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23 minutes ago, Romey 1878 said:

The same media outlets that tore Labour to shreds for this are now pushing it as something to get done. It takes the piss. Corbyn was ridiculed for even suggesting it!

If those media outlets hasn't made him out to be a communist terrorist we wouldn't be in this mess 😔

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Absolute state of this country. Suspended sentence and wife standing by him. Judge uses the fact he's been working all his life as if that makes a difference. 

No wonder the covid morons are jumping on every peado story to "prove" covid is just a deflection from peado rings. 


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There is a lot going around Twitter about the latest free school meal boxes. Does anyone have any experience with these because I am trying to find out who provides the food parcels?

If you look at most of the posts they say the boxes came from the Government (outsourced to various companies) but that would surprise me as the money usually gets paid directly to the schools and therefore it is the individual schools that bear the responsibility. 

A further search through different posts or internet sites (mainly schools) shows some schools producing some amazing looking parcels and giving guidance about what parents should expect in each box. 

Something seems amiss to me but I can't find any evidence of which side the fault lines lay.

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13 hours ago, Bailey said:

There is a lot going around Twitter about the latest free school meal boxes. Does anyone have any experience with these because I am trying to find out who provides the food parcels?

If you look at most of the posts they say the boxes came from the Government (outsourced to various companies) but that would surprise me as the money usually gets paid directly to the schools and therefore it is the individual schools that bear the responsibility. 

A further search through different posts or internet sites (mainly schools) shows some schools producing some amazing looking parcels and giving guidance about what parents should expect in each box. 

Something seems amiss to me but I can't find any evidence of which side the fault lines lay.

Some parcels were supplied by private catering company Chartwells, which is part of the food service giant Compass Group. The group’s former chairman, Paul Walsh, was once a member of David Cameron’s business advisory group.

Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2021/01/12/free-school-meals-firm-with-tory-links-shamed-over-30-shopping-basket-13887331/?fbclid=IwAR3xnoSmlovFc79Uq9j_yI_Gw9FiZiT9oI_UXKSVHuoq1hj_FBv1rQZ3t1Q?ito=cbshare


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6 hours ago, pete0 said:

Some parcels were supplied by private catering company Chartwells, which is part of the food service giant Compass Group. The group’s former chairman, Paul Walsh, was once a member of David Cameron’s business advisory group.

Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2021/01/12/free-school-meals-firm-with-tory-links-shamed-over-30-shopping-basket-13887331/?fbclid=IwAR3xnoSmlovFc79Uq9j_yI_Gw9FiZiT9oI_UXKSVHuoq1hj_FBv1rQZ3t1Q?ito=cbshare


Rashford has tweeted his update: 

It seems Chartwells only supply some of the parcels and that they get delivered to schools who then distribute. 

This has just come out from Chartwells: 

I understand that its short notice, but it seriously cannot be that hard for them to source the goods when most people can pop to the shop and pick them up for less. 

I don't know whether Chartwells bulk delivered the items to the schools or whether they packaged them the way shown in the images but the mix of ingredients for a week of food is bemusing and whilst you can make 5 days of food out of the parcel, I expect some of the ingredients get wasted because they don't go with the rest. They have an opportunity to feed kids properly and for good money. 

There has to be some serious questions asked about whether outsourcing parcels to a company like this is a good idea. The packaging and transport costs alone will cost half the cost of the box and Chartwells won't be doing this for free. 

I get there are also reservations about how vouchers are used but they must be more practical ways to get as much of the money to the kids as possible. Even using more local producers sourced by the schools (as many have done) will be a better way of keeping some of those costs down so that the kids and their families see more of the money. 

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That was because it was already too widespread here to make it successful. By the time we found out Italy had the disease as such a high level we had already had a significant amount of people travelling too and from that area, especially around the February half time.

What is mind boggling now, looking back in hindsight to an extent, is that we were actively encouraged for a time to travel in the summer and none of these measures were brought in at that point.

