorist Pete.


We are all entitled to our opinion but please mods, this is a hate crime speech.


Ps, I am also Muslim - not that it should matter, but just for context.

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I'm a tory supporter, and I am most certainly not a murderer or a terrorist Pete.


We are all entitled to our opinion but please mods, this is a hate crime speech.


Ps, I am also Muslim - not that it should matter, but just for context.

It's not an opinion. The Tory party had brought the NHS to its knees. People are dying due to a lack of resources and care, and that is directly because of people like you voting them in. If you don't want to accept responsibility fine. But I'm not gonna shut up and pat you on the back. There's no agreeing to disagree, no one here has posted anything pro tory to argue otherwise, only deflections with anti labour or Corbyn stuff. I don't see how anyone could possible put their own interest over peoples lives.


Tbh I have no idea how your faith has any relevance.

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Guest rusty747

It's not an opinion. The Tory party had brought the NHS to its knees. People are dying due to a lack of resources and care, and that is directly because of people like you voting them in. If you don't want to accept responsibility fine. But I'm not gonna shut up and pat you on the back. There's no agreeing to disagree, no one here has posted anything pro tory to argue otherwise, only deflections with anti labour or Corbyn stuff. I don't see how anyone could possible put their own interest over peoples lives.

Tbh I have no idea how your faith has any relevance.

I am a tory supporter. You therefore called me a murderer and no better than a terrorist.


That is libel and an illegal, inaccurate statement. Your ip I am told, has been logged.


Would you like to retract that statement or do I file a police report?

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It's not an opinion. The Tory party had brought the NHS to its knees. People are dying due to a lack of resources and care, and that is directly because of people like you voting them in. If you don't want to accept responsibility fine. But I'm not gonna shut up and pat you on the back. There's no agreeing to disagree, no one here has posted anything pro tory to argue otherwise, only deflections with anti labour or Corbyn stuff. I don't see how anyone could possible put their own interest over peoples lives.


Tbh I have no idea how your faith has any relevance.


The current investment in the NHS, in real terms, is higher than it was under the last Labour Government. The major difference is that demand on the service has grown significantly.

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People are dying because the NHS is under funded.

The NHS is under funded because of the MPs.

The MPs are voted in by the public who have full knowledge the NHS will be under funded and people will die because of the lack of funding.


1)I think you over estimate the amount of time people spend thinking about these things and the finer points of politics in general, showing them the evidence and not abusing them during discussion is a better way to get your point across.


Do people know the Conservatives will under fund the NHS and people will die as a result? Yes.


2)Actually no, conservatives actually believe that reducing government funding/involvement and introducing market based mechanisms will increase efficiency, they aren't actually all psychopaths and they are not 100% wrong no matter what you may believe.


Say you took insulin away from someone with diabetes and they died as a result, what would you be?


3)Who has had their insulin taken away?


My argument was more the bombing of innocent children is inhumane. Any comments? Do you think it's human to kill children because terrorist might be near by?


4)Western intervention in foreign affairs is complex, has occurred under Labour and Tories and are not a zero sum situations, non action in Syria has lead to what can only be compared to genocide in Aleppo. I'm not comfortable with that either.


Didn't call May a peado.


5)That's how I read this "Please let me know how voting for a peado using self serving scum bag" if you really want to bring this into an argument, demonstrate how May is actively covering up for current Tory members or the implication is all Tories are paedophiles.


Didn't say everyone who voted that way is a murdering cunt.


6)"If you voted tory you are a murderer, no better than a terrorist." this seemed pretty definitive to me Pete.


Rational discussion? There's nothing rational about killing children and needlessly reducing the health care of the country endangering many lives, killing many people. Please enlighten me how killing children and the NHS is okay?


7)So we should only be irrational in our discussions? These arguments are from emotion not reason which is why people are so reluctant to engage with them.

I agree with you, I think Corbyn is the right man to change the conversation and take the UK in a different direction and can only do it because he is such an anti-establishment firebrand, but if you think it would be all sunshine and skittles if/when he gets in you are going to be very disappointed. Policy is complicated and there are always unintended consequences.



1. It's common knowledge the NHS is under funded. British love a moan, and you must hear at least once a month someone moan about trying to get a doctors appointment.


2. Would be nice if that was true, all evidence suggests otherwise. Fact is they are privatising it so their mates can profit.


3. Seriously?

No one, yet. However if you missed the point - Heart surgery: Three hospitals told to stop complex treatment - BBC News https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=/amp/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/36737265&ved=0ahUKEwjTjLu5273UAhXEI8AKHbNnDAEQFghoMAk&usg=AFQjCNG_mc47p5hpwmKqbc_83CzkUfJnTA&sig2=WhjwjjwHTf4BMPxkzP5org


4. Murdering people isn't very complex. You either kill or you don't. What's the difference between you voting for your government to kill innocent people and terrorist?


5. Not called May a peados though have I?

Previous links prove enough. BBC cover up too. Hillsborough cover up as well. May is disgusting just look at every way she had voted in Parliament.


6. Difinitive how? Maybe you've added cunt yourself as it's your own belief. If so, I agree to a point. Some are just stupid and blinded by media.


7. Emotion? I find it more than reasonable not to vote for any party that actively engages in killing for its own interest. Emotion, would be me punching every tory I know in the head. You believe it's rational to murder innocent people?

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Guest rusty747

The current investment in the NHS, in real terms, is higher than it was under the last Labour Government. The major difference is that demand on the service has grown significantly.

You and I onow that John, but peteO is obviously not going to let the facts get in the way of his jaundiced attitude and irrational behaviour.

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Guest rusty747

1. It's common knowledge the NHS is under funded. British love a moan, and you must hear at least once a month someone moan about trying to get a doctors appointment.

2. Would be nice if that was true, all evidence suggests otherwise. Fact is they are privatising it so their mates can profit.

3. Seriously?

No one, yet. However if you missed the point - Heart surgery: Three hospitals told to stop complex treatment - BBC News https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=/amp/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/36737265&ved=0ahUKEwjTjLu5273UAhXEI8AKHbNnDAEQFghoMAk&usg=AFQjCNG_mc47p5hpwmKqbc_83CzkUfJnTA&sig2=WhjwjjwHTf4BMPxkzP5org

4. Murdering people isn't very complex. You either kill or you don't. What's the difference between you voting for your government to kill innocent people and terrorist?

5. Not called May a peados though have I?

Previous links prove enough. BBC cover up too. Hillsborough cover up as well. May is disgusting just look at every way she had voted in Parliament.

6. Difinitive how? Maybe you've added cunt yourself as it's your own belief. If so, I agree to a point. Some are just stupid and blinded by media.

7. Emotion? I find it more than reasonable not to vote for any party that actively engages in killing for its own interest. Emotion, would be me punching every tory I know in the head. You believe it's rational to murder innocent people?

Complaint filed.


I tried to give you a chance.

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Guest rusty747

How about you put an argument forward?

I have put a fact forward. Four actually.


1- You called me a murdererer.


2- That is libel


3- I gave you the opportunity to retract but you just compounded your crime


4- I have complained about your illegal behaviour.


I will let the the appropriate Authorities take it from here.

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