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I tried to say something, connection was lost, as was all my fucking work and I got damn irritated


Keep getting this 'saving post' shit where everything goes static, and I keep losing work, getting damn agitated now. The conditions outside are like Old Testament almost, so maybe that plays a part, or someone is up to something, or I'm just fucking stupid. Probably a bit of all those put together most likely. I give up with this.

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Back to school in a week or two Mr Paulo. The time will soon pass..


Teachers will become obselete in a few years, as will schools themselves, as all kids have to do now is look on a computer or Wikipedia even, for anything they wish to know. Too much time on fucking social networking pages too, so any education way as well go by the wayside..


All text speak now too, can't put together a damn coherent sentence..

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Back to school in a week or two Mr Paulo. The time will soon pass..


Teachers will become obselete in a few years, as will schools themselves, as all kids have to do now is look on a computer or Wikipedia even, for anything they wish to know. Too much time on fucking social networking pages too, so any education way as well go by the wayside..


All text speak now too, can't put together a damn coherent sentence..

Still need a teacher to help them understand the information.

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It's a sad state of affairs that, as a true statistic, most kids today don't know who the United Kingdom Prime Minister is (I could tell them that, but it would not be printable), don't know what a prime number is, still insist that the Titanic sinking was a made up event, think the London underground is a political movement, or unaware of what the official language of Mexico is, and so it goes on..


Every time, this time of year, schools closed for the holidays, I think to myself, "just knock them to the ground or close the fucking things, there's no hope of an education" (for some, let's not tar everyone with the same brush, I'll be fair)


That said, at least they're out the way (when they return), instead of running wild on the streets or in shopping malls and causing a general fucking nuisance.

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The thing about kids being stupid is a cliché and it really fucks me off. You only have the look at the success in GCSE/A-Levels to see that most kids out there are bright and want a future for themselves but the minority again make the masses look like idiots, for all there are people out there who don't know simple facts that vast majority do.


Oh, and hardly anyone uses text speak its once again a cliché that some idiots believe because that's how teenagers are displayed in the media. If you actually had a conversation with someone within the 13-19 age bracket you'd find that 99% of them talked easy to understand English like the rest of us.

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The thing about kids being stupid is a cliché and it really fucks me off. You only have the look at the success in GCSE/A-Levels to see that most kids out there are bright and want a future for themselves but the minority again make the masses look like idiots, for all there are people out there who don't know simple facts that vast majority do.


Oh, and hardly anyone uses text speak its once again a cliché that some idiots believe because that's how teenagers are displayed in the media. If you actually had a conversation with someone within the 13-19 age bracket you'd find that 99% of them talked easy to understand English like the rest of us.

The older generation need to take a huge look at themselves and the shit they have let the kids be influenced by growing up. Any parent who lets their children watch The only way is Essex should take responsibility if their child turns out to be a mouthy little cunt that follows the trend and dislikes thinking.

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No one said kids in general are stupid (should have maybe said, some kids in retrospect), you hear often enough about awards and honors handed out for school leavers and very good grades, but there is a minority that either don't want to learn, or are incapable of learning, that they choose not to. Yes, it's true that once you get to a certain age, you do see kids as trouble makers or up to no good, people may realize this themselves in future years, and a good deal of that has to do with a family upbringing as mentioned above. It's easier to go out and cause trouble to people than it is to take the time to get an education, but as again, we can only point this at a certain number. I know of some kids as young as 16, who really are well spoken and articulate, far beyond their early age, and it is a relief, more than a surprise, that you can converse with certain age groups and have a decent well mannered conversation. It's just that a fair number of kids today that you encounter, seem to be well educated in profanities or making a nuisance, but that's just an observation to be made from day to day. Poor manners or disrespect is another thing that I have no time for people of a certain age, but they just don't give a fuck, some of them.

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The country suffers massively from ...those who can't, teach. I stayed in halls where the majority of students were on the primary school teaching course and it now haunts me that most of them are teachers now. More than one of them couldn't comprehend the solar system, "Do we go round the moon and the Sun?" nearly all of them failed or got very low scores in maths and science but unlimited retakes of exams that covered limited depth of knowledge for each topic meant they'd all pass eventually.

I would have also been an example of this idiom. I only got a 2:2 and was accepted to do a secondary school teaching course, but I chose to go back and do a postgrad certificate instead.


No offense to C or any other teachers on this forum. I know there are some good ones, just there is an unbelievable amount that aren't.

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Got back tonight and found one of our neighboring properties had been broken into. Police are on the scene now, or were when I first returned. Someone said there had been some kids or however you want to classify it as, suspicious persons in the vicinity even, but they ran away from the scene. I included it here, because it just made me fucking angry, doesn't matter if it's not your own home, if it happens in such close proximity to where you are then it becomes an issue. Property was empty at the time, probably just opportunists. Maybe the Police won't catch whoever was responsible, but it's a reassurance there is now some law and order on the scene. Never have been able to abide fucking thieves or people out to do such things. Will become a bit more vigilant after this.

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One of our neighboring properties gets broken into, and people decide to talk about cats and possession of remote contols? No wonder the country is in the state it is. I had a serious issue and it gets rebuked and trivialized by this fucking nonsense.


I for one am with you DK, I hadn't seen your post until now but I don't think that your announcement should have been over-looked like it was. I for one will make a public stand with you as it's not right that people's homes are broken into and its even worse when people decide to talk about cats and remote controls when one of our fellow members is in a time of stress and anger.


Marco, Mike - you should be ashamed of yourselves. shaking fist.png

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One of our neighboring properties gets broken into, and people decide to talk about cats and possession of remote contols? No wonder the country is in the state it is. I had a serious issue and it gets rebuked and trivialized by this fucking nonsense.


Not pleased. Going to bed. dry.png


Wow....Can't believe I've just read that on a public forum...how dare people be so ignorant.









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