Scotland had managed to rid itself of the original virus in the summer only for it to become re-imported due to people travelling. Ultimately that is when it should have started but with the numbers going so low there would have been uproar if it had come in. Everyone was kicking up a stink about the quarantine period as it was.

I hope there is no such plan to allow travel to reopen again this summer if I am honest. We need to make sure we eradicate this disease now given the vaccines we have and the potential for more mutations.

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1 hour ago, Bailey said:

That was because it was already too widespread here to make it successful. By the time we found out Italy had the disease as such a high level we had already had a significant amount of people travelling too and from that area, especially around the February half time.

What is mind boggling now, looking back in hindsight to an extent, is that we were actively encouraged for a time to travel in the summer and none of these measures were brought in at that point.

Scotland had managed to rid itself of the original virus in the summer only for it to become re-imported due to people travelling. Ultimately that is when it should have started but with the numbers going so low there would have been uproar if it had come in. Everyone was kicking up a stink about the quarantine period as it was.

I hope there is no such plan to allow travel to reopen again this summer if I am honest. We need to make sure we eradicate this disease now given the vaccines we have and the potential for more mutations.

We were well aware and let music concerts, football matches and the horse racing go a head. That same weekend it was Paddy's Day yet Ireland closed the pubs and stopped People entering their country.

We had time, our government tried to seize an opportunity. They portrayed the rest of Europe as being frightened whereas we would fight through it, they were saying it was no worse than flu and even had the prime minister going round hospitals shaking hands. They tried to capitalise on the others closing shop and it has cost us dearly. 

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5 hours ago, pete0 said:

We were well aware and let music concerts, football matches and the horse racing go a head. That same weekend it was Paddy's Day yet Ireland closed the pubs and stopped People entering their country.

We had time, our government tried to seize an opportunity. They portrayed the rest of Europe as being frightened whereas we would fight through it, they were saying it was no worse than flu and even had the prime minister going round hospitals shaking hands. They tried to capitalise on the others closing shop and it has cost us dearly. 

Boris was taking his lead from Trump and mimicking what Trump was saying and doing, embarrassingly for us Johnstone was the only world leader who pinned his banner to Trumps mast, two leaders who are responsible for the deaths of thousands of people they were supposed to be looking after. 

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18 hours ago, pete0 said:

We were well aware and let music concerts, football matches and the horse racing go a head. That same weekend it was Paddy's Day yet Ireland closed the pubs and stopped People entering their country.

We had time, our government tried to seize an opportunity. They portrayed the rest of Europe as being frightened whereas we would fight through it, they were saying it was no worse than flu and even had the prime minister going round hospitals shaking hands. They tried to capitalise on the others closing shop and it has cost us dearly. 

So that worked well for the Irish then as well as for the rest of Europe!? You have basically just supported what I have said and today's announcement about cases being present earlier in the year supports that. 

It was already widespread here when the opportunity you claim arised. The WHO were still saying in January that there was no human to human transmission. On the 3rd March 2020 WHO said that the transmission was not driven by asymptomatic people in the same way influenza was, I.e. if those with symptoms self isolate then the disease won't spread. We know that isn't the case anymore, but knowledge back then was a LOT different.

I can understand delays at the start, many countries were in the same boat. What I don't understand is why more action wasn't taken in the summer, especially given the example that Scotland had eradicated the initial disease.

I think its a case that the politicians (of almost all European countries) thought it was done with when the medical officers predicted a second wave from the start. 

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8 minutes ago, Bailey said:

So that worked well for the Irish then as well as for the rest of Europe!? You have basically just supported what I have said and today's announcement about cases being present earlier in the year supports that. 

It was already widespread here when the opportunity you claim arised. The WHO were still saying in January that there was no human to human transmission. On the 3rd March 2020 WHO said that the transmission was not driven by asymptomatic people in the same way influenza was, I.e. if those with symptoms self isolate then the disease won't spread. We know that isn't the case anymore, but knowledge back then was a LOT different.

I can understand delays at the start, many countries were in the same boat. What I don't understand is why more action wasn't taken in the summer, especially given the example that Scotland had eradicated the initial disease.

