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Sorry I know a few of you are quite possibly Scousers and I know he is arguably Liverpool's greatest son


but Paul McCartneys simply having a wonderful christmas time really fucks me off


Is this the same guy that gave us Eleanor Rigby?


By the way does any one who the Fab four supported Liverpool or Everton or even Tranmere

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That annoys the shit out of me too...but having a quick look to find out where it comes from found this interesting explanation...




.....don't know if that's fact but it sounds plausible.



Even if that were true you would think it would have stopped by now. It gets right under my skin!

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Beer bottles reducing in size.


They were always a standard 330ml but now they're 250, 275, 284, 285 or 300.


Got a couple of boxes of Kronenbourg (275ml) from Sainsbury's; forty bottles for £20....sounds like a bargain but a couple of sups and the damn things are emptyshaking%20fist.png .

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When your driving straight on at traffic lights and the weapon in the car next to your decides that his hatchback is now infact an artic lorry and cuts onto your side to turn a corner!!


Also when people just pull straight across you on the Mway no indicator and at a distance of around 4ft



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Girl's Facebook updates "OMG Luvvs my new man sooooo much" "Having the bestest time with my gawjus bloke" "CAN'T BELIEVE IT! GOES TO SHOW GUYS ARE JUST SELFISH PRICKS!!!" "Out with the gurrls tonight" "Didn't think I'd say this,,,,,but!!! My new man is the bestest, luvvvs him soooooooooo much"


People coughing on public transport without covering their mouth


The famous american joke "if it wasn't for us you'd be speaking german by now"


Thick people that say whatever's on their mind no matter how inane


The state of modern "rap"


George Lucas

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people who dont understand swimming pool etiquette, when there is clearly four lanes a fifth person can not just sort fo squeeze in the middle!

its awkward enough that we are all half naked, do not add the possiblity of contact into the situation!

Wife would agree with you on thatlaugh.png .


She comes out of the pool seething some mornings....surprised she's not hit anyonerofl.gif .


It's a six lane pool divided into three sections two lanes wide so people can do "laps" clockwise. There's slow, medium and fast sections and what I find funniest is the macho budgie smuggler wearing blokes who insist on going into the fast section even though they swim like a stone.

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