I think its a case that the politicians (of almost all European countries) thought it was done with when the medical officers predicted a second wave from the start. 

It worked better than our approach. Do you disagree?

There was enough information to make a decision and we were lucky to be an island so should have been able to battle the virus as Japan, Korea, Australia and New Zealand did. But we decided on capitalism over people. Do you believe there was any other basis for the decision? What more information did we need? The scientist said keep two metres apart meanwhile our prime minister was gleefully shaking hands in hospitals telling the public there's nothing to be scared of just wash your hands.

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2 hours ago, pete0 said:

It worked better than our approach. Do you disagree?

There was enough information to make a decision and we were lucky to be an island so should have been able to battle the virus as Japan, Korea, Australia and New Zealand did. But we decided on capitalism over people. Do you believe there was any other basis for the decision? What more information did we need? The scientist said keep two metres apart meanwhile our prime minister was gleefully shaking hands in hospitals telling the public there's nothing to be scared of just wash your hands.

The countries in Europe are much of a muchness especially when compared by population. We haven't done anything particularly different to our neighbours. Ireland is now has the highest infection rate in the world. 

You cannot seriously compare Japan, Korea, Oz etc to us. Its like comparing apples to a watermelon. I hope you can see that. 

The SAGE notes are there to see. It wasnt a decision of capitalism over death, they plotted the best course they thought at the time with the limited information they had available. Again the notes show that certain members of the government wanted to lockdown earlier whereas behavioural scientists were concerned about fatigue. I even remember that being mentioned by either Whitty or Vallance in one of the conferences. 

I repeat that what they did after that first wave with the information they had available is a very different story. 

Now though, the need to stamp this out is greater than ever. The South African mutation showed no antibodies in 21 of 44 people (T-cell impact still being investigated), the Brazilian mutations appears to be ripping through Manaus again with a very serious concern that re-infections are high. Whilst vaccines are still expected to help, the efficacy of those vaccines is going to be affected. Our mutation will still breeze through communities if they open up again. I have seen it at my workplace with several people testing positive from the same department. We have three that have been off with illness since just before Christmas.

These mutations are game changers but so are the vaccines. I think it would be a big mistake for anything (maybe except schools) to open back up again until the numbers are very low and the majority of the population have been vaccinated. 

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2 hours ago, Bailey said:

The countries in Europe are much of a muchness especially when compared by population. We haven't done anything particularly different to our neighbours. Ireland is now has the highest infection rate in the world. 

You cannot seriously compare Japan, Korea, Oz etc to us. Its like comparing apples to a watermelon. I hope you can see that. 

The SAGE notes are there to see. It wasnt a decision of capitalism over death, they plotted the best course they thought at the time with the limited information they had available. Again the notes show that certain members of the government wanted to lockdown earlier whereas behavioural scientists were concerned about fatigue. I even remember that being mentioned by either Whitty or Vallance in one of the conferences. 

I repeat that what they did after that first wave with the information they had available is a very different story. 

Now though, the need to stamp this out is greater than ever. The South African mutation showed no antibodies in 21 of 44 people (T-cell impact still being investigated), the Brazilian mutations appears to be ripping through Manaus again with a very serious concern that re-infections are high. Whilst vaccines are still expected to help, the efficacy of those vaccines is going to be affected. Our mutation will still breeze through communities if they open up again. I have seen it at my workplace with several people testing positive from the same department. We have three that have been off with illness since just before Christmas.

These mutations are game changers but so are the vaccines. I think it would be a big mistake for anything (maybe except schools) to open back up again until the numbers are very low and the majority of the population have been vaccinated. 

This was us compared to the rest of Europe in the summer. We have lost people's lives needlessly.


Ireland had a spike after Christmas. Don't see how it's relevant?

It's fairer to compare us to an island surely? Why does it matter that those I mentioned aren't in Europe. Their approach isn't hindered by their location. If anything they were in a weaker position than us as they were closer to the outbreak. Being in Europe didn't stop us from adopting their same approach. Being in Europe didn't determine our approach either. Our government did. And they failed, massively, and tragically. There's no defense. They had the information and chose capitalism over lives (and it's ended up costing both). 

What scientists did they use? The ones without Cummings sitting in the room, pushing for heard immunity, wrote to the government warning them. 


By fatigue, do you mean on the NHS as that's the only axiom I can see that was used. The government made covid decisions on what the NHS could handle. They were happy to let x amount of period die each week. They didn't pursue lowering that figure. The pursued managing that level of deaths.

How can you defend the first wave? There's no defense for our late lockdown or even worse not closing the borders and enforcing isolated. Worst of all a prime minister encouraging people to fight through it. People will die but keep calm and carry on. Even now every decision is too late, purposely too late as was the first one.

Surely schools should be last to reopen. They are a hotbed for spreading the virus. Why would you open them first?

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Everton are supporting a petition to make food a legal right. Damn shame that it even needs discussing but hopefully the government is forced into doing the right thing.


Liverpool council potentially doing it.


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21 hours ago, pete0 said:

This was us compared to the rest of Europe in the summer. We have lost people's lives needlessly.


Ireland had a spike after Christmas. Don't see how it's relevant?

It's fairer to compare us to an island surely? Why does it matter that those I mentioned aren't in Europe. Their approach isn't hindered by their location. If anything they were in a weaker position than us as they were closer to the outbreak. Being in Europe didn't stop us from adopting their same approach. Being in Europe didn't determine our approach either. Our government did. And they failed, massively, and tragically. There's no defense. They had the information and chose capitalism over lives (and it's ended up costing both). 

What scientists did they use? The ones without Cummings sitting in the room, pushing for heard immunity, wrote to the government warning them. 


By fatigue, do you mean on the NHS as that's the only axiom I can see that was used. The government made covid decisions on what the NHS could handle. They were happy to let x amount of period die each week. They didn't pursue lowering that figure. The pursued managing that level of deaths.

How can you defend the first wave? There's no defense for our late lockdown or even worse not closing the borders and enforcing isolated. Worst of all a prime minister encouraging people to fight through it. People will die but keep calm and carry on. Even now every decision is too late, purposely too late as was the first one.

Surely schools should be last to reopen. They are a hotbed for spreading the virus. Why would you open them first?

That tweet was from June? I don't see the relevance now?

London is one of the major transport hubs in the world. You can't compare the UK to ROI. You are losing all context, repeatedly. 

As I have said before, the evidence is Cummings wanted an earlier lockdown. The scientists are SAGE.

Again the first wave created a LOT of unknowns. No-one living in this country has had to deal with this outbreak before. Again I have quoted dates from WHO when they said there was no human to human transmission and that, not long before our lockdown, they didn't believe the virus could be spread by people who didn't have symptoms. The Government were enforcing isolation at that point. 

Schools are not a hot bed. Teachers are no more likely to get covid than any other worker. If the community has low transmission the schools are also likely to have low transmission. 

The longer schools are closed, the bigger the gap will be between the rich and the poor. All the posh kids will have the best schools and lessons via fancy kit and they too will have the technology. That isn't going to happen for poor kids. They have to be the first to go back, but only when community transmission is low. 

20 hours ago, pete0 said:

Everton are supporting a petition to make food a legal right. Damn shame that it even needs discussing but hopefully the government is forced into doing the right thing.


Liverpool council potentially doing it.


There is no way this will be successful. How on earth do you consider who requires this and who doesnt? 

The idea is wonderful but the practicality of it isn't. If a practical solution is to be found then it should be down to local councils anyway. 

4 hours ago, Romey 1878 said:

Oh and they also voted against blocking trade deals with countries that commit genocide.

Yes, you fucking read that right.


For me this is a headline grabber when it's actually more about the specifics of the amendment.

Why should the government have to wait for the High Court to determine whether a country is guilty of genocide before it can then end trade deals. I don't see why our Courts need to get involved. 

It is a matter for Parliament and how we as a country want to be portrayed to the world. With this government that remains to be seen.


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